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Error when compiling

Hello, I'm giving a try to the Qualcomm SDK :) I've followed every step and now have the two projects : Shared and ImageTargets on my Eclipse, there is no error, but when I try to launch the app on my Nexus One (2.2), I have a force close with this : 10-09 23:46:46.981: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(1815): java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: getOpenGlEsVersionNative 10-09 23:46:46.981: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(1815): at com.qualcomm.QCARSamples.ImageTargets.ImageTargets.getOpenGlEsVersionNative(Native Method) 10-09 23:46:46.981: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(1815): at com.qualcomm.QCARSamples.ImageTargets.ImageTargets.getInitializationFlags(ImageTargets.java:79) 10-09 23:46:46.981: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(1815): at com.qualcomm.QCARSamples.Shared.QCARSampleActivity.onCreate(QCARSampleActivity.java:214) 10-09 23:46:46.981: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(1815): at com.qualcomm.QCARSamples.ImageTargets.ImageTargets.onCreate(ImageTargets.java:50) And if I try with another project (VirtualButtons) I have : 10-09 23:40:55.071: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(1747): java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: onResume 10-09 23:40:55.071: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(1747): at com.qualcomm.QCAR.QCAR.onResume(Native Method) 10-09 23:40:55.071: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(1747): at com.qualcomm.QCARSamples.Shared.QCARSampleActivity.onResume(QCARSampleActivity.java:233) Can someone help me with that ?

UnsatisfiedLinkErrors are caused by a missing native function. In this case, you are probably missing the entire shared library (.so file). Make sure that you run "ndk-build" in each of the sample project directories, including the Shared directory.

Thanks for the answer ! In fact, libQCAR.so was not copied onto the Shared folder even if I had the message : =============================================================== QCAR-SDK: libQCAR.so succesfully copied into build directories! =============================================================

That's correct, on Mac and Linux you will need to copy the libQCAR.so files by hand (or write a shell script to replace the .bat file).

Okay thanks ! That wasn't written on the Dev Guide, that's why ^^ By the way, great SDK, really good work !