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Upgrading issues, low performance


coming from vuforia 6.0 in unity 2017.1 upgrading to vuforia 7.x in unity 2017.3 was a pain in the ass.

Everything breaks, the upgrade guide was no help, and documentation is hard to be found. Now after half a day of rewriting part of my codebase, everything works again, at HALF the fps that I had before.

 Is Vuforia 7 that much slower/worse than vuforia 6? What could be causing this? I had to switch from the removed framemarker to an imagemarker, could that be it?

In addition functionality such as scaling the augmented image without actually scaling it it though the transform was simply removed, which just breaks my application.


Ok, apparently the new Vuforia defaults to 30fps which can simply be overwritten using targetFps.The scaling issue is also solved through a custom solution.