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Rendering Shadow -- AORUS GO! and A Week A Project showcase

Hi guys,

I recently made this AORUS GO! AR app with Vuforia. It's now officially released by AORUS, you can try it out: https://www.facebook.com/AorusOfficial/videos/2315809721978193/

I've been working on this kind of AR since the beginning of this year. I made an AR project series called "A Week A Project", and focus on the feeling of mixing CG and reality. Such as this one: https://www.facebook.com/aweekaproject/videos/1850789935198518/

The shadow plays a key role in AR, It makes the whole scene feels realistic. But there is no simple way to render shadow in AR, so I've developed a "projector trick" to achieve this. The implementing detail is written in my blog: https://newyellowdev-en.blogspot.tw/2017/04/ar-light-and-shadow-with-projector.html


Fri, 12/22/2017 - 19:34

Tutorial  Unity  2017.3 and Vuforia 7.0  on Augmented and Virtual reality   ( Mixed Reality ) With shadows and how can be Change opacity ( Intensity ) Shadows


Tutorial video 
