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ErrorHandlerConfig.h File Reference

Configuration for handling errors that impact the Engine lifecycle and occur asynchronously after the Engine instance has been created. More...


struct  VuErrorHandlerConfig
 Data structure to configure the handling of Engine lifecycle-related errors via a callback after the Engine instance has been created. More...
enum  VuEngineError : int32_t {
 Error codes for Engine lifecycle-related errors reported via the VuErrorHandler error handler function. More...
typedef void VuErrorHandler(VuEngineError errorCode, void *clientData)
 Handler function type to report an Engine lifecycle-related error asynchronously.
VuErrorHandlerConfig vuErrorHandlerConfigDefault ()
 Default error handler configuration.
VuResult vuEngineConfigSetAddErrorHandlerConfig (VuEngineConfigSet *configSet, const VuErrorHandlerConfig *config)
 Add error handler configuration to the engine configuration to handle errors that impact the Engine lifecycle and occur asynchronously after the Engine instance has been created.

Detailed Description

Configuration for handling errors that impact the Engine lifecycle and occur asynchronously after the Engine instance has been created.