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Unable to start ObjectTracker. Your hardware may not support it.

I am currently using Unity 2018.4.1f1 and Vuforia version 8.1.11. and using windows 10.

I have just make a simple AR app that recognizes a marker and place an object on it. I have currently selected ios as platform. But because of no mac, i cant deploy it into ios, so i instead found out about unity remote 5 to test the app. but using unity remote 5, when i press the play button on the editor, it gives me the following error:

Unable to start ObjectTracker. Your hardware may not support it. UnityEngine.Debug:LogError(Object) Vuforia.VuforiaARController:StartAfterInitializationCompleted() Vuforia.VuforiaARController:UpdateState(Boolean, Boolean) Vuforia.DigitalEyewearARController:Update() System.Delegate:DynamicInvoke(Object[]) Vuforia.DelegateHelper:InvokeDelegate(Delegate, Object[]) Vuforia.DelegateHelper:InvokeWithExceptionHandling(Action) Vuforia.VuforiaBehaviour:Update()

i changed my platform to android, and downloaded the unity remote 5 app on android phone but still got the same error along with this warning:

Failed getting available Android API levels. Make sure your android sdk tools version is 25 or higher and you have internet connection. System.Threading.ThreadHelper:ThreadStart()

i twice checked my android sdk levels through android studio they are on api level 29, i also downloaded api level 25 but still the error persist.

in player settings my target architecture is x86 not ARMv7 but still it gives me the same error on both ios and android.

Kindly help me. 


I've run into this issue when trying to run in PlayMode without a USB camera. Can you try to run it in that configuration (i.e. run in PlayMode with a USB camera connected)? This is best recommendation for testing Unity apps without having to deploy to device.


Buenas tardes 


tengo el mismo problema, lo pudiste solucionar? ? 

Hi @Gusalo96,

Could you please let me know on which device you get this error? what is your setup?

Thank you.

Vuforia Engine Support
