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Text Recognition in Vuforia 6.2.9

I know, that Text Recognition is now deprecated with Vuforia 7.

But anyway it is wonderful feature that can help me a lot.


I am using integrated version of Vuforia 6.2.9, Unity 2017.2.0p1. And I would like to use Text Recognition.


So I downloaded legacy Unity Extension package 6.2.10 from https://developer.vuforia.com/vui/auth/login?url=/downloads/sdk%3Fd%3Dwindows-30-16-4815%26retU.

And I imported that package to my project. It also contains suitable prefabs for Text Recognition like TextRecognition and Word prefab.

But after impoting that package to my project I get this error:

error CS1704: An assembly with the same name `Vuforia.UnityExtensions' has already been imported. Consider removing one of the references or sign the assembly

C:/Program Files/Unity/Editor/Data/PlaybackEngines/VuforiaSupport/Managed/Runtime/Vuforia.UnityExtensions.dll (Location of the symbol related to previous error)

Assets/Vuforia/Scripts/Internal/Vuforia.UnityExtensions.dll (Location of the symbol related to previous error)


I undarstand, that problem is in using in using Vuforia twice, specially Vuforia.UnityExtensions.dll.

Therefore I deleted Vuforia.UnityExtensions.dll from Assets\Vuforia\Scripts\Internal. But than I get error like:

"The type or namespace name TextRecoAbstractBehaviour, BackgroundPlaneAbstractBehaviour and other could not be found."


It looks like TextRecoAbstractBehaviour, BackgroundPlaneAbstractBehaviour and other types are only in Assets\Vuforia\Scripts\Internal\Vuforia.UnityExtensions.dll (legacy package), not in C:\Program Files\Unity\Editor\Data\PlaybackEngines\VuforiaSupport\Managed\Android\Vuforia.UnityExtensions.dll, which is integrated with unity.


Can someone help me how to solve this problem?

Or is there any other way, how can I perform text recognition in Vuforia 6.2.9, Unity 2017.2.0p1?