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Engine.h File Reference

Data structures, data types, constants and functions related to the configuration and lifecycle management of core Engine objects. More...


struct  VuLibraryVersionInfo
 Vuforia Engine library version information. More...
struct  VuPoseInfo
 Pose-related information for an observation instance. More...
struct  VuRenderState
 Vuforia Render State. More...


typedef struct VuEngineConfigSet_ VuEngineConfigSet
 Vuforia EngineConfig handle.
typedef struct VuEngine_ VuEngine
 Vuforia Engine handle.
typedef struct VuObserver_ VuObserver
 Vuforia Observer handle.
typedef int32_t VuObserverType
 Observer type.
typedef struct VuObserverList_ VuObserverList
 Vuforia ObserverList handle.
typedef struct VuObservation_ VuObservation
 Vuforia Observation handle.
typedef int32_t VuObservationType
 Observation type.
typedef struct VuObservationList_ VuObservationList
 Vuforia ObservationList handle.
typedef struct VuState_ VuState
 Vuforia State handle.
typedef void VuStateHandler(const VuState *state, void *clientData)
 Vuforia State handler function type.
typedef struct VuCameraFrame_ VuCameraFrame
 Vuforia Camera Frame.
typedef struct VuDepthFrame_ VuDepthFrame
 Vuforia Depth Frame.


enum  VuEngineCreationError : int32_t {
 Vuforia Engine instance creation error codes. More...
enum  VuTrackingOptimization : int32_t {
 Tracking optimization types. More...
enum  VuObservationPoseStatus : int32_t {
 The pose status of an observation. More...


VuResult vuEngineConfigSetCreate (VuEngineConfigSet **configSet)
 Create a container to hold a list of EngineConfig configuration data.
VuResult vuEngineConfigSetDestroy (VuEngineConfigSet *configSet)
 Destroy a container holding a list of EngineConfig configuration data.
VuResult vuEngineConfigSetGetSize (const VuEngineConfigSet *configSet, int32_t *setSize)
 Return the number of elements in the list of EngineConfig configuration data in a container.
VuResult vuEngineCreate (VuEngine **engine, const VuEngineConfigSet *configSet, VuErrorCode *errorCode)
 Create a Vuforia Engine instance.
VuResult vuEngineDestroy (VuEngine *engine)
 Destroy a Vuforia Engine instance.
VuResult vuEngineStart (VuEngine *engine)
 Start a Vuforia Engine instance.
VuResult vuEngineStop (VuEngine *engine)
 Stop a Vuforia Engine instance.
VuBool vuEngineIsRunning (const VuEngine *engine)
 Return VU_TRUE if the given Vuforia Engine instance has been started.
VuLibraryVersionInfo vuEngineGetLibraryVersionInfo ()
 Get the Vuforia Engine library version information.
int32_t vuObserverGetId (const VuObserver *observer)
 Get a unique ID associated with an observer.
VuResult vuObserverGetType (const VuObserver *observer, VuObserverType *observerType)
 Get the type of an observer.
VuBool vuObserverIsType (const VuObserver *observer, VuObserverType observerType)
 Check the type of an observer.
VuResult vuObserverListCreate (VuObserverList **list)
 Create an observer list.
VuResult vuObserverListGetSize (const VuObserverList *list, int32_t *listSize)
 Get number of elements in an observer list.
VuResult vuObserverListGetElement (const VuObserverList *list, int32_t element, VuObserver **observer)
 Get an element in an observer list.
VuResult vuObserverListDestroy (VuObserverList *list)
 Destroy an observer list.
VuResult vuEngineGetObserver (const VuEngine *engine, int32_t observerId, VuObserver **observer)
 Get an observer from Vuforia Engine using its unique ID.
VuResult vuEngineGetObservers (const VuEngine *engine, VuObserverList *observerList)
 Get all observers from Vuforia Engine.
VuResult vuObserverDestroy (VuObserver *observer)
 Destroy an observer.
VuResult vuObserversDestroy (VuObserverList *observerList)
 Destroy multiple observers.
VuResult vuEngineDestroyObservers (VuEngine *engine)
 Destroy all observers in Vuforia Engine.
VuResult vuObserverActivate (VuObserver *observer)
 Activate an observer.
VuResult vuObserverDeactivate (VuObserver *observer)
 Deactivate an observer.
VuBool vuObserverIsActivated (const VuObserver *observer)
 Check whether an observer is activated.
VuResult vuObservationGetType (const VuObservation *observation, VuObservationType *observationType)
 Get the type of an observation.
VuBool vuObservationIsType (const VuObservation *observation, VuObservationType observationType)
 Check the type of an observation.
int32_t vuObservationGetObserverId (const VuObservation *observation)
 Get ID of the observer which has created given observation.
VuBool vuObservationHasPoseInfo (const VuObservation *observation)
 Check whether an observation contains pose information.
VuResult vuObservationGetPoseInfo (const VuObservation *observation, VuPoseInfo *poseInfo)
 Get pose information associated to an observation.
VuResult vuObservationListCreate (VuObservationList **list)
 Create an observation list.
VuResult vuObservationListGetSize (const VuObservationList *list, int32_t *listSize)
 Get number of elements in an observation list.
VuResult vuObservationListGetElement (const VuObservationList *list, int32_t element, VuObservation **observation)
 Get an element in an observation list.
VuResult vuObservationListDestroy (VuObservationList *list)
 Destroy an observation list.
VuResult vuEngineAcquireLatestState (const VuEngine *engine, VuState **state)
 Return new state from Vuforia Engine (make sure to call release if you use this function)
VuResult vuStateRelease (VuState *state)
 Release the given state.
VuResult vuStateAcquireReference (const VuState *state, VuState **stateOut)
 Acquire a new reference to the given state.
VuResult vuEngineRegisterStateHandler (VuEngine *engine, VuStateHandler *handler, void *clientData)
 Register a state handler to get Vuforia State updates.
VuResult vuStateGetObservations (const VuState *state, VuObservationList *list)
 Get a list of observations from the state.
VuResult vuStateGetObservationsWithPoseInfo (const VuState *state, VuObservationList *list)
 Get all observations from the Vuforia State that contain pose information.
VuResult vuStateGetObservationsByObserver (const VuState *state, const VuObserver *observer, VuObservationList *list)
 Get all observations from the state associated to a given observer.
VuResult vuStateGetCameraIntrinsics (const VuState *state, VuCameraIntrinsics *cameraIntrinsics)
 Get the camera intrinsics from the state.
VuBool vuStateHasCameraFrame (const VuState *state)
 Return true if the state contains camera frame data.
VuResult vuStateGetCameraFrame (const VuState *state, VuCameraFrame **cameraFrame)
 Get the camera frame from the state.
VuResult vuCameraFrameGetIndex (const VuCameraFrame *cameraFrame, int64_t *index)
 Get index from a camera frame.
VuResult vuCameraFrameGetTimestamp (const VuCameraFrame *cameraFrame, int64_t *timestamp)
 Get timestamp from a camera frame.
VuResult vuCameraFrameGetImages (const VuCameraFrame *cameraFrame, VuImageList *list)
 Get camera image list from a camera frame.
VuBool vuStateHasDefaultDepthFrame (const VuState *state)
 Return VU_TRUE if the state contains a depth frame of the type Vuforia Engine uses by default on this device.
VuResult vuStateGetDefaultDepthFrame (const VuState *state, VuDepthFrame **depthFrame)
 Get the default depth frame (as used by Vuforia Engine) from the state.
VuResult vuDepthFrameGetDepthMap (const VuDepthFrame *depthFrame, VuImage **depthMap)
 Get the depth map image from the depth frame.
VuResult vuDepthFrameGetConfidenceMap (const VuDepthFrame *depthFrame, VuImage **confidenceMap)
 Get the confidence map image from the depth frame.
VuResult vuStateGetRenderState (const VuState *state, VuRenderState *renderState)
 Get the render state from the Vuforia state.

Detailed Description

Data structures, data types, constants and functions related to the configuration and lifecycle management of core Engine objects.