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RenderController.h File Reference

Controller to access rendering-specific functionality in the Vuforia Engine. More...


struct  VuRenderViewConfig
 configure the current view More...
struct  VuVideoBackgroundViewInfo
 Video background view information. More...
struct  VuRenderVideoBackgroundData
 Video background texture input. More...


VuResult vuEngineGetRenderController (const VuEngine *engine, VuController **controller)
 Retrieve Render Controller to get access to rendering-specific functionality in Engine.
VuResult vuRenderControllerSetRenderViewConfig (VuController *controller, const VuRenderViewConfig *renderViewConfig)
 Set the current render view configuration.
VuResult vuRenderControllerGetRenderViewConfig (const VuController *controller, VuRenderViewConfig *renderViewConfig)
 Get the current render view configuration.
VuResult vuRenderControllerGetVideoBackgroundViewport (const VuController *controller, VuVector4I *vbViewport)
 Get the video background viewport.
VuResult vuRenderControllerSetVideoBackgroundViewport (VuController *controller, const VuVector4I *vbViewport)
 Configure a custom video background viewport (its location/size on screen)
VuResult vuRenderControllerSetVideoBackgroundViewportMode (VuController *controller, VuVideoBackgroundViewportMode vbMode)
 Configure the video background viewport mode.
VuResult vuRenderControllerGetVideoBackgroundViewInfo (const VuController *controller, VuVideoBackgroundViewInfo *viewInfo)
 Get video background view information for rendering view background.
VuResult vuRenderControllerUpdateVideoBackgroundTexture (VuController *controller, const VuState *state, const VuRenderVideoBackgroundData *renderVBData)
 Update the texture data to use for rendering the video background.
VuResult vuRenderControllerSetProjectionMatrixNearFar (VuController *controller, float nearPlane, float farPlane)
 Set the values for the near and far plane used by Engine for calculating the projection matrix.
VuResult vuRenderControllerGetProjectionMatrixNearFar (const VuController *controller, float *nearPlane, float *farPlane)
 Get the values of the near and far planes currently used by Engine for calculating the projection matrix.

Detailed Description

Controller to access rendering-specific functionality in the Vuforia Engine.