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Unity + Vuforia + Swift + Metal = crash

Hi, we have to integrate Unity project with Vuforia in native application written in Swift. It has to use Metal - we have shaders which doesn't work with openGL ES 3 and plugin which doesn't work with OpenGL ES 2 so Metal is the only option.

I was able to integrate simple Unity project in our app without bigger problems, but when I tried to integrate project with Vuforia it is crashing in AddCreatedTexture() method:

UnityGfxDeviceWorker (32): EXC_BAD_ACCESS (code=1, address=0x1)

The only one solution I found is "disable Metal", but as I mentioned I can't do this.

Thanks in advance for any assistance

Vuforia 7.5.26 / Unity 2018.2.17


Hi Guru I am trying to do the same, no problem disabling metal but I got an error  saying vuforia doest not contain bitcode (using the same version of unity and vuforia) Do you mind sharing the steps you have made to integrate unity project with vuforia in a swift project. I have tried using t