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ARCore AmbientColorTemperature

Is AmbientColorTemperature through the IlluminationManager supported on ARCore devices? I'm able to get a value for AmbientIntensity but not the other.


Does this forum user post help?



Vuforia Engine Support


Wed, 01/23/2019 - 16:58

In reply to by medabit

Not quite. I'm referencing the Vuforia API where the value of AmbientColorTemperature is being returned as null despite the fact that ARCore provides a value for this.



Can you send a code snippet for how you're using the API? If it is something that can easily be dropped into our Core samples that will make replication simpler and quicker.


Vuforia Engine Support


Thu, 01/24/2019 - 16:43

In reply to by medabit

Certainly. Using the below script that was posted in the Unity forums.

<pre class="brush: csharp;">using System.Collections;

using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using Vuforia;
using UnityEngine.Rendering;


I sent you a direct message from the Vuforia forums. After logging into the Vuforia Developer Portal, click on "Messages"  in the upper right-hand corner of the browser by your log in ID.


Vuforia Engine Support


Thu, 03/14/2019 - 07:06

The first request was to be able to write cross-platform code so that they could target both ARKit and ARCore (and other platforms as they came out). This request tied in very well with Unity’s core value of democratizing development by allowing creators to write once, deploy anywhere.

Hello @Shipp236,

We are aware of inconsistencies in our support for ARCore values being returned by Vuforia Engine APIs, including the issue you're reporting. We hope to address them soon in an upcoming commercial release.

Apologies for any inconvenience this may cause.