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Vuforia + Cardboard - Same Project different Scene


I'm working on an application which requires me to have a scene with Vuforia AR - simple image target, and a VR scene with the end target as google cardboard, the challenge for me is that the AR scene must work on a handheld device and not to be used on a cardboard and the VR scene is to be used on a cardboard. is this natively possible in unity ?

Scene 1 - Vuforia AR with Image Target ( Handheld Function )

Scene 2  - Cardboard VR ( Cardboard HMD )

what are the different ways i can go about this ?

Hello Epiczzor,

I believe what you are wanting to do is similar to our AR/VR sample. This document describes how to set that project up with Google VR and Cardboard: https://library.vuforia.com/articles/Solution/Integrating-Cardboard-to-the-ARVR-Sample


Thanks a lot, i will revert as soon as i try this out


I got an error while building - Unable to merge android manifests. See Console for more details

in the console - Main AndroidManifest.xml at AndroidManifest-main.xml manifest:package attribute is not declared