Objects interacting with ImageTarget Model Question

Hey Everyone, question. How would I be able to have a 3D object I have attached to the AR camera interact with a 3D object projected into the real world via the image target?

For example, I have a gun attached to the AR Camera and when it sends projectiles I want them to ricochet off the 3D object generated by the image target. Any help will be appreciated, thank you!!

Ar content on static videos.

Hello guys , i wish you all doing great.


Actually i'm trying to do something different , and i wanted to know how can i do it.

So , here is the thing ; vuforia let us create real time ar apps which is great , now i want to create a platform that will add ar content on a static video which is mp4 or ... and then it will export another video that is now contain ex video + ar content.

How can i  do something like that?



Triangle homography

Hi. I solve the triangle homography linear equation. And can get the triangle position and rotation by the projection on plane and perimeter of triangle.

But i don't solve lens distortion yet.

You can send me a message if you need.


Object Persistence and World Sharing


As a developer, I would like be able to save environments so that the environments can be shared with other devices.  This would allow users to place objects in the world, save the world, then load that world on another device so the world can be modified on multiple devices, preferably at the same time.

Does the existing SDK expose the world data so it can be saved?  If this not currently possible, is it on the roadmap?

Thank you

How to overlay 3D models on top of real buildings using Augmented Reality with Unity and Vuforia?

Hi guys! I am just starting to learn Unity and Vuforia and am stuck at a problem since a few days now. What I am trying to develop an app using the aforementioned technologies, that overlays buildings in real life, with their own full scale 3D models. Let me clarify - So for the purpose of historical preservation of monuments, my thesis proposes that we enable users to view the monuments how they used to look during the historical times, using AR so that we the users look at the buildings through their phones, what they see is a 3D model covering the whole building. The user should be able to walk around in that 3D model and the position of the model should remain static relative to the user all this time. Something like the image below -  https://imgur.com/a/ObI5dzo

I already have the full scale 3D model of the environment(group of buildings) that I would like to use in this project. Also, I would prefer to use vuforia for this but if it is completely impossible in vuforia then I'm open to using arcore as well. I have tried several things to achieve this as explained below -

**Vuforia model target generator** - I tried to use this technique but to be able to successfully generate a model target we need to have a high quality model of the object with clearly defines edges. But the model I have is low poly and the edges are more organic and soft rather than clearly defined. Hence when I implemented this technique in my project the target was not detected and no model showed up. Is there any way to use low quality models with model target generator?

**Markers in vuforia with extended tracking** - I have tried using the marker with extended tracking, but it fails when the user turns around. Is there a way to use several markers to generate the same ar content, in order to make it seamless so that the camera can detect a different marker if it loses tracks of one?

**Markers in vuforia with extended tracking and changes to the Default Trackable Event Handler script** - I followed the aforementioned steps and tried to change to following snippets of code from false to true in the OnTrackingLost() function -    

    foreach (var component in rendererComponents)             component.enabled = false;             // Disable colliders:         foreach (var component in colliderComponents)             component.enabled = false;             // Disable canvas':         foreach (var component in canvasComponents)             component.enabled = false;

This results in the model freezing mid screen once the tracking is lost. Could there be any solution to this by manipulating the gyroscope to be enabled after the tracking is lost? I know Vuforia doesn't use gyroscope so I am not sure how the extended tracking is working and what I can do to improve the results.

I know my question is not very specific but I am working on a research and am thus exploring different approaches to solve this problem in order to find the best one, and am coming across these issues as I am delving deeper into the topic. Any support would be greatly appreciated!

Note: Vuforia Version - 8.1.10, Unity Version - 2018.3.7f1



Django Expert?

Hello All, Is there any django expert which provide me django interview questions? I have already visit some sites like: http://techgeekbuzz.com/django-interview-questions/ and some more but its not enough to crack the interview. So please provide me more questions.  

Mini Map Camera show a black image instead of rendering camera view

I want to create a minimap. I followed the steps that are in unity documentation (create a new simple camera, RowImage , RenderTexture and put the RenderTexture in the camera and RowImage) but when I run the application it show a black image instead the minicamera view. I also have an ArCamera (vuforia) on the scene can this be the problem? (when i disable the ArCamera it works fine)


Reduce jittery of huge models


I am using Image target with extended tracking to lay huge virtual world on to it. The image tracking works perfectly fine but there is a considerable amount of jitter/ shakiness of the objects when there are more and huge. I tested with smaller objects and the jitter is negligible. I don't understand why it is different with different size objects. Can someone help me through what needs to be done in order to reduce the shakiness of the objects?

Thank you in advance 

Model taking up half of the ARCamera?

Hello dear vuforia team,


I'm trying to create an app and followed your written tutorial in the library.

Now, after I compiled the app and installed in on my phone (gave permission to camera and storage), the screen is partially blocked by the model I am trying to render.

                                                                             Image removed.


As you can see, the top of my camera is blocked by the model (grey).

It doesn't matter if I have the QR code up or not, it will look like this even when looking at a wall for example.

Image removed.


As you can see, the ARCamera preview even shows how it looks like in the app.


Is there any way I can solve this? I only want to render the model using the QR code.


Thanks a lot!

Web Platform


I'm working on an augmented reality app where I need users to have the possibility to upload their own image targets and select templates through the web (similar to the minute 0:39 video) I would like to know if the VWS supports these functions or if in general vuforia is suitable for it and some recommendation or documentation / tutorial to achieve it.



My recollection is that ARTivive app was (maybe still is) using Vuforia's Web Services to power their app:



Vuforia Engine Support