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VuMark generation in Unity

I would like to transfer one byte of information from one phone to another using Vuforias VuMark in Unity. How can I code that byte of information in my VuMark while the app is running. What I'm trying to do is avoid using keyboard in my multiplayer game. Player that created the game server would display the last 8 bits of IP coded in the VuMark that the 2nd player would read with his camera and connect to that IP.

Thank you :D

Hi, I'm interested in this too. I'm able to generate a random VuMark on my own, I just couldn't find anywhere what encoding algorithm you use for coloring the VuMark data cells.

I have the same question : I want to know how we can encode Vumarks and generate their respective Image directly from the Unity App without passing by Vuforia website.


Vuforia offers an API for the dynamic generation of VuMark instances from an existing template:
