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Unity Screen Space Canvas Sizing Incorrectly On ARCameras

After updating Unity to 2018.3 and Vuforia to 8.0.10, Unity's Screen Space Canvas doesn't size properly on the AR Cameras. I've tested them on normal cameras and they size perfectly for them. What appears to be happening is that the height of the screen space canvas appears to be inverted from the actual height. Closer to camera is taller, further away is smaller.

I've tried creating a new canvas after the scene is running, I've tried switching a canvas between the AR Camera and normal cameras with the exact same camera component setup (it's correct for normal cameras), and I've tried resizing the canvas.

Somehow, it appears that any camera controlled by Vuforia Behaviour is breaking my screen space Canvases.

I've attached screen shots of various configurations below.

If anyone else is having trouble with this, the only hack I've found that works is when I create a separate camera, make it cull everything and draw nothing, set all its values to match the AR Camera otherwise, and then use that for the screen space camera.


If you're using “Screen Space - Camera” and choosing the ARCamera, you should instead use “Screen Space - Overlay” to do Canvas UI work.

Please download our samples for best practices on Canvas UI for use with Vuforia: https://developer.vuforia.com/downloads/samples

You should never display UI using your game camera. This is a bad practice.

You should have a UI Camera and:

So, to be clear, with the most recent version of Vuforia, Screen Space - Camera is no longer supported? We have a very specific reason to use Camera instead of Overlay in this case and it's worked in every version of Vuforia before 8.0.10.
