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Trying to place objects behind an image target. Vuforia 10 + Unity 2020.3.16f1

Basically, I have a device sitting vertically with the image target on it. This device has some ports where I want the 3d objects to sit. When the image target gets detected, the virtual objects appears either on top of the image or little front of the image target. In the editor,I can only change x and y position. Any change in z axis do not gets reflected once the app is built on Hololens 2. Using Vuforia engine 10 and unity 2020.3.16f1. Any help, thanks!

In the attached, I am trying to placed the arrow right above where the green arrow is pointing. In unity, when I change/move the arrow behind the image target, it still appear near or on top of the image target, no matter how further back I place the arrow.


After playing around with width and height attribute of the image target, I was able to resolve the issue. Initially, I had my image target width and height set to 0.12, then I measured the image target size more accurately and bumped both the attribute to 0.15. Voilla! It worked.
