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Vuforia.CameraDevice - Name of Cam?


For my further development I must know a name of camera which Vuforia uses for AR Camera. I found settings in Vuforia Configuration where I can select webcam (look attached image) but...

I need to get CameraDevice's name via script. What can I do?

Thanks in advance.


The name of your specific webcam model (as enumerated by Vuforia) is actually in the warning message: 'HP HD Camera'


Vuforia Engine Support



The name of your specific webcam model (as enumerated by Vuforia) is actually in the warning message: 'HP HD Camera'


Vuforia Engine Support


LOL, funny. xD

I suppose there's no solution for this task. Cuz I still can't search for any information how to change webcam in VuforiaConfig via script. There's only instructions how to change camera's direction for smartphones in the Internet.

WebCamDevice[] devices = WebCamTexture.devices;
        for (int i = 0; i < devices.Length; i++)

Unity have his own solutions