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CameraDevice Class Reference

Represents the physical camera used to capture the real world. More...


class  HoloLensDevice
 HoloLens specific camera functionality. More...
class  WebCamDevice
 WebCam specific camera functionality. More...

Public Member Functions

Vector2 GetCameraFieldOfViewRads ()
 Get the field of view for the active camera. This is a Vector2 containing the x- and y- components of the FOV in radians. If the value cannot be obtained for some reason, then will be returned.
Image GetCameraImage (PixelFormat format)
 Returns a camera image from the current Vuforia State for the requested format. Returns null if this image is not available. You must call SetFrameFormat before accessing the corresponding camera image.
Intrinsics GetCameraIntrinsics ()
 Returns the camera intrinsics from the current Vuforia State.
CameraRegionOfInterest GetExposureRegion ()
 Get the region of interest currently active for auto-exposure.
CameraRegionOfInterest GetFocusRegion ()
 Get the region of interest currently active for auto-focus.
int GetRecommendedFPS ()
 Returns the current framerate of the camera, which is what's recommended as the framerate cap of the application in most cases.
Rect GetVideoBackgroundRectInViewPort ()
 The area in the viewport that is covered by the video background.
VideoModeData GetVideoMode ()
 Get the video mode data that matches the selected CameraMode.
VideoModeData GetVideoMode (CameraMode mode)
 Get the video mode data that matches the given CameraMode.
bool IsExposureModeSupported (ExposureMode exposureMode)
 Check if setting a specific exposure mode is supported on the current device.
bool IsFlashSupported ()
 Check if flash is supported on the current device.
bool IsFocusModeSupported (FocusMode focusMode)
 Check if setting a specific focus mode is supported on the current device.
bool SetCameraMode (CameraMode mode)
 Set the current camera mode which which preferences either quality or speed This can only be called before starting Vuforia, otherwise returns false.
bool SetExposureMode (ExposureMode exposureMode)
 Set the active exposure mode. Returns false if this mode is not available or can't be activated.
bool SetExposureRegion (CameraRegionOfInterest regionOfInterest)
 Set the active region of interest for auto-exposure.
bool SetFlash (bool on)
 Activate or deactivate the camera device flash. Returns false if flash is not available or can't be activated.
bool SetFocusMode (FocusMode focusMode)
 Set the active focus mode. Returns false if this mode is not available or can't be activated.
bool SetFocusRegion (CameraRegionOfInterest regionOfInterest)
 Set the active region of interest for auto-focus.
bool SetFrameFormat (PixelFormat format, bool enabled)
 Enables or disables the request of the camera image in the desired pixel format. Returns true on success, false otherwise. Note that this may result in processing overhead. Image is accessed using GetCameraImage. Note that there may be a delay of several frames until the camera image becomes available.


CameraMode CameraMode [get]
 Get the current camera mode which which preferences either quality or speed.
ExposureMode ExposureMode [get]
 Get the current exposure mode of the camera, e.g. automatic or continuous.
bool ExposureRegionSupported [get]
 Check if setting an exposure region is supported on the current device.
bool Flash [get]
 Get camera device flash state.
FocusMode FocusMode [get]
 Get the current focus mode of the camera, e.g. manual or automatic Must be called after Engine has been started.
bool FocusRegionSupported [get]
 Check if setting a focus region is supported on the current device.
HoloLensDevice HoloLens [get]
 Hololens specific camera functionality.
bool IsActive [get]
 Returns whether the camera is currently capturing.
WebCamDevice WebCam [get]
 Webcam specific functionality.

Detailed Description

Represents the physical camera used to capture the real world.

Most functionality is not accessible until Vuforia has initialized completely. This can be checked by a call to VuforiaBehaviour.Instance.IsInitialized

Member Function Documentation

◆ GetCameraFieldOfViewRads()

Vector2 GetCameraFieldOfViewRads ( )

Get the field of view for the active camera. This is a Vector2 containing the x- and y- components of the FOV in radians. If the value cannot be obtained for some reason, then will be returned.

◆ GetCameraImage()

Image GetCameraImage ( PixelFormat format)

Returns a camera image from the current Vuforia State for the requested format. Returns null if this image is not available. You must call SetFrameFormat before accessing the corresponding camera image.

◆ GetCameraIntrinsics()

Intrinsics GetCameraIntrinsics ( )

Returns the camera intrinsics from the current Vuforia State.

The camera intrinsics

◆ GetExposureRegion()

CameraRegionOfInterest GetExposureRegion ( )

Get the region of interest currently active for auto-exposure.

◆ GetFocusRegion()

CameraRegionOfInterest GetFocusRegion ( )

Get the region of interest currently active for auto-focus.

◆ GetRecommendedFPS()

int GetRecommendedFPS ( )

Returns the current framerate of the camera, which is what's recommended as the framerate cap of the application in most cases.

◆ GetVideoBackgroundRectInViewPort()

Rect GetVideoBackgroundRectInViewPort ( )

The area in the viewport that is covered by the video background.

◆ GetVideoMode() [1/2]

VideoModeData GetVideoMode ( )

Get the video mode data that matches the selected CameraMode.

◆ GetVideoMode() [2/2]

VideoModeData GetVideoMode ( CameraMode mode)

Get the video mode data that matches the given CameraMode.

◆ IsExposureModeSupported()

bool IsExposureModeSupported ( ExposureMode exposureMode)

Check if setting a specific exposure mode is supported on the current device.

exposureModeThe exposure mode to be checked for support

◆ IsFlashSupported()

bool IsFlashSupported ( )

Check if flash is supported on the current device.

◆ IsFocusModeSupported()

bool IsFocusModeSupported ( FocusMode focusMode)

Check if setting a specific focus mode is supported on the current device.

focusModeThe focus mode to be checked for support

◆ SetCameraMode()

bool SetCameraMode ( CameraMode mode)

Set the current camera mode which which preferences either quality or speed This can only be called before starting Vuforia, otherwise returns false.

◆ SetExposureMode()

bool SetExposureMode ( ExposureMode exposureMode)

Set the active exposure mode. Returns false if this mode is not available or can't be activated.

exposureModeThe mode of the setting

◆ SetExposureRegion()

bool SetExposureRegion ( CameraRegionOfInterest regionOfInterest)

Set the active region of interest for auto-exposure.

regionOfInterestThe region of interest to be set for exposure

◆ SetFlash()

bool SetFlash ( bool on)

Activate or deactivate the camera device flash. Returns false if flash is not available or can't be activated.

◆ SetFocusMode()

bool SetFocusMode ( FocusMode focusMode)

Set the active focus mode. Returns false if this mode is not available or can't be activated.

focusModeThe mode of the setting

◆ SetFocusRegion()

bool SetFocusRegion ( CameraRegionOfInterest regionOfInterest)

Set the active region of interest for auto-focus.

regionOfInterestThe region of interest to be set for focus

◆ SetFrameFormat()

bool SetFrameFormat ( PixelFormat format,
bool enabled )

Enables or disables the request of the camera image in the desired pixel format. Returns true on success, false otherwise. Note that this may result in processing overhead. Image is accessed using GetCameraImage. Note that there may be a delay of several frames until the camera image becomes available.

Property Documentation

◆ CameraMode

Get the current camera mode which which preferences either quality or speed.

◆ ExposureMode

Get the current exposure mode of the camera, e.g. automatic or continuous.

◆ ExposureRegionSupported

bool ExposureRegionSupported

Check if setting an exposure region is supported on the current device.

◆ Flash

bool Flash

Get camera device flash state.

◆ FocusMode

Get the current focus mode of the camera, e.g. manual or automatic Must be called after Engine has been started.

◆ FocusRegionSupported

bool FocusRegionSupported

Check if setting a focus region is supported on the current device.

◆ HoloLens

HoloLensDevice HoloLens

Hololens specific camera functionality.

◆ IsActive

bool IsActive

Returns whether the camera is currently capturing.

◆ WebCam

WebCamDevice WebCam

Webcam specific functionality.