This page contains an overview of the pre-configured shader visual effects available in the Vuforia VFX Library. Each visual listed below is available in a sample scene and as a Prefab component that is ready for you to add to your own Vuforia targets.
Get the VFX assets from the Unity Asset Store here. See Vuforia VFX Library for a general introduction and setup guide.
Page Content list
Model Targets
Area Targets
Ground Plane
Radial effect
The VFX_Contour_radial_scan prefab highlights the object in a radial expansion from a single point of origin. Use this effect on, for example, larger objects where a point of interest may be hard to locate. Or use the center of the camera viewpoint as the origin of the radial effect.
Lightwave effect
The VFX_Lightwave_scan_object recognition effect uses radial waves to render a distorted mosaic effect that travels from an origin point and over the surface of the object. You could use this effect with the loop enabled on multiple Model Targets to indicate tools and parts that a worker should pick next
Phantom effect
The VFX_Phantom_axial_scan prefab uses the axial scan effect but also applies a blue tint on the surface of the object. This effect could be used to indicate to users an item that can be interacted with. The phantom is further demonstrated in variations with the prefabs VFX_Phantom_radial_scan and VFX_Phantom_orange_fade_in.
X-Ray effect
The VFX_Xray_axial_scan uses a transparent material to create a translucent view of the object revealing its structure and internal parts. Use this effect for instructive scenarios where users inspect complex objects. Variations of the X-Ray are available as prefabs with the names: VFX_Xray_radial_scan, VFX_Xray_white_fade_from_opague, and VFX_Xray_white_fade_in.
Full Volume effect
The VFX_Volume_texture creates the simulation effect of, for example, a thermal view, wind resistance, conductivity, etc. Its applications are many and it is made by just creating a material with color schemes based on an accurate simulation.
Multiple VFX effects
Go even further and combine the VFX Prefabs for an immersive and interactive experience with the Object. The scene MT-Multi_VFX_Pump demonstrates the combined use of the contour, X-ray, and look-inside effects. These serve to highlight the object, highlight its inner machinery, and look inside the object for an inspection of inner parts.
Area Target Scenes and Configurations
Axial effect
Use the VFX_Contour_scan_area to highlight a whole environment. The effect originates from the user’s position and travels through the surfaces of the Area Target lighting the space up in a specified color. It is ideal for initiating an AR experience when the moment of detection occurs or use it to identify between multiple Area Targets.
Lightwave effect
The VFX_Lightwave_scan_area originates from the user’s position and travels through the space like a wave running over everything that the Area Target’s mesh includes. Use it in scenarios that require an impressive effect that captures the attention of the user.
Minimap component
The scene Minimap demonstrates how you can set up a navigational UI to help users navigate to points of interest (POI) in large spaces. See the VFX Library Mini-map for Area Targets on how to implement it in your own project.