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CylinderTargetObserver.h File Reference

Observer for the Cylinder Target feature. More...


struct  VuCylinderTargetConfig
 Configuration for creating a Cylinder Target observer. More...
struct  VuCylinderTargetObservationTargetInfo
 Target info for a Cylinder Target from its respective observation. More...


enum  VuCylinderTargetCreationError : int32_t {
 Configuration error for Cylinder Target creation. More...
enum  VuCylinderTargetObservationStatusInfo : int32_t {
 Status info for the pose of Cylinder Target observations. More...


VuCylinderTargetConfig vuCylinderTargetConfigDefault ()
 Default Cylinder Target configuration.
VuResult vuEngineCreateCylinderTargetObserver (VuEngine *engine, VuObserver **observer, const VuCylinderTargetConfig *config, VuCylinderTargetCreationError *errorCode)
 Create a Cylinder Target observer from a database.
VuResult vuEngineGetCylinderTargetObservers (const VuEngine *engine, VuObserverList *observerList)
 Get all Cylinder Target observers.
VuResult vuCylinderTargetObserverGetTargetUniqueId (const VuObserver *observer, const char **targetId)
 Get the unique ID associated to the target from a Cylinder Target observer.
VuResult vuCylinderTargetObserverGetTargetName (const VuObserver *observer, const char **targetName)
 Get the name associated to the target from a Cylinder Target observer.
VuResult vuCylinderTargetObserverGetTargetSideLength (const VuObserver *observer, float *sideLength)
 Get the side length in meters associated to the target from a Cylinder Target observer.
VuResult vuCylinderTargetObserverSetTargetSideLength (VuObserver *observer, float sideLength)
 Set the side length in meters associated to the target from a Cylinder Target observer.
VuResult vuCylinderTargetObserverGetTargetTopDiameter (const VuObserver *observer, float *topDiameter)
 Get the top diameter in meters associated to the target from a Cylinder Target observer.
VuResult vuCylinderTargetObserverSetTargetTopDiameter (VuObserver *observer, float topDiameter)
 Set the top diameter in meters associated to the target from a Cylinder Target observer.
VuResult vuCylinderTargetObserverGetTargetBottomDiameter (const VuObserver *observer, float *bottomDiameter)
 Get the bottom diameter in meters associated to the target from a Cylinder Target observer.
VuResult vuCylinderTargetObserverSetTargetBottomDiameter (VuObserver *observer, float bottomDiameter)
 Set the bottom diameter in meters associated to the target from a Cylinder Target observer.
VuResult vuCylinderTargetObserverGetAABB (const VuObserver *observer, VuAABB *bbox)
 Get the axis-aligned bounding box associated to the target from a Cylinder Target observer, relative to the target's frame of reference.
VuResult vuCylinderTargetObserverGetTargetPoseOffset (const VuObserver *observer, VuMatrix44F *poseOffset)
 Get the pose transformation offset associated to the target from a Cylinder Target observer.
VuResult vuCylinderTargetObserverSetTargetPoseOffset (VuObserver *observer, const VuMatrix44F *poseOffset)
 Set the pose transformation offset associated to the target from a Cylinder Target observer.
VuResult vuCylinderTargetObserverSetTrackingOptimization (VuObserver *observer, VuTrackingOptimization optimization)
 Set the tracking optimization of the target associated to the Cylinder Target observer.
VuResult vuCylinderTargetObserverGetTrackingOptimization (const VuObserver *observer, VuTrackingOptimization *optimization)
 Get the tracking optimization of the target associated to the Cylinder Target observer.
VuResult vuStateGetCylinderTargetObservations (const VuState *state, VuObservationList *observationList)
 Get all Cylinder Target observations.
VuResult vuCylinderTargetObservationGetStatusInfo (const VuObservation *observation, VuCylinderTargetObservationStatusInfo *statusInfo)
 Get status info associated to the pose status of a Cylinder Target observation.
VuResult vuCylinderTargetObservationGetTargetInfo (const VuObservation *observation, VuCylinderTargetObservationTargetInfo *targetInfo)
 Get target info associated with a Cylinder Target observation.

Detailed Description

Observer for the Cylinder Target feature.