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[solved]I could not convert a UI Text on Canvas into an interactive Buton

Hello, I could not understand why simple scenario works fine in one project and doesn't work in another project of the same version.

Unity version:5.4.3f1 expected result:I want to turn a 3D child of ImageTarget to left when a TextField on Canvas was Clicked

Object Orientation: Canvas-> PanelLeft->moveleftTXT Image_Target1->TruckParent->wr_asset1 method followed: 1).added a Button Component on moveleftTXT 2).Added an Empty GameObject into the Application and Named it as "AvatarControl1" 3).Added  a SCript with Same name on the above GameObject 4).Inside the start function of this Script I have initialized wr_asset1 into a variable avatar 5).a public function "MoveLeft" was added with a Debg.Log statement and rotate command 6).clicked the "+"  and opened new function params block 7).Kept Runtime only for First Param 8).Selected AvatarControl1 Gameobject for the Second Param 9).Selected AvatarControl1.MoveLeft  for the third Paarm Final Result:No DEbug for the attached AvatarControl1.MoveLeft function,but Debug.Log is fine inside the start function of AvatarControl1 Script.

P.S:All this is working fine in an old project. But failing in the current  Project


Wed, 05/30/2018 - 06:54

I stimply started  a new project and carefully built from the scrach following the same procedure.Viola!It is working as expected!I still don't know why It is not working earlier project!