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Pause Vuforia to take a Screenshot on IOS

I would like to pause Vuforia to take a screenshot using the native camera on IOS. 

It's not possible to do this without stopping the camera used for Vuforia in Unity.


// stop vuforia

VuforiaBehaviour.Instance.enabled = false;

// start vuforia

VuforiaBehaviour.Instance.enabled = true;


// stop vuforia

CameraDevice.Instance.Stop(); CameraDevice.Instance.Deinit();

// start vuforia

CameraDevice.Instance.Init(CameraDevice.CameraDirection.CAMERA_DEFAULT); CameraDevice.Instance.Start();

Both above approaches work, but the App freezes for 2 seconds as the Camera is re-initialized. 

Is there an alternative approach that is faster? That is more PAUSE/RESTART than STOP/PLAY?




Hello emorling,

There is no way to pause the app in the way you are describing here.

Thanks I will try this for a screenshot, but in another use case I need to record a video. 


Is there anything else that can be done to pause "the race" for the camera?



Can you clarify what you mean by "the race" for the camera? If you need something else to access the camera before Vuforia is ready, I'd recommend delaying the initialization of Vuforia until you are ready to use it.
