Is Vuforia capable of placing virtual objects inside a virutal environment?

So I want to place an object on a table and the application is supposed to create a virtual world on the table and then place a virtual object inside that world where the real object is in the real world.


Idea is that I can use the reference object just for the initial position of the virtual object, and then let the virtual object move around without the reference object remaining onscreen (or requiring to still be tracked).


If someone could tell me if Vuforia is the right SDK for that and if so, what would be the rough approach I should take, that would be great. Initially I thought smartscene was what I was looking for, but now I'm not so sure.


Out of the box, no, we don't have a feature that handles this type of use-cases.

However you can certainly develop your app using a mixture of Vuforias features like GroundPlane and Object reco that will aid in covering your use-case.

Thank you.

No markers needed

One click camera calibration and rectangle representation in 3d space.

Vuforia View Application

Is the Vuforia View app a platform that we can use and upload our content? It looks like a great app, but I am wondering if it is a showcase of Vuforia capabilities for developers to demonstrate AR capabilities to prospective clients.


If you are having issues with Vuforia Studio (aka Thingworx Studio) and/or the Vuforia View app, please start here:


Vuforia Engine Support

ITrackableEventHandler' could not be found


I'm relatively new to Unity and AR project and I'm stuck trying to dynamically add a 3D model to an Image Target. I have the following error and cannot understand where is the problem: error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'ITrackableEventHandler' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

Here it is the code I'm using which's been taken from


using UnityEngine; using Vuforia; using System.Collections; public class MyPrefabInstantiator : MonoBehaviour, ITrackableEventHandler {   private TrackableBehaviour mTrackableBehaviour;   public Transform myModelPrefab;   // Use this for initialization   void Start ()   {     mTrackableBehaviour = GetComponent<TrackableBehaviour>();     if (mTrackableBehaviour) {       mTrackableBehaviour.RegisterTrackableEventHandler(this);     }   }   // Update is called once per frame   void Update ()   {   }   public void OnTrackableStateChanged(     TrackableBehaviour.Status previousStatus,     TrackableBehaviour.Status newStatus)   {     if (newStatus == TrackableBehaviour.Status.DETECTED ||         newStatus == TrackableBehaviour.Status.TRACKED ||         newStatus == TrackableBehaviour.Status.EXTENDED_TRACKED)     {       OnTrackingFound();     }   }   private void OnTrackingFound()   {     if (myModelPrefab != null)     {       Transform myModelTrf = GameObject.Instantiate(myModelPrefab) as Transform;       myModelTrf.parent = mTrackableBehaviour.transform;       myModelTrf.localPosition = new Vector3(0f, 0f, 0f);       myModelTrf.localRotation = Quaternion.identity;       myModelTrf.localScale = new Vector3(0.0005f, 0.0005f, 0.0005f); = true;     }   } }


Could anyone help me? Thanks in advance!


Have you tried removing the ITrackableEventHandler from the script? or changing it to DefaultTrackableEventHandler

Had the similar issue, and just realised that the ITrackableEventHandler is obsolete. You can update the code snippets as below:

using UnityEngine;

using Vuforia;

using System.Collections;

public class MyPrefabInstantiator : DefaultTrackableEventHandler {

Live Texturing

Hi  I want to make interactive color Book the artist mange UV map  to wrap the body by marker image and i tried to use region capture but results not good or accurate then i tried open_cv and matching algorithms like SIFT &ORB to get marker region but Homography not accurate and not stable, So any suggestions how to improve workflow OR any new suggestions

I want to get results like this video

OD00M, the nearly free ar game

I made a doom clone using vuforia technology. I got it to run on 25$ Walmart track phones and my artwork. There is a lot more, including multiplayer and all the shareware doom levels, however they aren't built into the APK. Instead, this is just a test to see if it's worth my time to continue. To be frank, I'm too poor and homeless to keep continuing without getting something out of this. Anyways, if I could get feedback I'd greatly appreciate it. Im not sure how much better it could be for free. It's already more extensive than original doom shareware, it just needs to be built into the APK. Any feedback is appreciated.

Unity measures and augmentable quality


I don't understand what kind of unit of measure I had to insert in unity: if I try to add a target of 7.5 cm (0.075 meters) and I insert 7.5 in width, the image has 5 stars as augmentable value. If I insert THE SAME IMAGE but with a width of 0.075, the image has 0 stars ....

But in unity, I have a lot of problems with the 7.5 target, and no problems with 0.075 target (well, the problem is that the quality of tracking is very very bad!)


Any help??





I don't quite follow as we do not have a star system implemented in Unity.

When you upload the Image Target to Target Manager you need to use meters when inputting the width of the physical print-out.


Hello! Can you add the Vuforia SDK for Unity function to an external USB camera (for Android smartphones) and the camera mirroring function (for Device Type in Phone mode+Viewer).


We deprecated the Phone mode+Viewer I believe starting with 8.5.

In regards to you scenario, you could use the external camera feature to connect a USB camera to an Android phone, more info here:

The idea is to use simple inexpensive AR glasses with a smartphone, where the screen is reflected to the eyes through a mirror. The image of objects is perceived by the front camera, or by an external portable camera (mounted on glasses)where it is necessary to mirror the camera.

SLAM and Markerless


Based on this, SLAM is the default if both ARCore/ARKit and VISLAM are not present on the user device.

What functionality of Markerless is offered by SLAM in Vuforia? As I know, from the sample application, only Ground plane is Markerless. All others like Image Targets, Model Targets are Marker based approaches. Are there any other Markerless examples in your Sample? So for instance, if I have a device that does not support both ARCore/ARKit and VISLAM, what addionally can I achieve by SLAM only that is Markerless, that I could not have achieved via the Marker based approach? Is it Extended Tracking? Is Extended tracking required for Marker based approach? I thought Extended tracking makes sense only for Markerless.

Also, it seems that all marker based approaches use FUSION_PROVIDER_VUFORIA_VISION_ONLY type as the provider as seen from the log of Sample apps. Does it mean SLAM is used for Marker based approaches too? What is the provider type for SLAM only? Can you give an example use case. I used to think SLAM is only required for Markerless but maybe I am missing something here.






SLAM is only used for Extended Tracking on devices that do not support a platform CV series nor VISLAM. 


Tue, 06/23/2020 - 06:57

In reply to by mcotora


Does Extended tracking apply to Marker based also or only to Markerless? 

Is SLAM used for Marker tracking like Image Based Targets, User Defined Targets also? I thought SLAM is only for Markerless.


Showing Fingers over AR object in Vuforia

Hello Everyone,

I am a beginner at using Unity and Vuforia and I am building an app for Android that allows user to pick up a 3D physical object which has a marker on top of it. Once the Marker is detected an AR object replace the 3D physical object. My problem is a very common one in AR which is fingers are obstructed behind the AR object. What I want is to to show the fingers as if are holding the AR object. I have been trying to google this for long time and I only found very few step samples which are quite complicated for a beginner like me. If anyone in the forum can please help me sort out this problem. I need a clear guidance with simple language for me to reapply those steps to my project. Also I Know of Vuforia occlusion management asset but I am not sure if that applied to my problem

Many thanks in advance.