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Vuforia.Runtime doesn't contain a definition for "InitializationState"

I'm in Unity 2018.1.0f2 and have the latest version of Vuforia Core Kit.

Right from the get-go after downloading Vuforia Core Kit from the Asset Store I get this error:

Assets/SamplesResources/VuforiaSamplesUI/Scripts/SamplesAboutScreenInfo.cs(77,58): error CS1061: Type `Vuforia.VuforiaRuntime' does not contain a definition for `InitializationState' and no extension method `InitializationState' of type `Vuforia.VuforiaRuntime' could be found. Are you missing an assembly reference?

I was able to solve the error by editing the code to fit the Vuforia.Runtime simplified definition.

The original code:

string vuforia = Vuforia.VuforiaRuntime.Instance.InitializationState != Vuforia.VuforiaRuntime.InitState.NOT_INITIALIZED                                 ? "<color=green>Yes</color>"                                 : "<color=red>No (enable Vuforia in XR Settings)</color>";

Modified code:

string vuforia = Vuforia.VuforiaRuntime.Instance.HasInitialized != !Vuforia.VuforiaRuntime.Instance.HasInitialized                                 ? "<color=green>Yes</color>"                                 : "<color=red>No (enable Vuforia in XR Settings)</color>";

I think this fixed it but I'm not certain, but it seems like it could be something like this depending how Vuforia.Runtime is setup now.

