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Unity API Reference

The Unity API Reference documents the namespaces and classes of the Vuforia Unity Extension along with their members.

Interface for the Vuforia Unity Extension

  • Components – Interact with Vuforia Engine in the Unity Editor directly from the Inspector panel. For phones and tablets, add the ARCamera and game objects from Vuforia Engine to your Unity scene to enable AR tracking of images, objects, and environments. Eyewear requires changing the Project Settings. See the Vuforia Library for setup instructions.
  • API – Add the directive 'using Vuforia;' in your scripts to write your custom code using the Vuforia Engine C# API.

API Overview

  • VuforiaBehaviour - Central class for starting and stopping the Vuforia Engine. It gives access to the current state, the physical camera, and the ObserverFactory for creating Vuforia target behaviours.
    • ObserverFactory - Class holding the methods for creating behaviours for tracking different types of targets.
  • VuforiaApplication - Class to manage the Vuforia lifecycle and to initialize and deinitialize Vuforia as an instance as well as registering to Vuforia lifecycle events.
  • VuforiaConfiguration - Global settings for Vuforia that will be used in all scenes.
  • DefaultObserverEventhandler - Handler for conditions and events when a target's status pose and status info changes.