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Unity 5.6 + Vufora 6.2.10 Script errors


When using Vuforia 6.2.10 with Unity Editor 5.6.0f3 on HoloLens this errors appear in Console:

Assets/Vuforia/Scripts/Internal/ComponentFactoryStarterBehaviour.cs(37,109): error CS0077: The `as' operator cannot be used with a non-nullable value type `Action'

Assets/Vuforia/Scripts/Internal/ComponentFactoryStarterBehaviour.cs(39,29): error CS0019: Operator `!=' cannot be applied to operands of type `Action' and `null'

Assets/Vuforia/Scripts/Internal/ComponentFactoryStarterBehaviour.cs(41,29): error CS0119: Expression denotes a `variable', where a `method group' was expected

I have did research about this issue but didn't succeed at all. I would be very grateful if you could help me fix this.
