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OpenGL Marker rendering issue after onPause

Hello all, I'm using the ImageTarget example, In my example i add a touch event when the user click i'm switching to the next activity once the user hit back and returns to onResume ImageTargets the teapot stop renders when there is a detection. Thanks

[QUOTE] the teapot stop renders when there is a detection. [/QUOTE] Does the camera freeze as well? What version of the SDK are you using (1.0.6 or the 1.5 beta)? What version of Android? This should work, please include the log file that shows the pause and resume events.

Hello, Please tell me what do i need to do in onResume function to reinit the opengl when coming back from another activity. If i wont do anything, when coming back the marker isn't displayed anymore. another question is about the native autoFocus function when calling it from the onResume funct

You need to reload your OpenGL content whenever the SurfaceView onSurfaceCreated method is called. In our ImageTargets sample, this method is in the ImageTargetsRenderer class, and it calls the initRendering native method. The initRendering method currently creates the OpenGL textures.

Kim, I've modeled my onPause() and OnResume() after ImageTargets.java exactly. The only way my app is able to recover from the OnResume() and resume drawing the markers is if I either put a breakpoint before resuming the GLSurfaceView or if I put a 5 second pause as shown below.

Are you initializing your models in the initRendering() native method? This method is called right after the onSurfaceCreated Java callback. If you are using VBOs you'll have to recreate them here. Any object that lives in graphics memory needs to be recreated (e.g.

I'm guessing this is an issue that is mentioned in the release notes: [QUOTE] On certain devices, the video preview rendering and the rendering layer order may be mismatched after another application overlays the QCAR rendering window.