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Vuforia Engine Release Notes


Vuforia Engine v11.1.3

Bugfixes / Features 



Step Check

  • The Step Check feature (Beta) is now also supported on Android Devices
  • The Unity Sample for the Step Check Beta was updated to show how to use multiple template images for validations that provide explicit pass and fail results.

Model Targets

  • Added a new API to load Model Target databases from memory buffers. Refer to the API reference library for more information.

Session Recording

  • Fixed an issue where starting a recording session could lead to missing device pose observations in some circumstances.


  • To improve power consumption, the frame rate is limited to 30fps in camera mode SPEED when using ARCore.


  • Fixed a problem with occasional camera stuttering on detection of an On-Prem Advanced Model Target.
  • Improved loading times when loading On-Prem Advanced Model Targets for the first time on a device.
  • Fixed a problem with iOS devices’ flashlight status occasionally not persisting across Vuforia Engine stop and start cycles.


Magic Leap OS N/A


  • Fixed an issue where Model Target previews in Unity were not displayed in the Scene in some cases after toggling off the ‘Disable model extraction from databases’ option in the Vuforia Configuration.
  • Fixed an issue where State-Based Model Targets were, in some cases, taking very long to import into the Unity Editor and, in rare cases, even crashed the Editor.

Known Issues



Session Recorder

  • Playback of recordings from the Session Recorder do not support Ground Plane experiences.

Model Targets

  • Model Targets: Features that require parts in the model to be specified during generation time (marking up uncertain parts, specifying views from part references) are only supported with the following input model formats: PVZ, glTF, Collada (.dae).
  • Device Pose Observer reset during Extended Tracking with Model Target might in some cases lead to unexpected relocalization issues. Deactivating/activating the Model Target improves the situation - but user will have to start experience again with detecting the Model Target.
  • Model Targets with Low Feature Objects tracking optimization are more sensitive to wrongly specified physical size in the dataset. The same applies when in camera mode OPTIMIZE_SPEED.
  • On Android devices, APIs to query Camera features modes (Focus, Flash, etc.) might return the wrong result if queried immediately after setting the same mode.
  • On some Android Tablets the Barcode bounding box coordinates might not align with the corners of the barcode in the image.
  • When using Vuforia Engine on a Pixel 5 with Android 14 and ARCore you may observe autofocus not working after longer App pauses (about 5 minutes). We believe that this is an issue with ARCore on that device, the workaround is to switch the focus mode to fixed and back to ‘continuous auto’ which restores autofocus.
  • When running Vuforia Engine on a Samsung Galaxy S20+ (SM-G985F/DS) with ARCore you may experience limited device tracking, reduced camera frame rate and the device heating up when moving the device very close to an object.
  • On Android devices without a Fusion Provider enabled calls to vuCameraControllerGetFocusMode and vuCameraControllerGetExposureMode might fail during the first second after Engine starts (i.e. vuEngineIsRunning will return VU_TRUE).
  • On some older Surface tablets, the focus mode is not always restored to the previous set value when resuming the app from the suspended state.
  • Using very large Area Targets on ARCore devices may impact persistency of anchors.
  • Vuforia Engine does not trigger continuous autofocus by default on ARCore as it does on other platforms. Use VuforiaBehaviour.Instance.CameraDevice.SetFocusMode() to ensure that a focus mode is set consistently across all platforms.
  • The Session Recorder writes to the OS defined primary storage location. On devices with emulated storage such as Android devices typically provides the emulated storage as the primary location. This means that Vuforia will not usually record to a removable SD card.


  • Certain iOS devices sometimes encounter an unstable auto-focus behavior seemingly caused by ARKit. Moving the devices around and focusing at different distances resolves the issue most of the time. (so far seen on iPhone XR, iPhone X, iPhone 8 Plus, Apple iPad Pro 10.5 2017 when running iOS 16)
  • When using the Area Target Capture API, the Device Pose Observer may incorrectly relocalize after pause/resume. In this case, the preview mesh for the capture will appear in the wrong location. If the Device Pose Observer reports that it is tracking normally, but the capture remains stuck in relocalizing state for several seconds, then the following instructions to the user may help:
    • Go back to a previously captured area that is visually distinctive and pause/resume the application again. This forces the Device Pose Observer to make a new relocation attempt.


  • The native sample does not support ‘dark mode’ on UWP devices.
  • On HoloLens, starting a Vuforia App when an existing Miracast session is active will terminate the Miracast session. It is possible to re-start the Miracast session and use it while Vuforia is tracking, however any camera start operation in Vuforia will again terminate the Miracast session.
  • Small or far away Image Targets may temporarily show increased jitter on HoloLens when only very limited head motion is performed.
  • On some older Surface tablets the focus mode is not always restored to the previous set value when resuming the App from the suspended state.
  • UWP apps may exhibit symptoms such as a black screen or frozen camera image when another app is also using the camera. 
Magic Leap OS N/A


Area Target

  • The clipping height of the Area Target is not updated when changing the VirtualSceneScale. Please adjust it manually. Generally, Area Target projects should use meters-scale.


  • Simulator Mode in the Unity Editor currently only supports one VuMark per scene.


  • On some Android devices, objects occluded by Vuforia Engine's "Custom/DepthMask" shader (used e.g. for Area Target occlusion) are rendered black. To work around this issue, set the occluded objects' materials to Rendering Mode "Transparent".


  • Links in the Vuforia Samples cannot be clicked on devices with iOS 18.0 or later when building with certain versions of Unity 2022.3. Please consider upgrading to Unity 2022.3.21f1 or later if you encounter this issue.
  • When upgrading the Vuforia extension package on MacOS, a restart of the Unity Editor may be required to complete the upgrade process.


  • The Virtual Scene Scale Factor in Unity is not supported on HoloLens.
  • On UWP, using the "Run in background" option in the Unity player settings may cause the video background to freeze on resume after the application was minimized (suspended). It is recommended to disable "Run in background" so that Vuforia can be properly paused if the app is not in the foreground.
  • On UWP, Vuforia Engine cannot check whether camera permission has been granted and does not report the VU_ENGINE_CREATION_ERROR_PERMISSION_ERROR error code.


  • The SessionRecorder prefab requires custom UI when used on Magic Leap.
  • The Virtual Scene Scale Factor in Unity is not supported on Magic Leap.


  • Setting the far clip plane to a large number can cause the video background image to flicker when using the URP in combination with GLES3.
  • When integrating with ARFoundation in Unity, Vuforia will automatically use the highest camera resolution that ARFoundation offers. Changing that camera resolution is currently not supported and selecting different CameraModes has no effect.
  • When building a Vuforia project using Unity in batch mode, the Render Over Native UI setting must be manually configured according to the desired target platform.

Vuforia Engine v11.0.4

Bugfixes / Features 



New Enterprise Plan

An all-new plan is now available, featuring access to Vuforia Engine's most advanced technology:
  • Added new Step Check feature to assist users in visually verifying if a step in a procedure has been performed correctly or now. This is an all-new on-prem feature that does not require cloud training.
  • Added support for On-Prem Advanced Model Targets: An all-new type of Model Target that can be generated without cloud training, but behaves similar to Advanced cloud-trained targets and can be recognized from any angle.

Area Targets

  • Added new Cloud Area Targets feature: Process, store, and stream Area Target data efficiently from the cloud, on demand.

Model Targets

  • The State-based Model Targets feature is now available commercially for all customers.
    Note: Generating a State-Based Model Target will count as 5 Model Target generations toward your quota.
  • Fixed an issue resulting in reduced Model Target detection performance when Model Target observers were activated after Engine start.






Magic Leap OS N/A


  • Fixed an issue with targets appearing at the wrong position and rotation when delaying the initialization of Vuforia in projects with OpenXR for HoloLens.

Known Issues



Session Recorder

  • Playback of recordings from the Session Recorder do not support Ground Plane experiences.

Model Targets

  • Model Targets: Features that require parts in the model to be specified during generation time (marking up uncertain parts, specifying views from part references) are only supported with the following input model formats: PVZ, glTF, Collada (.dae).
  • Device Pose Observer reset during Extended Tracking with Model Target might in some cases lead to unexpected relocalization issues. Deactivating/activating the Model Target improves the situation - but user will have to start experience again with detecting the Model Target.
  • Model Targets with Low Feature Objects tracking optimization are more sensitive to wrongly specified physical size in the dataset. The same applies when in camera mode OPTIMIZE_SPEED.
  • On Android devices, APIs to query Camera features modes (Focus, Flash, etc.) might return the wrong result if queried immediately after setting the same mode.
  • On some Android Tablets the Barcode bounding box coordinates might not align with the corners of the barcode in the image.
  • When using Vuforia Engine on a Pixel 5 with Android 14 and ARCore you may observe autofocus not working after longer App pauses (about 5 minutes). We believe that this is an issue with ARCore on that device, the workaround is to switch the focus mode to fixed and back to ‘continuous auto’ which restores autofocus.
  • When running Vuforia Engine on a Samsung Galaxy S20+ (SM-G985F/DS) with ARCore you may experience limited device tracking, reduced camera frame rate and the device heating up when moving the device very close to an object.
  • On Android devices without a Fusion Provider enabled calls to vuCameraControllerGetFocusMode and vuCameraControllerGetExposureMode might fail during the first second after Engine starts (i.e. vuEngineIsRunning will return VU_TRUE).
  • On some older Surface tablets, the focus mode is not always restored to the previous set value when resuming the app from the suspended state.
  • Using very large Area Targets on ARCore devices may impact persistency of anchors.
  • Vuforia Engine does not trigger continuous autofocus by default on ARCore as it does on other platforms. Use VuforiaBehaviour.Instance.CameraDevice.SetFocusMode() to ensure that a focus mode is set consistently across all platforms.
  • The Session Recorder writes to the OS defined primary storage location. On devices with emulated storage such as Android devices typically provides the emulated storage as the primary location. This means that Vuforia will not usually record to a removable SD card.


  • Occasional on iOS devices flashlight status does not persist across app pause and resume cycles.
  • Certain iOS devices sometimes encounter an unstable auto-focus behavior seemingly caused by ARKit. Moving the devices around and focusing at different distances resolves the issue most of the time. (so far seen on iPhone XR, iPhone X, iPhone 8 Plus, Apple iPad Pro 10.5 2017 when running iOS 16)
  • When using the Area Target Capture API, the Device Pose Observer may incorrectly relocalize after pause/resume. In this case, the preview mesh for the capture will appear in the wrong location. If the Device Pose Observer reports that it is tracking normally, but the capture remains stuck in relocalizing state for several seconds, then the following instructions to the user may help:
    • Go back to a previously captured area that is visually distinctive and pause/resume the application again. This forces the Device Pose Observer to make a new relocation attempt.


  • The native sample does not support ‘dark mode’ on UWP devices.
  • On HoloLens, starting a Vuforia App when an existing Miracast session is active will terminate the Miracast session. It is possible to re-start the Miracast session and use it while Vuforia is tracking, however any camera start operation in Vuforia will again terminate the Miracast session.
  • Small or far away Image Targets may temporarily show increased jitter on HoloLens when only very limited head motion is performed.
  • On some older Surface tablets the focus mode is not always restored to the previous set value when resuming the App from the suspended state.
  • UWP apps may exhibit symptoms such as a black screen or frozen camera image when another app is also using the camera. 
Magic Leap OS N/A


Model Targets

  • In some rare cases, State-Based Model Targets can take very long to import into the Unity Editor and may crash the Editor. To work around this, check “Disable model extraction from databases” in the Vuforia configuration in Unity.

Area Target

  • The clipping height of the Area Target is not updated when changing the VirtualSceneScale. Please adjust it manually. Generally, Area Target projects should use meters-scale.


  • Simulator Mode in the Unity Editor currently only supports one VuMark per scene.


  • On some Android devices, objects occluded by Vuforia Engine's "Custom/DepthMask" shader (used e.g. for Area Target occlusion) are rendered black. To work around this issue, set the occluded objects' materials to Rendering Mode "Transparent".


  • Links in the Vuforia Samples cannot be clicked on devices with iOS 18.0 or later when building with certain versions of Unity 2022.3. Please consider upgrading to Unity 2022.3.21f1 or later if you encounter this issue.
  • When upgrading the Vuforia extension package on MacOS, a restart of the Unity Editor may be required to complete the upgrade process.


  • The Virtual Scene Scale Factor in Unity is not supported on HoloLens.
  • On UWP, using the "Run in background" option in the Unity player settings may cause the video background to freeze on resume after the application was minimized (suspended). It is recommended to disable "Run in background" so that Vuforia can be properly paused if the app is not in the foreground.
  • On UWP, Vuforia Engine cannot check whether camera permission has been granted and does not report the VU_ENGINE_CREATION_ERROR_PERMISSION_ERROR error code.


  • The SessionRecorder prefab requires custom UI when used on Magic Leap.
  • The Virtual Scene Scale Factor in Unity is not supported on Magic Leap.


  • Setting the far clip plane to a large number can cause the video background image to flicker when using the URP in combination with GLES3.
  • When integrating with ARFoundation in Unity, Vuforia will automatically use the highest camera resolution that ARFoundation offers. Changing that camera resolution is currently not supported and selecting different CameraModes has no effect.
  • When building a Vuforia project using Unity in batch mode, the Render Over Native UI setting must be manually configured according to the desired target platform.

Vuforia Engine v10.29.6

Bugfixes / Features 



Model Targets

  • The MTG CLI is now also available for macOS.
  • Fixed an issue resulting in reduced Model Target detection performance when Model Target observers were activated after Engine start.


  • Fixed a crash that occurred when changing the camera resolution while extended tracking a target with no available platform fusion provider.
  • New Object Targets can no longer be created on the developer portal. This feature has been deprecated and removed from recent Vuforia Engine releases for a while. Please use scanned Model Targets instead.


  • Fixed black screen issue on some Android devices which do not support ARCore or if PLATFORM_SENSOR_FUSION provider is not selected.




Magic Leap OS N/A


  • Fixed an issue where some changes to Vuforia ObserverBehaviour components were not getting serialized correctly in scene files.

Known Issues



Session Recorder

  • Playback of recordings from the Session Recorder do not support Ground Plane experiences.

Model Targets

  • Model Targets: Features that require parts in the model to be specified during generation time (marking up uncertain parts, specifying views from part references) are only supported with the following input model formats: PVZ, glTF, Collada (.dae).
  • Device Pose Observer reset during Extended Tracking with Model Target might in some cases lead to unexpected relocalization issues. Deactivating/activating the Model Target improves the situation - but user will have to start experience again with detecting the Model Target.
  • Model Targets with Low Feature Objects tracking optimization are more sensitive to wrongly specified physical size in the dataset. The same applies when in camera mode OPTIMIZE_SPEED.
  • On Android devices, APIs to query Camera features modes (Focus, Flash, etc.) might return the wrong result if queried immediately after setting the same mode.
  • On some Android Tablets the Barcode bounding box coordinates might not align with the corners of the barcode in the image.
  • When using Vuforia Engine on a Pixel 5 with Android 14 and ARCore you may observe autofocus not working after longer App pauses (about 5 minutes). We believe that this is an issue with ARCore on that device, the workaround is to switch the focus mode to fixed and back to ‘continuous auto’ which restores autofocus.
  • When running Vuforia Engine on a Samsung Galaxy S20+ (SM-G985F/DS) with ARCore you may experience limited device tracking, reduced camera frame rate and the device heating up when moving the device very close to an object.
  • On Android devices without a Fusion Provider enabled calls to vuCameraControllerGetFocusMode and vuCameraControllerGetExposureMode might fail during the first second after Engine starts (i.e. vuEngineIsRunning will return VU_TRUE).
  • On some older Surface tablets, the focus mode is not always restored to the previous set value when resuming the app from the suspended state.
  • Using very large Area Targets on ARCore devices may impact persistency of anchors.
  • Vuforia Engine does not trigger continuous autofocus by default on ARCore as it does on other platforms. Use VuforiaBehaviour.Instance.CameraDevice.SetFocusMode() to ensure that a focus mode is set consistently across all platforms.
  • The Session Recorder writes to the OS defined primary storage location. On devices with emulated storage such as Android devices typically provides the emulated storage as the primary location. This means that Vuforia will not usually record to a removable SD card.


  • Occasional on iOS devices flashlight status does not persist across app pause and resume cycles.
  • Certain iOS devices sometimes encounter an unstable auto-focus behavior seemingly caused by ARKit. Moving the devices around and focusing at different distances resolves the issue most of the time. (so far seen on iPhone XR, iPhone X, iPhone 8 Plus, Apple iPad Pro 10.5 2017 when running iOS 16)
  • When using the Area Target Capture API, the Device Pose Observer may incorrectly relocalize after pause/resume. In this case, the preview mesh for the capture will appear in the wrong location. If the Device Pose Observer reports that it is tracking normally, but the capture remains stuck in relocalizing state for several seconds, then the following instructions to the user may help:
    • Go back to a previously captured area that is visually distinctive and pause/resume the application again. This forces the Device Pose Observer to make a new relocation attempt.


  • The native sample does not support ‘dark mode’ on UWP devices.
  • On HoloLens, starting a Vuforia App when an existing Miracast session is active will terminate the Miracast session. It is possible to re-start the Miracast session and use it while Vuforia is tracking, however any camera start operation in Vuforia will again terminate the Miracast session.
  • Small or far away Image Targets may temporarily show increased jitter on HoloLens when only very limited head motion is performed.
  • On some older Surface tablets the focus mode is not always restored to the previous set value when resuming the App from the suspended state.
  • UWP apps may exhibit symptoms such as a black screen or frozen camera image when another app is also using the camera. 
Magic Leap OS N/A


Area Target

  • The clipping height of the Area Target is not updated when changing the VirtualSceneScale. Please adjust it manually. Generally, Area Target projects should use meters-scale.


  • Simulator Mode in the Unity Editor currently only supports one VuMark per scene.


  • On some Android devices, objects occluded by Vuforia Engine's "Custom/DepthMask" shader (used e.g. for Area Target occlusion) are rendered black. To work around this issue, set the occluded objects' materials to Rendering Mode "Transparent".


  • When upgrading the Vuforia extension package on MacOS, a restart of the Unity Editor may be required to complete the upgrade process.


  • The Virtual Scene Scale Factor in Unity is not supported on HoloLens.
  • On UWP, using the "Run in background" option in the Unity player settings may cause the video background to freeze on resume after the application was minimized (suspended). It is recommended to disable "Run in background" so that Vuforia can be properly paused if the app is not in the foreground.
  • On UWP, Vuforia Engine cannot check whether camera permission has been granted and does not report the VU_ENGINE_CREATION_ERROR_PERMISSION_ERROR error code.


  • The SessionRecorder prefab requires custom UI when used on Magic Leap.
  • The Virtual Scene Scale Factor in Unity is not supported on Magic Leap.


  • Setting the far clip plane to a large number can cause the video background image to flicker when using the URP in combination with GLES3.
  • When integrating with ARFoundation in Unity, Vuforia will automatically use the highest camera resolution that ARFoundation offers. Changing that camera resolution is currently not supported and selecting different CameraModes has no effect.
  • When building a Vuforia project using Unity in batch mode, the Render Over Native UI setting must be manually configured according to the desired target platform.

Vuforia Engine v10.28.4

Bugfixes / Features 



Model Targets

  • Model Target tracking with optimization mode DEFAULT has been improved for cases where LOW_FEATURE_MODE was recommended previously. It is now recommended to always use DEFAULT mode and only try other modes if tracking is not working as expected.


  • Fixed an issue for VuMarks created from newer Adobe Illustrator versions that failed when uploaded to the Target Manager.


  • Support for ARMv7 builds on Android have been deprecated and will be removed in a future release.
  • Fixed native sample app behavior when changing between landscape and portrait orientations on Samsung Galaxy Tab S9 devices.


  • The minimum supported macOS version for Vuforia Engine tools and Unity play mode has been raised to 13 (Ventura).


Magic Leap OS N/A


  • Fixed an issue that could cause Vuforia to not show the camera feed at runtime when building a project with OpenXR while having no XR Loaders enabled.
  • Support for ARMv7 builds on Android has been deprecated and will be removed in a future release. In Unity, make sure to use IL2CPP to build for ARM64 instead.

Known Issues



Session Recorder

  • Playback of recordings from the Session Recorder do not support Ground Plane experiences.

Model Targets

  • Model Targets: Features that require parts in the model to be specified during generation time (marking up uncertain parts, specifying views from part references) are only supported with the following input model formats: PVZ, glTF, Collada (.dae).
  • Device Pose Observer reset during Extended Tracking with Model Target might in some cases lead to unexpected relocalization issues. Deactivating/activating the Model Target improves the situation - but user will have to start experience again with detecting the Model Target.
  • Model Targets with Low Feature Objects tracking optimization are more sensitive to wrongly specified physical size in the dataset. The same applies when in camera mode OPTIMIZE_SPEED.
  • When not using ARCore, Vuforia shows a black screen on Android devices that do not have full Camera2 API support.
  • On Android devices, APIs to query Camera features modes (Focus, Flash, etc.) might return the wrong result if queried immediately after setting the same mode.
  • On some Android Tablets the Barcode bounding box coordinates might not align with the corners of the barcode in the image.
  • When using Vuforia Engine on a Pixel 5 with Android 14 and ARCore you may observe autofocus not working after longer App pauses (about 5 minutes). We believe that this is an issue with ARCore on that device, the workaround is to switch the focus mode to fixed and back to ‘continuous auto’ which restores autofocus.
  • When running Vuforia Engine on a Samsung Galaxy S20+ (SM-G985F/DS) with ARCore you may experience limited device tracking, reduced camera frame rate and the device heating up when moving the device very close to an object.
  • On Android devices without a Fusion Provider enabled calls to vuCameraControllerGetFocusMode and vuCameraControllerGetExposureMode might fail during the first second after Engine starts (i.e. vuEngineIsRunning will return VU_TRUE).
  • On some older Surface tablets, the focus mode is not always restored to the previous set value when resuming the app from the suspended state.
  • Using very large Area Targets on ARCore devices may impact persistency of anchors.
  • Vuforia Engine does not trigger continuous autofocus by default on ARCore as it does on other platforms. Use VuforiaBehaviour.Instance.CameraDevice.SetFocusMode() to ensure that a focus mode is set consistently across all platforms.
  • The Session Recorder writes to the OS defined primary storage location. On devices with emulated storage such as Android devices typically provides the emulated storage as the primary location. This means that Vuforia will not usually record to a removable SD card.


  • Occasional on iOS devices flashlight status does not persist across app pause and resume cycles.
  • Certain iOS devices sometimes encounter an unstable auto-focus behavior seemingly caused by ARKit. Moving the devices around and focusing at different distances resolves the issue most of the time. (so far seen on iPhone XR, iPhone X, iPhone 8 Plus, Apple iPad Pro 10.5 2017 when running iOS 16)
  • When using the Area Target Capture API, the Device Pose Observer may incorrectly relocalize after pause/resume. In this case, the preview mesh for the capture will appear in the wrong location. If the Device Pose Observer reports that it is tracking normally, but the capture remains stuck in relocalizing state for several seconds, then the following instructions to the user may help:
    • Go back to a previously captured area that is visually distinctive and pause/resume the application again. This forces the Device Pose Observer to make a new relocation attempt.


  • The native sample does not support ‘dark mode’ on UWP devices.
  • On HoloLens, starting a Vuforia App when an existing Miracast session is active will terminate the Miracast session. It is possible to re-start the Miracast session and use it while Vuforia is tracking, however any camera start operation in Vuforia will again terminate the Miracast session.
  • Small or far away Image Targets may temporarily show increased jitter on HoloLens when only very limited head motion is performed.
  • On some older Surface tablets the focus mode is not always restored to the previous set value when resuming the App from the suspended state.
  • UWP apps may exhibit symptoms such as a black screen or frozen camera image when another app is also using the camera. 
Magic Leap OS N/A


Area Target

  • The clipping height of the Area Target is not updated when changing the VirtualSceneScale. Please adjust it manually. Generally, Area Target projects should use meters-scale.


  • Simulator Mode in the Unity Editor currently only supports one VuMark per scene.


  • On some Android devices, objects occluded by Vuforia Engine's "Custom/DepthMask" shader (used e.g. for Area Target occlusion) are rendered black. To work around this issue, set the occluded objects' materials to Rendering Mode "Transparent".


  • When upgrading the Vuforia extension package on MacOS, a restart of the Unity Editor may be required to complete the upgrade process.


  • The Virtual Scene Scale Factor in Unity is not supported on HoloLens.
  • On UWP, using the "Run in background" option in the Unity player settings may cause the video background to freeze on resume after the application was minimized (suspended). It is recommended to disable "Run in background" so that Vuforia can be properly paused if the app is not in the foreground.
  • On UWP, Vuforia Engine cannot check whether camera permission has been granted and does not report the VU_ENGINE_CREATION_ERROR_PERMISSION_ERROR error code.


  • The SessionRecorder prefab requires custom UI when used on Magic Leap.
  • The Virtual Scene Scale Factor in Unity is not supported on Magic Leap.


  • Setting the far clip plane to a large number can cause the video background image to flicker when using the URP in combination with GLES3.
  • When integrating with ARFoundation in Unity, Vuforia will automatically use the highest camera resolution that ARFoundation offers. Changing that camera resolution is currently not supported and selecting different CameraModes has no effect.
  • When building a Vuforia project using Unity in batch mode, the Render Over Native UI setting must be manually configured according to the desired target platform.

Vuforia Engine v10.27.3

Bugfixes / Features 



Model Targets

  • Improved Model Target tracking: The logic for switching between Normal or Limited tracking states has been improved. For certain targets, this change will result in more robust tracking and fewer inaccurate results incorrectly marked as Normal tracking state.


  • The Vuforia Web Services Python sample library and CLI client have been updated and modernized. As a consequence, the minimum supported Python version is now 3.9


  • Vuforia now supports toggling the camera flash on Android devices using ARCore. To enable flash control, the app must be built with ARCore version 1.45 or higher. Additionally, new APIs have been introduced to check if the active camera supports flash control.
  • The UVCDriver driver sample has been removed. UVC cameras are exposed on Android using the standard Android Camera2 API, which should be used instead of using UVC directly. For use-cases requiring external cameras, you can also leverage the native external camera support on iPadOS and Media Foundation cameras on UWP which don't require additional Vuforia Driver. You can also use DirectShow external cameras with Vuforia Camera Bridge on UWP.




Magic Leap OS N/A



Known Issues



Session Recorder

  • Playback of recordings from the Session Recorder do not support Ground Plane experiences.

Model Targets

  • Model Targets: Features that require parts in the model to be specified during generation time (marking up uncertain parts, specifying views from part references) are only supported with the following input model formats: PVZ, glTF, Collada (.dae).
  • Device Pose Observer reset during Extended Tracking with Model Target might in some cases lead to unexpected relocalization issues. Deactivating/activating the Model Target improves the situation - but user will have to start experience again with detecting the Model Target.
  • Model Targets with Low Feature Objects tracking optimization are more sensitive to wrongly specified physical size in the dataset. The same applies when in camera mode OPTIMIZE_SPEED.


  • An issue with Adobe Illustrator version 28.7.1 exports corrupted SVG files that fail when uploaded to the VuMark Database in the Target Manager. If you encounter this problem, use Adobe Illustrator 27.9.6 or earlier.
  • When not using ARCore, Vuforia shows a black screen on Android devices that do not have full Camera2 API support.
  • On Android devices, APIs to query Camera features modes (Focus, Flash, etc.) might return the wrong result if queried immediately after setting the same mode.
  • Native sample app hangs when changing between landscape and portrait orientations on Samsung Galaxy Tab S9 devices.
  • On some Android Tablets the Barcode bounding box coordinates might not align with the corners of the barcode in the image.
  • When using Vuforia Engine on a Pixel 5 with Android 14 and ARCore you may observe autofocus not working after longer App pauses (about 5 minutes). We believe that this is an issue with ARCore on that device, the workaround is to switch the focus mode to fixed and back to ‘continuous auto’ which restores autofocus.
  • When running Vuforia Engine on a Samsung Galaxy S20+ (SM-G985F/DS) with ARCore you may experience limited device tracking, reduced camera frame rate and the device heating up when moving the device very close to an object.
  • On Android devices without a Fusion Provider enabled calls to vuCameraControllerGetFocusMode and vuCameraControllerGetExposureMode might fail during the first second after Engine starts (i.e. vuEngineIsRunning will return VU_TRUE).
  • On some older Surface tablets, the focus mode is not always restored to the previous set value when resuming the app from the suspended state.
  • Using very large Area Targets on ARCore devices may impact persistency of anchors.
  • Vuforia Engine does not trigger continuous autofocus by default on ARCore as it does on other platforms. Use VuforiaBehaviour.Instance.CameraDevice.SetFocusMode() to ensure that a focus mode is set consistently across all platforms.
  • The Session Recorder writes to the OS defined primary storage location. On devices with emulated storage such as Android devices typically provides the emulated storage as the primary location. This means that Vuforia will not usually record to a removable SD card.


  • Occasional on iOS devices flashlight status does not persist across app pause and resume cycles.
  • Certain iOS devices sometimes encounter an unstable auto-focus behavior seemingly caused by ARKit. Moving the devices around and focusing at different distances resolves the issue most of the time. (so far seen on iPhone XR, iPhone X, iPhone 8 Plus, Apple iPad Pro 10.5 2017 when running iOS 16)
  • When using the Area Target Capture API, the Device Pose Observer may incorrectly relocalize after pause/resume. In this case, the preview mesh for the capture will appear in the wrong location. If the Device Pose Observer reports that it is tracking normally, but the capture remains stuck in relocalizing state for several seconds, then the following instructions to the user may help:
    • Go back to a previously captured area that is visually distinctive and pause/resume the application again. This forces the Device Pose Observer to make a new relocation attempt.


  • The native sample does not support ‘dark mode’ on UWP devices.
  • On HoloLens, starting a Vuforia App when an existing Miracast session is active will terminate the Miracast session. It is possible to re-start the Miracast session and use it while Vuforia is tracking, however any camera start operation in Vuforia will again terminate the Miracast session.
  • Small or far away Image Targets may temporarily show increased jitter on HoloLens when only very limited head motion is performed.
  • On some older Surface tablets the focus mode is not always restored to the previous set value when resuming the App from the suspended state.
  • UWP apps may exhibit symptoms such as a black screen or frozen camera image when another app is also using the camera. 
Magic Leap OS N/A


Area Target

  • The clipping height of the Area Target is not updated when changing the VirtualSceneScale. Please adjust it manually. Generally, Area Target projects should use meters-scale.


  • Simulator Mode in the Unity Editor currently only supports one VuMark per scene.


  • On some Android devices, objects occluded by Vuforia Engine's "Custom/DepthMask" shader (used e.g. for Area Target occlusion) are rendered black. To work around this issue, set the occluded objects' materials to Rendering Mode "Transparent".


  • When upgrading the Vuforia extension package on MacOS, a restart of the Unity Editor may be required to complete the upgrade process.


  • The Virtual Scene Scale Factor in Unity is not supported on HoloLens.
  • On UWP, using the "Run in background" option in the Unity player settings may cause the video background to freeze on resume after the application was minimized (suspended). It is recommended to disable "Run in background" so that Vuforia can be properly paused if the app is not in the foreground.
  • On UWP, Vuforia Engine cannot check whether camera permission has been granted and does not report the VU_ENGINE_CREATION_ERROR_PERMISSION_ERROR error code.


  • The SessionRecorder prefab requires custom UI when used on Magic Leap.
  • The Virtual Scene Scale Factor in Unity is not supported on Magic Leap.


  • Setting the far clip plane to a large number can cause the video background image to flicker when using the URP in combination with GLES3.
  • When integrating with ARFoundation in Unity, Vuforia will automatically use the highest camera resolution that ARFoundation offers. Changing that camera resolution is currently not supported and selecting different CameraModes has no effect.
  • When building a Vuforia project using Unity in batch mode, the Render Over Native UI setting must be manually configured according to the desired target platform.

Vuforia Engine v10.25.5 Patch 1

Bugfixes / Features 









Magic Leap OS N/A



Known Issues



Session Recorder

  • Playback of recordings from the Session Recorder do not support Ground Plane experiences.

Model Targets

  • Model Targets: Features that require parts in the model to be specified during generation time (marking up uncertain parts, specifying views from part references) are only supported with the following input model formats: PVZ, glTF, Collada (.dae).
  • Device Pose Observer reset during Extended Tracking with Model Target might in some cases lead to unexpected relocalization issues. Deactivating/activating the Model Target improves the situation - but user will have to start experience again with detecting the Model Target.
  • Model Targets with Low Feature Objects tracking optimization are more sensitive to wrongly specified physical size in the dataset. The same applies when in camera mode OPTIMIZE_SPEED.
  • On some Android Tablets the Barcode bounding box coordinates might not align with the corners of the barcode in the image.
  • When using Vuforia Engine on a Pixel 5 with Android 14 and ARCore you may observe autofocus not working after longer App pauses (about 5 minutes). We believe that this is an issue with ARCore on that device, the workaround is to switch the focus mode to fixed and back to ‘continuous auto’ which restores autofocus.
  • When running Vuforia Engine on a Samsung Galaxy S20+ (SM-G985F/DS) with ARCore you may experience limited device tracking, reduced camera frame rate and the device heating up when moving the device very close to an object.
  • On Android devices without a Fusion Provider enabled calls to vuCameraControllerGetFocusMode and vuCameraControllerGetExposureMode might fail during the first second after Engine starts (i.e. vuEngineIsRunning will return VU_TRUE).
  • On some older Surface tablets, the focus mode is not always restored to the previous set value when resuming the app from the suspended state.
  • Using very large Area Targets on ARCore devices may impact persistency of anchors.
  • Vuforia Engine does not trigger continuous autofocus by default on ARCore as it does on other platforms. Use VuforiaBehaviour.Instance.CameraDevice.SetFocusMode() to ensure that a focus mode is set consistently across all platforms.
  • When building the UVC camera library for Android we recommend using NDK 13b. Please see the UVC Driver documentation or the in the UVC sample for more details.
  • The Session Recorder writes to the OS defined primary storage location. On devices with emulated storage such as Android devices typically provides the emulated storage as the primary location. This means that Vuforia will not usually record to a removable SD card.


  • Certain iOS devices sometimes encounter an unstable auto-focus behavior seemingly caused by ARKit. Moving the devices around and focusing at different distances resolves the issue most of the time. (so far seen on iPhone XR, iPhone X, iPhone 8 Plus, Apple iPad Pro 10.5 2017 when running iOS 16)
  • When using the Area Target Capture API, the Device Pose Observer may incorrectly relocalize after pause/resume. In this case, the preview mesh for the capture will appear in the wrong location. If the Device Pose Observer reports that it is tracking normally, but the capture remains stuck in relocalizing state for several seconds, then the following instructions to the user may help:
    • Go back to a previously captured area that is visually distinctive and pause/resume the application again. This forces the Device Pose Observer to make a new relocation attempt.


  • The native sample does not support ‘dark mode’ on UWP devices.
  • On HoloLens, starting a Vuforia App when an existing Miracast session is active will terminate the Miracast session. It is possible to re-start the Miracast session and use it while Vuforia is tracking, however any camera start operation in Vuforia will again terminate the Miracast session.
  • Small or far away Image Targets may temporarily show increased jitter on HoloLens when only very limited head motion is performed.
  • On some older Surface tablets the focus mode is not always restored to the previous set value when resuming the App from the suspended state.
  • UWP apps may exhibit symptoms such as a black screen or frozen camera image when another app is also using the camera. 
Magic Leap OS N/A


Area Target

  • The clipping height of the Area Target is not updated when changing the VirtualSceneScale. Please adjust it manually. Generally, Area Target projects should use meters-scale.


  • Simulator Mode in the Unity Editor currently only supports one VuMark per scene.


  • On some Android devices, objects occluded by Vuforia Engine's "Custom/DepthMask" shader (used e.g. for Area Target occlusion) are rendered black. To work around this issue, set the occluded objects' materials to Rendering Mode "Transparent".


  • When upgrading the Vuforia extension package on MacOS, a restart of the Unity Editor may be required to complete the upgrade process.


  • The Virtual Scene Scale Factor in Unity is not supported on HoloLens.
  • On UWP, using the "Run in background" option in the Unity player settings may cause the video background to freeze on resume after the application was minimized (suspended). It is recommended to disable "Run in background" so that Vuforia can be properly paused if the app is not in the foreground.
  • On UWP, Vuforia Engine cannot check whether camera permission has been granted and does not report the VU_ENGINE_CREATION_ERROR_PERMISSION_ERROR error code.


  • The SessionRecorder prefab requires custom UI when used on Magic Leap.
  • The Virtual Scene Scale Factor in Unity is not supported on Magic Leap.


  • Setting the far clip plane to a large number can cause the video background image to flicker when using the URP in combination with GLES3.
  • When integrating with ARFoundation in Unity, Vuforia will automatically use the highest camera resolution that ARFoundation offers. Changing that camera resolution is currently not supported and selecting different CameraModes has no effect.
  • When building a Vuforia project using Unity in batch mode, the Render Over Native UI setting must be manually configured according to the desired target platform.

Vuforia Engine v10.25.4

Bugfixes / Features 



Model Targets

  • Standard Model Targets can now learn to recognize the object from multiple angles as you track the Model Target for the first time. This means that subsequent runs of your experience with that Model Target will behave more like Advanced Model Targets.
  • Training Advanced Model Targets with target SDK versions 10.6 and earlier has been deprecated. Support for this will be removed with an upcoming release. This affects both Model Target Generator versions 10.6 and earlier and Web API requests using targetSDK 10.6 and earlier. Generating standard Model Targets will continue to be possible with those versions.
    • Make sure to update your toolchain and Vuforia Engine SDK version to continue to generate new Advanced Model Targets.
    • Existing Model Target databases will continue to work even with the latest version of Vuforia Engine.
  • Fixed a minor issue affecting relocation of Model Targets created from scanned objects.


  • VISLAM, part of Vuforia’s Fusion tracking system, is deprecated and will be removed in a future version of Engine. For mobile devices that do not support ARCore and ARKit, Engine Fusion will no longer attempt to use inertial sensors for tracking and will be vision-only (SLAM).


  • The Vuforia Driver has a new API to create a mechanism for helping the Vuforia Engine optimize behavior for the underlying hardware. To take advantage of this capability, please contact Vuforia Engine Support ( for details.
  • The deprecated Core.h header has been removed.






Magic Leap OS N/A


  • Support for integration with Unity's ARFoundation has been deprecated and will be removed in a future release.

  • Fixed an issue preventing Vuforia Engine from initializing when using a GameActivity on Unity 2023.1 or later.

  • Fixed an issue where Unity projects with Advanced Model Targets will render 2D Guide Views after being upgraded to Engine 10.24 or later instead of defaulting to “NoGuideView”.

  • Fixed an issue in the Unity Digital Eyewear samples where not all permissions were asked together.

Known Issues



Session Recorder

  • Playback of recordings from the Session Recorder do not support Ground Plane experiences.

Model Targets

  • Model Targets: Features that require parts in the model to be specified during generation time (marking up uncertain parts, specifying views from part references) are only supported with the following input model formats: PVZ, glTF, Collada (.dae).
  • Device Pose Observer reset during Extended Tracking with Model Target might in some cases lead to unexpected relocalization issues. Deactivating/activating the Model Target improves the situation - but user will have to start experience again with detecting the Model Target.
  • Model Targets with Low Feature Objects tracking optimization are more sensitive to wrongly specified physical size in the dataset. The same applies when in camera mode OPTIMIZE_SPEED.
  • On some Android Tablets the Barcode bounding box coordinates might not align with the corners of the barcode in the image.
  • When using Vuforia Engine on a Pixel 5 with Android 14 and ARCore you may observe autofocus not working after longer App pauses (about 5 minutes). We believe that this is an issue with ARCore on that device, the workaround is to switch the focus mode to fixed and back to ‘continuous auto’ which restores autofocus.
  • When running Vuforia Engine on a Samsung Galaxy S20+ (SM-G985F/DS) with ARCore you may experience limited device tracking, reduced camera frame rate and the device heating up when moving the device very close to an object.
  • On Android devices without a Fusion Provider enabled calls to vuCameraControllerGetFocusMode and vuCameraControllerGetExposureMode might fail during the first second after Engine starts (i.e. vuEngineIsRunning will return VU_TRUE).
  • On some older Surface tablets, the focus mode is not always restored to the previous set value when resuming the app from the suspended state.
  • Using very large Area Targets on ARCore devices may impact persistency of anchors.
  • Vuforia Engine does not trigger continuous autofocus by default on ARCore as it does on other platforms. Use VuforiaBehaviour.Instance.CameraDevice.SetFocusMode() to ensure that a focus mode is set consistently across all platforms.
  • When building the UVC camera library for Android we recommend using NDK 13b. Please see the UVC Driver documentation or the in the UVC sample for more details.
  • The Session Recorder writes to the OS defined primary storage location. On devices with emulated storage such as Android devices typically provides the emulated storage as the primary location. This means that Vuforia will not usually record to a removable SD card.


  • Certain iOS devices sometimes encounter an unstable auto-focus behavior seemingly caused by ARKit. Moving the devices around and focusing at different distances resolves the issue most of the time. (so far seen on iPhone XR, iPhone X, iPhone 8 Plus, Apple iPad Pro 10.5 2017 when running iOS 16)
  • When using the Area Target Capture API, the Device Pose Observer may incorrectly relocalize after pause/resume. In this case, the preview mesh for the capture will appear in the wrong location. If the Device Pose Observer reports that it is tracking normally, but the capture remains stuck in relocalizing state for several seconds, then the following instructions to the user may help:
    • Go back to a previously captured area that is visually distinctive and pause/resume the application again. This forces the Device Pose Observer to make a new relocation attempt.


  • The native sample does not support ‘dark mode’ on UWP devices.
  • On HoloLens, starting a Vuforia App when an existing Miracast session is active will terminate the Miracast session. It is possible to re-start the Miracast session and use it while Vuforia is tracking, however any camera start operation in Vuforia will again terminate the Miracast session.
  • Small or far away Image Targets may temporarily show increased jitter on HoloLens when only very limited head motion is performed.
  • On some older Surface tablets the focus mode is not always restored to the previous set value when resuming the App from the suspended state.
  • UWP apps may exhibit symptoms such as a black screen or frozen camera image when another app is also using the camera. 
Magic Leap OS N/A


Area Target

  • The clipping height of the Area Target is not updated when changing the VirtualSceneScale. Please adjust it manually. Generally, Area Target projects should use meters-scale.


  • Simulator Mode in the Unity Editor currently only supports one VuMark per scene.


  • On some Android devices, objects occluded by Vuforia Engine's "Custom/DepthMask" shader (used e.g. for Area Target occlusion) are rendered black. To work around this issue, set the occluded objects' materials to Rendering Mode "Transparent".


  • When upgrading the Vuforia extension package on MacOS, a restart of the Unity Editor may be required to complete the upgrade process.


  • The Virtual Scene Scale Factor in Unity is not supported on HoloLens.
  • On UWP, using the "Run in background" option in the Unity player settings may cause the video background to freeze on resume after the application was minimized (suspended). It is recommended to disable "Run in background" so that Vuforia can be properly paused if the app is not in the foreground.
  • On UWP, Vuforia Engine cannot check whether camera permission has been granted and does not report the VU_ENGINE_CREATION_ERROR_PERMISSION_ERROR error code.


  • The SessionRecorder prefab requires custom UI when used on Magic Leap.
  • The Virtual Scene Scale Factor in Unity is not supported on Magic Leap.


  • Setting the far clip plane to a large number can cause the video background image to flicker when using the URP in combination with GLES3.
  • When integrating with ARFoundation in Unity, Vuforia will automatically use the highest camera resolution that ARFoundation offers. Changing that camera resolution is currently not supported and selecting different CameraModes has no effect.
  • When building a Vuforia project using Unity in batch mode, the Render Over Native UI setting must be manually configured according to the desired target platform.

Vuforia Engine v10.24.4

Bugfixes / Features 



Area Targets

  • Fixed an issue that could prevent VU_AREA_TARGET_OBSERVATION_STATUS_INFO_MISSING_DATA from being reported correctly when the Area Target is missing data.

Model Targets

  • Advanced Model Target can now display Guide View images at runtime. The pose for the Guide View image can either be defined when creating the Model Target through the Web API, or a representative pose will be selected at runtime.

Session Recorder

  • Added a tool to convert Session Recordings made with Vuforia Engine 10.20 or newer into a format that can be used with older versions of Vuforia Engine.


  • We have added an experimental API for obtaining the depth and depth confidence frame data from the Vuforia Engine state on iOS devices that support depth.
  • A new public API allows developers to register a callback function to handle Engine log events.


  • A new view type has been added for Advanced Model Targets. When creating a Model Target using the Web API, a view can be defined by specifying a part of the CAD model. The Model Target will then be trained to be recognized when that part comes into view. This can e.g., be used for inspection scenarios, where the parts that need to be inspected can be used to define such views.


  • We removed support for Vuzix M400.




Magic Leap OS
  • For Magic Leap 2, the minimum Magic Leap SDK is now 1.6.0, and NDK is r26b.


  • Fixed an AssetDatabase warning message regarding the VuforiaLicense.cs file that was logged while building a Unity project with Vuforia Engine.
  • Fixed an issue with the representation of Area Targets that caused the Clipping Height to display wrong results in the Unity Editor, cutting off the target.
  • Vuforia Engine now fully supports MRTK 3 in Unity.

Known Issues



Session Recorder

  • Playback of recordings from the Session Recorder do not support Ground Plane experiences.

Model Targets

  • Model Targets: Features that require parts in the model to be specified during generation time (marking up uncertain parts, specifying views from part references) are only supported with the following input model formats: PVZ, glTF, Collada (.dae).
  • Device Pose Observer reset during Extended Tracking with Model Target might in some cases lead to unexpected relocalization issues. Deactivating/activating the Model Target improves the situation - but user will have to start experience again with detecting the Model Target.
  • Model Targets with Low Feature Objects tracking optimization are more sensitive to wrongly specified physical size in the dataset. The same applies when in camera mode OPTIMIZE_SPEED.
  • On some Android Tablets the Barcode bounding box coordinates might not align with the corners of the barcode in the image.
  • When using Vuforia Engine on a Pixel 5 with Android 14 and ARCore you may observe autofocus not working after longer App pauses (about 5 minutes). We believe that this is an issue with ARCore on that device, the workaround is to switch the focus mode to fixed and back to ‘continuous auto’ which restores autofocus.
  • When running Vuforia Engine on a Samsung Galaxy S20+ (SM-G985F/DS) with ARCore you may experience limited device tracking, reduced camera frame rate and the device heating up when moving the device very close to an object.
  • On Android devices without a Fusion Provider enabled calls to vuCameraControllerGetFocusMode and vuCameraControllerGetExposureMode might fail during the first second after Engine starts (i.e. vuEngineIsRunning will return VU_TRUE).
  • On some older Surface tablets, the focus mode is not always restored to the previous set value when resuming the app from the suspended state.
  • Using very large Area Targets on ARCore devices may impact persistency of anchors.
  • Vuforia Engine does not trigger continuous autofocus by default on ARCore as it does on other platforms. Use VuforiaBehaviour.Instance.CameraDevice.SetFocusMode() to ensure that a focus mode is set consistently across all platforms.
  • When building the UVC camera library for Android we recommend using NDK 13b. Please see the UVC Driver documentation or the in the UVC sample for more details.
  • The Session Recorder writes to the OS defined primary storage location. On devices with emulated storage such as Android devices typically provides the emulated storage as the primary location. This means that Vuforia will not usually record to a removable SD card.


  • Certain iOS devices sometimes encounter an unstable auto-focus behavior seemingly caused by ARKit. Moving the devices around and focusing at different distances resolves the issue most of the time. (so far seen on iPhone XR, iPhone X, iPhone 8 Plus, Apple iPad Pro 10.5 2017 when running iOS 16)
  • When using the Area Target Capture API, the Device Pose Observer may incorrectly relocalize after pause/resume. In this case, the preview mesh for the capture will appear in the wrong location. If the Device Pose Observer reports that it is tracking normally, but the capture remains stuck in relocalizing state for several seconds, then the following instructions to the user may help:
    • Go back to a previously captured area that is visually distinctive and pause/resume the application again. This forces the Device Pose Observer to make a new relocation attempt.


  • The native sample does not support ‘dark mode’ on UWP devices.
  • On HoloLens, starting a Vuforia App when an existing Miracast session is active will terminate the Miracast session. It is possible to re-start the Miracast session and use it while Vuforia is tracking, however any camera start operation in Vuforia will again terminate the Miracast session.
  • Small or far away Image Targets may temporarily show increased jitter on HoloLens when only very limited head motion is performed.
  • On some older Surface tablets the focus mode is not always restored to the previous set value when resuming the App from the suspended state.
  • UWP apps may exhibit symptoms such as a black screen or frozen camera image when another app is also using the camera. 
Magic Leap OS N/A


Area Target

  • The clipping height of the Area Target is not updated when changing the VirtualSceneScale. Please adjust it manually. Generally, Area Target projects should use meters-scale.

Model Targets

  • In some cases, existing Unity projects with Advanced Model Targets will render 2D guide views after being upgraded to Engine 10.24 or later. In that case, set the Guide View Mode to “NoGuideView” in the inspector for that target.


  • Simulator Mode in the Unity Editor currently only supports one VuMark per scene.


  • On some Android devices, objects occluded by Vuforia Engine's "Custom/DepthMask" shader (used e.g. for Area Target occlusion) are rendered black. To work around this issue, set the occluded objects' materials to Rendering Mode "Transparent".


  • When upgrading the Vuforia extension package on MacOS, a restart of the Unity Editor may be required to complete the upgrade process.


  • The Virtual Scene Scale Factor in Unity is not supported on HoloLens.
  • On UWP, using the "Run in background" option in the Unity player settings may cause the video background to freeze on resume after the application was minimized (suspended). It is recommended to disable "Run in background" so that Vuforia can be properly paused if the app is not in the foreground.
  • On UWP, Vuforia Engine cannot check whether camera permission has been granted and does not report the VU_ENGINE_CREATION_ERROR_PERMISSION_ERROR error code.


  • The SessionRecorder prefab requires custom UI when used on Magic Leap.
  • The Virtual Scene Scale Factor in Unity is not supported on Magic Leap.


  • Setting the far clip plane to a large number can cause the video background image to flicker when using the URP in combination with GLES3.
  • When integrating with ARFoundation in Unity, Vuforia will automatically use the highest camera resolution that ARFoundation offers. Changing that camera resolution is currently not supported and selecting different CameraModes has no effect.
  • When building a Vuforia project using Unity in batch mode, the Render Over Native UI setting must be manually configured according to the desired target platform.

Vuforia Engine v10.22.5

Bugfixes / Features 



Virtual Buttons

  • The deprecated Virtual Button APIs have been removed.

File Driver

  • The FileDriver now supports loading sequences from paths containing non-English characters.


  • Vuforia Engine is now built with Android NDK version 26.1.10909125 (r26b).
  • The native Android sample build has been updated to use a newer build plugin to ensure smooth importing of the project into Android Studio.
  • The minimum supported version of ARCore is now 1.32.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the video background to be inverted when running Engine with ARCore on the Google Pixel Tablet.


  • Added support for external USB cameras on iPad devices running iPadOS 17+.
  • The behavior of vuPlatformControllerGetARKitInfo has been changed to fail when the Vuforia Engine is not running.
  • A new Engine Config parameter has been added for iOS that allows the app orientation to be provided at Engine creation.
    • In turn, this allows Vuforia Engine to calculate the correct orientation when playing back recordings with File Driver.


  • A new Engine Config parameter has been added for UWP that allows the app orientation to be provided at Engine creation.
    • In turn, this allows Vuforia Engine to calculate the correct orientation when playing back recordings with File Driver.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented disabling torch mode on UWP devices.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented Vuforia Engine from working on UWP when using a Logitech Pro 9000 webcam.
Magic Leap OS
  • Fixed an issue for Magic Leap 2 that could have caused inconsistent behavior of Engine APIs related to the view orientation. The behavior of the vuPlatformControllerSetViewOrientation API has now changed to perform internal view orientation checking. Calls to this API will now fail if the provided view orientation does not align with the actual view orientation, which matches the behavior on Android. Please review your app code to make sure only to pass in the actual view orientation of the app to avoid failures to this call.


  • Fixed an issue that prevented building a project for Android when the file contained comments.
  • Fixed an issue with long refresh times in the Unity Editor when a project contains large Area Targets.

Known Issues



Session Recorder

  • Playback of recordings from the Session Recorder do not support Ground Plane experiences.

Model Targets

  • Device Pose Observer reset during Extended Tracking with Model Target might in some cases lead to unexpected relocalization issues. Deactivating/activating the Model Target improves the situation - but user will have to start experience again with detecting the Model Target.
  • Model Targets with Low Feature Objects tracking optimization are more sensitive to wrongly specified physical size in the dataset. The same applies when in camera mode OPTIMIZE_SPEED.
  • When running Vuforia Engine on a Samsung Galaxy S20+ (SM-G985F/DS) with ARCore you may experience limited device tracking, reduced camera frame rate and the device heating up when moving the device very close to an object.
  • On Android devices without a Fusion Provider enabled calls to vuCameraControllerGetFocusMode and vuCameraControllerGetExposureMode might fail during the first second after Engine starts (i.e. vuEngineIsRunning will return VU_TRUE).
  • On some older Surface tablets, the focus mode is not always restored to the previous set value when resuming the app from the suspended state.
  • Using very large Area Targets on ARCore devices may impact persistency of anchors.
  • Vuforia Engine does not trigger continuous autofocus by default on ARCore as it does on other platforms. Use VuforiaBehaviour.Instance.CameraDevice.SetFocusMode() to ensure that a focus mode is set consistently across all platforms.
  • When building the UVC camera library for Android we recommend using NDK 13b. Please see the UVC Driver documentation or the in the UVC sample for more details.
  • The Session Recorder writes to the OS defined primary storage location. On devices with emulated storage such as Android devices typically provides the emulated storage as the primary location. This means that Vuforia will not usually record to a removable SD card.


  • Certain iOS devices sometimes encounter an unstable auto-focus behavior seemingly caused by ARKit. Moving the devices around and focusing at different distances resolves the issue most of the time. (so far seen on iPhone XR, iPhone X, iPhone 8 Plus, Apple iPad Pro 10.5 2017 when running iOS 16)
  • When using the Area Target Capture API, the Device Pose Observer may incorrectly relocalize after pause/resume. In this case, the preview mesh for the capture will appear in the wrong location. If the Device Pose Observer reports that it is tracking normally, but the capture remains stuck in relocalizing state for several seconds, then the following instructions to the user may help:
    • Go back to a previously captured area that is visually distinctive and pause/resume the application again. This forces the Device Pose Observer to make a new relocation attempt.


  • The native sample does not support ‘dark mode’ on UWP devices.
  • On HoloLens, starting a Vuforia App when an existing Miracast session is active will terminate the Miracast session. It is possible to re-start the Miracast session and use it while Vuforia is tracking, however any camera start operation in Vuforia will again terminate the Miracast session.
  • Small or far away Image Targets may temporarily show increased jitter on HoloLens when only very limited head motion is performed.
  • On some older Surface tablets the focus mode is not always restored to the previous set value when resuming the App from the suspended state.
  • UWP apps may exhibit symptoms such as a black screen or frozen camera image when another app is also using the camera. 
Magic Leap OS N/A


Area Target

  • The clipping height of the Area Target is not updated when changing the VirtualSceneScale. Please adjust it manually. Generally, Area Target projects should use meters-scale.


  • Simulator Mode in the Unity Editor currently only supports one VuMark per scene.


  • On some Android devices, objects occluded by Vuforia Engine's "Custom/DepthMask" shader (used e.g. for Area Target occlusion) are rendered black. To work around this issue, set the occluded objects' materials to Rendering Mode "Transparent".


  • When upgrading the Vuforia extension package on MacOS, a restart of the Unity Editor may be required to complete the upgrade process.


  • The Virtual Scene Scale Factor in Unity is not supported on HoloLens.
  • On UWP, using the "Run in background" option in the Unity player settings may cause the video background to freeze on resume after the application was minimized (suspended). It is recommended to disable "Run in background" so that Vuforia can be properly paused if the app is not in the foreground.
  • On UWP, Vuforia Engine cannot check whether camera permission has been granted and does not report the VU_ENGINE_CREATION_ERROR_PERMISSION_ERROR error code.


  • The SessionRecorder prefab requires custom UI when used on Magic Leap.
  • The Virtual Scene Scale Factor in Unity is not supported on Magic Leap.


  • A deprecation warning is shown in Unity 2023.2 and later after importing Vuforia in a new project. This warning can be ignored.
  • Setting the far clip plane to a large number can cause the video background image to flicker when using the URP in combination with GLES3.
  • When integrating with ARFoundation in Unity, Vuforia will automatically use the highest camera resolution that ARFoundation offers. Changing that camera resolution is currently not supported and selecting different CameraModes has no effect.
  • When building a Vuforia project using Unity in batch mode, the Render Over Native UI setting must be manually configured according to the desired target platform.
  • Accessing the camera background materials in Unity interferes with video texture updates. Please refer here for more information.

Vuforia Engine v10.21.3

Bugfixes / Features 



Session Recorder

Removed deprecated XML playback capability from FileDiver. Please use MP4 recordings instead.


  • The content of the Core.h header has been split into separate dedicated headers: Basic.h, CameraIntrinsics.h, Geometry.h and Image.h. For code not using the VuforiaEngine.h umbrella header this will become a build breaking change if they continue to rely on Core.h to include this functionality.
    • The separate headers are included into Core.h for a transition period.
    • The Core.h header will be removed in an upcoming Vuforia Engine release.
    • Clients are advised to move to including one or more of the separate headers directly to avoid breaking builds in the future.


  • Added a new error code to indicate when the ARCore Platform Fusion Provider info (retrieved by the vuPlatformControllerGetARCoreInfo function) has been invalidated. The behavior of vuPlatformControllerGetARCoreInfo has been changed so that it will fail in the following conditions:
    • Attempting to call it from within a Vuforia Engine callback.
    • When Vuforia Engine is not running.




Magic Leap OS N/A


  • Added support for Universal Render Pipeline (URP) in Unity. On import, the Vuforia Unity Extension will automatically configure resources to match the project type.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented building a project that includes Vuforia Engine with Unity using Xcode 15.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented importing both the Core Samples and the VFX Library into a single Unity project.

Known Issues



  • Using multiple targets simultaneously while Extended Tracking them when using the Vuforia Sensor Fusion provider may lead to degraded tracking quality in rare scenarios.
  • The Ground Plane sample app does not allow re-positioning of the annotations into a new area after pause and resume. Going back to the original area and recovering the original annotation is necessary before it can be moved. As an alternative you can reset the experience after resume to use the app again.
  • Under certain conditions when doing fast motions during Extended Tracking using Fusion-provider VISLAM an apparent shift in augmentation might be observed. Approaching the original target and/or resetting Device Pose Observer will resolve the issue.

Session Recorder

  • Playback of recordings from the Session Recorder do not support Ground Plane experiences.

Model Targets

  • Device Pose Observer reset during Extended Tracking with Model Target might in some cases lead to unexpected relocalization issues. Deactivating/activating the Model Target improves the situation - but user will have to start experience again with detecting the Model Target.
  • Model Targets with Low Feature Objects tracking optimization are more sensitive to wrongly specified physical size in the dataset. The same applies when in camera mode OPTIMIZE_SPEED.
  • Importing the native Android sample into Android Studio 2023.1.1 requires manual setup. To work around the errors, you can either modify the build.gradle file and update the plugin to version 7.4.2 or install Java 11 and configure Android Studio to use that Java VM and Gradle version 6.7.1.
  • When running Vuforia Engine on a Samsung Galaxy S20+ (SM-G985F/DS) with ARCore you may experience limited device tracking, reduced camera frame rate and the device heating up when moving the device very close to an object.
  • On Android devices without a Fusion Provider enabled calls to vuCameraControllerGetFocusMode and vuCameraControllerGetExposureMode might fail during the first second after Engine starts (i.e. vuEngineIsRunning will return VU_TRUE).
  • On some older Surface tablets, the focus mode is not always restored to the previous set value when resuming the app from the suspended state.
  • Using very large Area Targets on ARCore devices may impact persistency of anchors.
  • Vuforia Engine does not trigger continuous autofocus by default on ARCore as it does on other platforms. Use VuforiaBehaviour.Instance.CameraDevice.SetFocusMode() to ensure that a focus mode is set consistently across all platforms.
  • When building the UVC camera library for Android we recommend using NDK 13b. Please see the UVC Driver documentation or the in the UVC sample for more details.
  • After the Device Pose Observer loses tracking with ARCore it may be necessary to direct the user to return to the target to recover extended tracking when using Advanced Model Targets.
  • The Session Recorder writes to the OS defined primary storage location. On devices with emulated storage such as Android devices typically provides the emulated storage as the primary location. This means that Vuforia will not usually record to a removable SD card.


  • Playback of session recordings made with the Session Recorder in any orientation other than portrait on iOS will be incorrectly rotated. Android is unaffected by this issue.
  • Certain iOS devices sometimes encounter an unstable auto-focus behavior seemingly caused by ARKit. Moving the devices around and focusing at different distances resolves the issue most of the time. (so far seen on iPhone XR, iPhone X, iPhone 8 Plus, Apple iPad Pro 10.5 2017 when running iOS 16)
  • When using the Area Target Capture API, the Device Pose Observer may incorrectly relocalize after pause/resume. In this case, the preview mesh for the capture will appear in the wrong location. If the Device Pose Observer reports that it is tracking normally, but the capture remains stuck in relocalizing state for several seconds, then the following instructions to the user may help:
    • Go back to a previously captured area that is visually distinctive and pause/resume the application again. This forces the Device Pose Observer to make a new relocation attempt.


  • Playback of session recordings in any orientation other than landscape left on UWP will be incorrectly rotated. Android is unaffected by this issue.
  • The FileDriver does not support loading session recordings from paths containing non-English characters when on Windows (and in Unity Play Mode on Windows),
  • The native sample does not support ‘dark mode’ on UWP devices.
  • On HoloLens, starting a Vuforia App when an existing Miracast session is active will terminate the Miracast session. It is possible to re-start the Miracast session and use it while Vuforia is tracking, however any camera start operation in Vuforia will again terminate the Miracast session.
  • Small or far away Image Targets may temporarily show increased jitter on HoloLens when only very limited head motion is performed.
  • On some older Surface tablets the focus mode is not always restored to the previous set value when resuming the App from the suspended state.
  • Extended tracked targets may be reported with incorrect poses for one or two frames after pausing and resuming when using Vuforia Sensor Fusion provider.
  • UWP apps may exhibit symptoms such as a black screen or frozen camera image when another app is also using the camera. 

Magic Leap OS N/A


Model Targets

  • Apps may experience long dataset loading times and/or run out of memory if Advanced Model Target databases with more than 10 trained models are used. The exact number of supported targets is dependent on model size and complexity as well as the device that is being used.
  • Changing the Guide View mode of multiple Model Target behaviours simultaneously by having them all selected in the Unity Editor is currently not supported. Please change the guide view mode for each behaviour separately.

Area Target

  • The clipping height of the Area Target is not updated when changing the VirtualSceneScale. Please adjust it manually. Generally, Area Target projects should use meters-scale.


  • Simulator Mode in the Unity Editor currently only supports one VuMark per scene.


  • On some Android devices (e.g. PixelXL), objects occluded by Vuforia Engine's "Custom/DepthMask" shader (used e.g. for Area Target occlusion) are rendered black. To work around this issue, set the occluded objects' materials to Rendering Mode "Transparent".
  • When using the scriptable render pipeline, enabling the experimental SRP Batcher option will break Video Background Rendering on Android OpenGL ES 3.0.
  • In some occasions, the sample UVC driver implementation may fail to start after the USB camera permission has been accepted on Android.


  • Vuforia Engine requires "Render Over Native UI" to be set for iOS to resolve a performance issue seen on some ARKit-enabled devices. However, the same setting causes non-Vuforia specific issues on Android 8.0. Therefore, this setting is set/unset automatically when switching the platform between Android and iOS in Unity.
  • When upgrading the Vuforia extension package on MacOS, a restart of the Unity Editor may be required to complete the upgrade process.
  • Calling SceneManager.LoadScene successively and in quick manner may result in a black video background on iOS devices.
  • 2D Model Target Guide views are currently not supported on iOS when using the OpenGLES2 Graphics API. Please use 3D guide views in case you want to support the OpenGL ES 2.0 rendering backend.


  • The Virtual Scene Scale Factor in Unity is not supported on HoloLens.
  • In the Unity HoloLens sample, some renderings errors are seen in scene view in the Unity Editor.
  • On UWP, using the "Run in background" option in the Unity player settings may cause the video background to freeze on resume after the application was minimized (suspended). It is recommended to disable "Run in background" so that Vuforia can be properly paused if the app is not in the foreground.
  • Initialization fails to return INIT_NO_CAMERA_ACCESS error code when camera permissions are denied on UWP.


  • The SessionRecorder prefab requires custom UI when used on Magic Leap.
  • The Virtual Scene Scale Factor in Unity is not supported on Magic Leap.


  • Selecting different CameraModes has no effect when using ARFoundation.
  • Setting the far clip plane to a large number can cause the video background image to flicker when using the URP in combination with GLES3.
  • When integrating with ARFoundation in Unity, Vuforia will automatically use the highest camera resolution that ARFoundation offers. Changing that camera resolution is currently not supported.
  • When building a Vuforia project using Unity in batch mode, the Render Over Native UI setting must be manually configured according to the desired target platform.
  • Accessing the camera background materials in Unity interferes with video texture updates. Please refer here for more information.
  • Incorrect build errors may appear when building an application for the first time on a specific platform. The current workaround is to build a second time and errors will be resolved.
  • Successively calling GetCameraImage() from multiple scenes returns incorrect images.

Vuforia Engine v10.20.3

Bugfixes / Features 



Area Targets

  • The activation of large Area Targets has been optimized to allow for faster initial relocalization.

Model Targets

  • The training speed of Advanced Model Targets was increased by up to 40%.
  • Improved performance of initial detection in DEFAULT and LOW_FEATURE_OBJECTS modes in certain situations.
  • Fixed an issue with the Model Target Mesh Observer where multiple VuMeshBlocks with the same VuMesh were not reported properly.
  • Fixed an issue where Model Target power saving settings would not get applied for camera mode SPEED on certain devices.
  • Fixed a problem where the Model Target Generator failed to generate working datasets for users with special characters in their credentials.

Model Target Web API

  • When using the OBSERVATION preset in the Model Target Web API, only axis aligned up vectors are supported.

Session Recorder

  • MP4 Session Recordings created with Vuforia 10.20 cannot be played back using older versions of Vuforia Engine/FileDriver.






Magic Leap OS N/A


  • Fixed an issue that prevented from building a project for Android when the file contained empty lines.
  • Activating and deactivating RuntimeMeshRenderingBehaviour components now correctly shows and hides the rendered meshes.
  • RuntimeMeshRenderingBehaviour components are now correctly activated and deactivated by the DefaultObserverEventHandler.
  • The deprecated CameraController APIs for setting and getting camera fields have been removed.
  • Fixed an issue in the VFX Library where the DepthNormalContour shader did not render as expected in Unity 2022.3.13+.

Known Issues



  • Using multiple targets simultaneously while Extended Tracking them when using the Vuforia Sensor Fusion provider may lead to degraded tracking quality in rare scenarios.
  • VISLAM may fail on environments with predominantly edgy structures with fine lines w/o other texture.
  • The Ground Plane sample app does not allow re-positioning of the annotations into a new area after pause and resume. Going back to the original area and recovering the original annotation is necessary before it can be moved. As an alternative you can reset the experience after resume to use the app again.
  • Under certain conditions when doing fast motions during Extended Tracking using Fusion-provider VISLAM an apparent shift in augmentation might be observed. Approaching the original target and/or resetting Device Pose Observer will resolve the issue.

Session Recorder

  • Playback of recordings from the Session Recorder do not support Ground Plane experiences.

Model Targets

  • Device Pose Observer reset during Extended Tracking with Model Target might in some cases lead to unexpected relocalization issues. Deactivating/activating the Model Target improves the situation - but user will have to start experience again with detecting the Model Target.
  • Model Targets with Low Feature Objects tracking optimization are more sensitive to wrongly specified physical size in the dataset. The same applies when in camera mode OPTIMIZE_SPEED.
  • On some devices the ARCore pointers retrieved via vuPlatformControllerGetARCoreInfo may be invalidated internally leading to undefined behavior (most probably crash) in the client App. This problem has most commonly been observed on Samsung S20 series devices and the Redmi Note 8 along with some older Samsung devices using Snapdragon chipsets.
  • When running Vuforia Engine on a Samsung Galaxy S20+ (SM-G985F/DS) with ARCore you may experience limited device tracking, reduced camera frame rate and the device heating up when moving the device very close to an object.
  • On Android devices without a Fusion Provider enabled calls to vuCameraControllerGetFocusMode and vuCameraControllerGetExposureMode might fail during the first second after Engine starts (i.e. vuEngineIsRunning will return VU_TRUE).
  • On some older Surface tablets, the focus mode is not always restored to the previous set value when resuming the app from the suspended state.
  • Using very large Area Targets on ARCore devices may impact persistency of anchors.
  • Vuforia Engine does not trigger continuous autofocus by default on ARCore as it does on other platforms. Use VuforiaBehaviour.Instance.CameraDevice.SetFocusMode() to ensure that a focus mode is set consistently across all platforms.
  • When building the UVC camera library for Android we recommend using NDK 13b. Please see the UVC Driver documentation or the in the UVC sample for more details.
  • After the Device Pose Observer loses tracking with ARCore it may be necessary to direct the user to return to the target to recover extended tracking when using Advanced Model Targets.
  • The Session Recorder writes to the OS defined primary storage location. On devices with emulated storage such as Android devices typically provides the emulated storage as the primary location. This means that Vuforia will not usually record to a removable SD card.


  • Playback of session recordings made with the Session Recorder in any orientation other than portrait on iOS will be incorrectly rotated. Android is unaffected by this issue.
  • Certain iOS devices sometimes encounter an unstable auto-focus behavior seemingly caused by ARKit. Moving the devices around and focusing at different distances resolves the issue most of the time. (so far seen on iPhone XR, iPhone X, iPhone 8 Plus, Apple iPad Pro 10.5 2017 when running iOS 16)
  • When using the Area Target Capture API, the Device Pose Observer may incorrectly relocalize after pause/resume. In this case, the preview mesh for the capture will appear in the wrong location. If the Device Pose Observer reports that it is tracking normally, but the capture remains stuck in relocalizing state for several seconds, then the following instructions to the user may help:
    • Go back to a previously captured area that is visually distinctive and pause/resume the application again. This forces the Device Pose Observer to make a new relocation attempt.


  • Playback of session recordings in any orientation other than landscape left on UWP will be incorrectly rotated. Android is unaffected by this issue.
  • The FileDriver does not support loading session recordings from paths containing non-English characters when on Windows (and in Unity Play Mode on Windows),
  • The native sample does not support ‘dark mode’ on UWP devices.
  • On HoloLens, starting a Vuforia App when an existing Miracast session is active will terminate the Miracast session. It is possible to re-start the Miracast session and use it while Vuforia is tracking, however any camera start operation in Vuforia will again terminate the Miracast session.
  • Small or far away Image Targets may temporarily show increased jitter on HoloLens when only very limited head motion is performed.
  • On some older Surface tablets the focus mode is not always restored to the previous set value when resuming the App from the suspended state.
  • Extended tracked targets may be reported with incorrect poses for one or two frames after pausing and resuming when using Vuforia Sensor Fusion provider.
  • UWP apps may exhibit symptoms such as a black screen or frozen camera image when another app is also using the camera. 

Magic Leap OS N/A


Model Targets

  • Apps may experience long dataset loading times and/or run out of memory if Advanced Model Target databases with more than 10 trained models are used. The exact number of supported targets is dependent on model size and complexity as well as the device that is being used.
  • Changing the Guide View mode of multiple Model Target behaviours simultaneously by having them all selected in the Unity Editor is currently not supported. Please change the guide view mode for each behaviour separately.

Area Target

  • The clipping height of the Area Target is not updated when changing the VirtualSceneScale. Please adjust it manually. Generally, Area Target projects should use meters-scale.


  • Simulator Mode in the Unity Editor currently only supports one VuMark per scene.


  • On some Android devices (e.g. PixelXL), objects occluded by Vuforia Engine's "Custom/DepthMask" shader (used e.g. for Area Target occlusion) are rendered black. To work around this issue, set the occluded objects' materials to Rendering Mode "Transparent".
  • When using the scriptable render pipeline, enabling the experimental SRP Batcher option will break Video Background Rendering on Android OpenGL ES 3.0.
  • In some occasions, the sample UVC driver implementation may fail to start after the USB camera permission has been accepted on Android.


  • Building a project that includes Vuforia Engine with Unity 2022.3 and above using Xcode 15 produces a corrupted Xcode project that cannot be built. To reduce the impact of this issue, please do NOT build your project by selecting File -> Build And Run in the Editor or use the corresponding CMD+B keyboard shortcut.
  • Vuforia Engine requires "Render Over Native UI" to be set for iOS to resolve a performance issue seen on some ARKit-enabled devices. However, the same setting causes non-Vuforia specific issues on Android 8.0. Therefore, this setting is set/unset automatically when switching the platform between Android and iOS in Unity.
  • When upgrading the Vuforia extension package on MacOS, a restart of the Unity Editor may be required to complete the upgrade process.
  • Calling SceneManager.LoadScene successively and in quick manner may result in a black video background on iOS devices.
  • 2D Model Target Guide views are currently not supported on iOS when using the OpenGLES2 Graphics API. Please use 3D guide views in case you want to support the OpenGL ES 2.0 rendering backend.


  • The Virtual Scene Scale Factor in Unity is not supported on HoloLens.
  • In the Unity HoloLens sample, some renderings errors are seen in scene view in the Unity Editor.
  • On UWP, using the "Run in background" option in the Unity player settings may cause the video background to freeze on resume after the application was minimized (suspended). It is recommended to disable "Run in background" so that Vuforia can be properly paused if the app is not in the foreground.
  • Initialization fails to return INIT_NO_CAMERA_ACCESS error code when camera permissions are denied on UWP.


  • The SessionRecorder prefab requires custom UI when used on Magic Leap.
  • The Virtual Scene Scale Factor in Unity is not supported on Magic Leap.


  • Selecting different CameraModes has no effect when using ARFoundation.
  • Setting the far clip plane to a large number can cause the video background image to flicker when using the URP in combination with GLES3.
  • When integrating with ARFoundation in Unity, Vuforia will automatically use the highest camera resolution that ARFoundation offers. Changing that camera resolution is currently not supported.
  • When building a Vuforia project using Unity in batch mode, the Render Over Native UI setting must be manually configured according to the desired target platform.
  • Accessing the camera background materials in Unity interferes with video texture updates. Please refer here for more information.
  • Incorrect build errors may appear when building an application for the first time on a specific platform. The current workaround is to build a second time and errors will be resolved.
  • Successively calling GetCameraImage() from multiple scenes returns incorrect images.

Vuforia Engine v10.19.3

Bugfixes / Features 



Model Targets

  • We improved the detection of Model Targets under certain circumstances.


  • Fixed an issue where changes to the video mode via vuCameraControllerSetActiveVideoMode were not reflected in the APIs related to rendering. This might have caused several rendering related APIs to return values that were still based on the previously set video mode, including the values in the VuRenderState and APIs of the RenderController.


  • Vuforia Engine now triggers the error CAMERA_DEVICE_LOST (Unity) or VU_ENGINE_ERROR_CAMERA_DEVICE_LOST (native) when encountering a rare condition where the camera becomes unavailable while using Android with ARCore. Before, Vuforia Engine would have attempted to restart ARCore.


  • Vuforia Engine now requires Xcode 14.3.1. and later.


  • Fixed an issue where changes to the view orientation via vuPlatformControllerSetViewOrientation were not fully applied internally for the case where no render view config was set, either via vuRenderControllerSetRenderViewConfig or with a default one. This might have caused several features, such as Model Targets or the Session Recorder, to use outdated view orientation values and behave incorrectly.

    This might have caused several rendering-related APIs to return values that were still based on the previously set video mode, including the values in the VuRenderState and APIs of the RenderController.

Magic Leap OS
  • Vuforia Engine now requires Magic Leap SDK v1.3.0 or above.



Known Issues



  • Using multiple targets simultaneously while Extended Tracking them when using the Vuforia Sensor Fusion provider may lead to degraded tracking quality in rare scenarios.
  • VISLAM may fail on environments with predominantly edgy structures with fine lines w/o other texture.
  • The Ground Plane sample app does not allow re-positioning of the annotations into a new area after pause and resume. Going back to the original area and recovering the original annotation is necessary before it can be moved. As an alternative you can reset the experience after resume to use the app again.
  • Under certain conditions when doing fast motions during Extended Tracking using Fusion-provider VISLAM an apparent shift in augmentation might be observed. Approaching the original target and/or resetting Device Pose Observer will resolve the issue.

Session Recorder

  • Playback of recordings from the Session Recorder do not support Ground Plane experiences.

Model Targets

  • Device Pose Observer reset during Extended Tracking with Model Target might in some cases lead to unexpected relocalization issues. Deactivating/activating the Model Target improves the situation - but user will have to start experience again with detecting the Model Target.
  • Model Targets with Low Feature Objects tracking optimization are more sensitive to wrongly specified physical size in the dataset. The same applies when in camera mode OPTIMIZE_SPEED.
  • Due to an issue in ARCore 1.38, already detected targets or placed anchors may not come back automatically after tracking is lost or when the app is paused and resumed; but instead require re-detection of the target or newly placing the anchor. To work around the issue, please upgrade Google Play Services for AR on their devices to version 1.39 or newer, or downgrade to version 1.37.
  • On some devices the ARCore pointers retrieved via vuPlatformControllerGetARCoreInfo may be invalidated internally leading to undefined behavior (most probably crash) in the client App. This problem has most commonly been observed on Samsung S20 series devices and the Redmi Note 8 along with some older Samsung devices using Snapdragon chipsets.
  • When running Vuforia Engine on a Samsung Galaxy S20+ (SM-G985F/DS) with ARCore you may experience limited device tracking, reduced camera frame rate and the device heating up when moving the device very close to an object.
  • On Android devices without a Fusion Provider enabled calls to vuCameraControllerGetFocusMode and vuCameraControllerGetExposureMode might fail during the first second after Engine starts (i.e. vuEngineIsRunning will return VU_TRUE).
  • On some older Surface tablets, the focus mode is not always restored to the previous set value when resuming the app from the suspended state.
  • Using very large Area Targets on ARCore devices may impact persistency of anchors.
  • Vuforia Engine does not trigger continuous autofocus by default on ARCore as it does on other platforms. Use VuforiaBehaviour.Instance.CameraDevice.SetFocusMode() to ensure that a focus mode is set consistently across all platforms.
  • When building the UVC camera library for Android we recommend using NDK 13b. Please see the UVC Driver documentation or the in the UVC sample for more details.
  • After the Device Pose Observer loses tracking with ARCore it may be necessary to direct the user to return to the target to recover extended tracking when using Advanced Model Targets.
  • The Session Recorder writes to the OS defined primary storage location. On devices with emulated storage such as Android devices typically provides the emulated storage as the primary location. This means that Vuforia will not usually record to a removable SD card.


  • Certain iOS devices sometimes encounter an unstable auto-focus behavior seemingly caused by ARKit. Moving the devices around and focusing at different distances resolves the issue most of the time. (so far seen on iPhone XR, iPhone X, iPhone 8 Plus, Apple iPad Pro 10.5 2017 when running iOS 16)
  • When using the Area Target Capture API, the Device Pose Observer may incorrectly relocalize after pause/resume. In this case, the preview mesh for the capture will appear in the wrong location. If the Device Pose Observer reports that it is tracking normally, but the capture remains stuck in relocalizing state for several seconds, then the following instructions to the user may help:
    • Go back to a previously captured area that is visually distinctive and pause/resume the application again. This forces the Device Pose Observer to make a new relocation attempt.


  • The native sample does not support ‘dark mode’ on UWP devices.
  • On HoloLens, starting a Vuforia App when an existing Miracast session is active will terminate the Miracast session. It is possible to re-start the Miracast session and use it while Vuforia is tracking, however any camera start operation in Vuforia will again terminate the Miracast session.
  • Small or far away Image Targets may temporarily show increased jitter on HoloLens when only very limited head motion is performed.
  • On some older Surface tablets the focus mode is not always restored to the previous set value when resuming the App from the suspended state.
  • Extended tracked targets may be reported with incorrect poses for one or two frames after pausing and resuming when using Vuforia Sensor Fusion provider.
  • UWP apps may exhibit symptoms such as a black screen or frozen camera image when another app is also using the camera. 

Magic Leap OS N/A


Model Targets

  • Apps may experience long dataset loading times and/or run out of memory if Advanced Model Target databases with more than 10 trained models are used. The exact number of supported targets is dependent on model size and complexity as well as the device that is being used.
  • Changing the Guide View mode of multiple Model Target behaviours simultaneously by having them all selected in the Unity Editor is currently not supported. Please change the guide view mode for each behaviour separately.


  • Simulator Mode in the Unity Editor currently only supports one VuMark per scene.


  • On some Android devices (e.g. PixelXL), objects occluded by Vuforia Engine's "Custom/DepthMask" shader (used e.g. for Area Target occlusion) are rendered black. To work around this issue, set the occluded objects' materials to Rendering Mode "Transparent".
  • When using the scriptable render pipeline, enabling the experimental SRP Batcher option will break Video Background Rendering on Android OpenGL ES 3.0.
  • In some occasions, the sample UVC driver implementation may fail to start after the USB camera permission has been accepted on Android.


  • Vuforia Engine requires "Render Over Native UI" to be set for iOS to resolve a performance issue seen on some ARKit-enabled devices. However, the same setting causes non-Vuforia specific issues on Android 8.0. Therefore, this setting is set/unset automatically when switching the platform between Android and iOS in Unity.
  • When upgrading the Vuforia extension package on MacOS, a restart of the Unity Editor may be required to complete the upgrade process.
  • Calling SceneManager.LoadScene successively and in quick manner may result in a black video background on iOS devices.
  • 2D Model Target Guide views are currently not supported on iOS when using the OpenGLES2 Graphics API. Please use 3D guide views in case you want to support the OpenGL ES 2.0 rendering backend.


  • The Virtual Scene Scale Factor in Unity is not supported on HoloLens.
  • In the Unity HoloLens sample, some renderings errors are seen in scene view in the Unity Editor.
  • On UWP, using the "Run in background" option in the Unity player settings may cause the video background to freeze on resume after the application was minimized (suspended). It is recommended to disable "Run in background" so that Vuforia can be properly paused if the app is not in the foreground.
  • Initialization fails to return INIT_NO_CAMERA_ACCESS error code when camera permissions are denied on UWP.


  • The SessionRecorder prefab requires custom UI when used on Magic Leap.
  • The Virtual Scene Scale Factor in Unity is not supported on Magic Leap.


  • Selecting different CameraModes has no effect when using ARFoundation.
  • Setting the far clip plane to a large number can cause the video background image to flicker when using the URP in combination with GLES3.
  • When integrating with ARFoundation in Unity, Vuforia will automatically use the highest camera resolution that ARFoundation offers. Changing that camera resolution is currently not supported.
  • When building a Vuforia project using Unity in batch mode, the Render Over Native UI setting must be manually configured according to the desired target platform.
  • Accessing the camera background materials in Unity interferes with video texture updates. Please refer here for more information.
  • Incorrect build errors may appear when building an application for the first time on a specific platform. The current workaround is to build a second time and errors will be resolved.
  • Successively calling GetCameraImage() from multiple scenes returns incorrect images.

Vuforia Engine v10.18.4

Bugfixes / Features 



Area Target

  • We have made enhancements to our Vuforia Area Target Capture technology, resulting in an approximate 15% increase of the space that can be captured


  • The Model Target Web API supports a new OBSERVATION preset for training Advanced Model Targets, which in most cases gives better results than the DOME when used as a general-purpose entry point.


  • Vuforia Engine have new vuMatrix44FGetTRS and vuMatrix44FGetTRSQuat functions to decompose 4x4 matrices into translation, rotation,  and scale.






  • Area Targets should now have a better chance of being successfully detected on HoloLens devices.
  • Fixed an issue where Model Targets failed to detect on UWP devices using a front-facing camera in portrait orientation.
Magic Leap OS N/A


  • Fixed an issue that caused Vuforia to incorrectly display a watermark at runtime when the Managed Stripping Level was set to Medium or High in the Player Settings.

Known Issues



  • Using multiple targets simultaneously while Extended Tracking them when using the Vuforia Sensor Fusion provider may lead to degraded tracking quality in rare scenarios.
  • VISLAM may fail on environments with predominantly edgy structures with fine lines w/o other texture.
  • The Ground Plane sample app does not allow re-positioning of the annotations into a new area after pause and resume. Going back to the original area and recovering the original annotation is necessary before it can be moved. As an alternative you can reset the experience after resume to use the app again.
  • Under certain conditions when doing fast motions during Extended Tracking using Fusion-provider VISLAM an apparent shift in augmentation might be observed. Approaching the original target and/or resetting Device Pose Observer will resolve the issue.

Session Recorder

  • Playback of recordings from the Session Recorder do not support Ground Plane experiences.

Model Targets

  • Device Pose Observer reset during Extended Tracking with Model Target might in some cases lead to unexpected relocalization issues. Deactivating/activating the Model Target improves the situation - but user will have to start experience again with detecting the Model Target.
  • Model Targets with Low Feature Objects tracking optimization are more sensitive to wrongly specified physical size in the dataset. The same applies when in camera mode OPTIMIZE_SPEED.
  • Due to an issue in ARCore 1.38, already detected targets or placed anchors may not come back automatically after tracking is lost or when the app is paused and resumed; but instead require re-detection of the target or newly placing the anchor. To work around the issue, please upgrade Google Play Services for AR on their devices to version 1.39 or newer, or downgrade to version 1.37.
  • On some devices the ARCore pointers retrieved via vuPlatformControllerGetARCoreInfo may be invalidated internally leading to undefined behavior (most probably crash) in the client App. This problem has most commonly been observed on Samsung S20 series devices and the Redmi Note 8 along with some older Samsung devices using Snapdragon chipsets.
  • When running Vuforia Engine on a Samsung Galaxy S20+ (SM-G985F/DS) with ARCore you may experience limited device tracking, reduced camera frame rate and the device heating up when moving the device very close to an object.
  • On Android devices without a Fusion Provider enabled calls to vuCameraControllerGetFocusMode and vuCameraControllerGetExposureMode might fail during the first second after Engine starts (i.e. vuEngineIsRunning will return VU_TRUE).
  • On some older Surface tablets, the focus mode is not always restored to the previous set value when resuming the app from the suspended state.
  • Using very large Area Targets on ARCore devices may impact persistency of anchors.
  • Vuforia Engine does not trigger continuous autofocus by default on ARCore as it does on other platforms. Use VuforiaBehaviour.Instance.CameraDevice.SetFocusMode() to ensure that a focus mode is set consistently across all platforms.
  • When building the UVC camera library for Android we recommend using NDK 13b. Please see the UVC Driver documentation or the in the UVC sample for more details.
  • After the Device Pose Observer loses tracking with ARCore it may be necessary to direct the user to return to the target to recover extended tracking when using Advanced Model Targets.
  • The Session Recorder writes to the OS defined primary storage location. On devices with emulated storage such as Android devices typically provides the emulated storage as the primary location. This means that Vuforia will not usually record to a removable SD card.


  • Certain iOS devices sometimes encounter an unstable auto-focus behavior seemingly caused by ARKit. Moving the devices around and focusing at different distances resolves the issue most of the time. (so far seen on iPhone XR, iPhone X, iPhone 8 Plus, Apple iPad Pro 10.5 2017 when running iOS 16)
  • When using the Area Target Capture API, the Device Pose Observer may incorrectly relocalize after pause/resume. In this case, the preview mesh for the capture will appear in the wrong location. If the Device Pose Observer reports that it is tracking normally, but the capture remains stuck in relocalizing state for several seconds, then the following instructions to the user may help:
    • Go back to a previously captured area that is visually distinctive and pause/resume the application again. This forces the Device Pose Observer to make a new relocation attempt.


  • The native sample does not support ‘dark mode’ on UWP devices.
  • On HoloLens, starting a Vuforia App when an existing Miracast session is active will terminate the Miracast session. It is possible to re-start the Miracast session and use it while Vuforia is tracking, however any camera start operation in Vuforia will again terminate the Miracast session.
  • Small or far away Image Targets may temporarily show increased jitter on HoloLens when only very limited head motion is performed.
  • Extended tracked targets may be reported with incorrect poses for one or two frames after pausing and resuming when using Vuforia Sensor Fusion provider.
  • UWP apps may exhibit symptoms such as a black screen or frozen camera image when another app is also using the camera. 

Magic Leap OS N/A


Model Targets

  • Apps may experience long dataset loading times and/or run out of memory if Advanced Model Target databases with more than 10 trained models are used. The exact number of supported targets is dependent on model size and complexity as well as the device that is being used.
  • Changing the Guide View mode of multiple Model Target behaviours simultaneously by having them all selected in the Unity Editor is currently not supported. Please change the guide view mode for each behaviour separately.


  • Simulator Mode in the Unity Editor currently only supports one VuMark per scene.


  • On some Android devices (e.g. PixelXL), objects occluded by Vuforia Engine's "Custom/DepthMask" shader (used e.g. for Area Target occlusion) are rendered black. To work around this issue, set the occluded objects' materials to Rendering Mode "Transparent".
  • When using the scriptable render pipeline, enabling the experimental SRP Batcher option will break Video Background Rendering on Android OpenGL ES 3.0.
  • In some occasions, the sample UVC driver implementation may fail to start after the USB camera permission has been accepted on Android.


  • Vuforia Engine requires "Render Over Native UI" to be set for iOS to resolve a performance issue seen on some ARKit-enabled devices. However, the same setting causes non-Vuforia specific issues on Android 8.0. Therefore, this setting is set/unset automatically when switching the platform between Android and iOS in Unity.
  • When upgrading the Vuforia extension package on MacOS, a restart of the Unity Editor may be required to complete the upgrade process.
  • Calling SceneManager.LoadScene successively and in quick manner may result in a black video background on iOS devices.
  • 2D Model Target Guide views are currently not supported on iOS when using the OpenGLES2 Graphics API. Please use 3D guide views in case you want to support the OpenGL ES 2.0 rendering backend.


  • The Virtual Scene Scale Factor in Unity is not supported on HoloLens.
  • In the Unity HoloLens sample, some renderings errors are seen in scene view in the Unity Editor.
  • On UWP, using the "Run in background" option in the Unity player settings may cause the video background to freeze on resume after the application was minimized (suspended). It is recommended to disable "Run in background" so that Vuforia can be properly paused if the app is not in the foreground.
  • Initialization fails to return INIT_NO_CAMERA_ACCESS error code when camera permissions are denied on UWP.


  • The SessionRecorder prefab requires custom UI when used on Magic Leap.
  • The Virtual Scene Scale Factor in Unity is not supported on Magic Leap.


  • In Unity 2023.1, the Vuforia AR package might be incorrectly marked as “deprecated”. This message can be safely ignored.
  • Selecting different CameraModes has no effect when using ARFoundation.
  • Setting the far clip plane to a large number can cause the video background image to flicker when using the URP in combination with GLES3.
  • When integrating with ARFoundation in Unity, Vuforia will automatically use the highest camera resolution that ARFoundation offers. Changing that camera resolution is currently not supported.
  • When building a Vuforia project using Unity in batch mode, the Render Over Native UI setting must be manually configured according to the desired target platform.
  • Accessing the camera background materials in Unity interferes with video texture updates. Please refer here for more information.
  • Incorrect build errors may appear when building an application for the first time on a specific platform. The current workaround is to build a second time and errors will be resolved.
  • Successively calling GetCameraImage() from multiple scenes returns incorrect images.

Vuforia Engine v10.17.4

Bugfixes / Features 




  • Warning: The behaviour of the default render view configuration will change in an upcoming release. Vuforia Engine will no longer determine a default full screen render view configuration at Engine creation time on platforms where that was supported before. The client will be required to explicitly provide a render view configuration on all platforms.

Virtual Buttons

  • Virtual Buttons have been deprecated and will be removed in an upcoming Vuforia release.


  • The minimum supported version of Visual Studio has been updated to Visual Studio 2019 16.11.27


  • Fixed an issue with the UVCDriver where the permissions check method was missing a flag that is required for Android API 31 and above.


  • Fixed an issue that could leave an Area Target Capture stuck in a persistent RELOCALIZING state after pause and resume or other tracking failures.


  • Added capability for side-loading custom camera properties & intrinsics via vuforia-camera.json. Also, note that new values were added to the VuCameraDistortionMode enum.
Lumin N/A


  • Fixed issue where the camera would not initialize if “Reload Domain” was not checked while “Enter Play Mode Settings” option was enabled.
  • The minimum supported Unity Editor version has been raised to 2022.3 LTS.

Known Issues



  • Using multiple targets simultaneously while Extended Tracking them when using the Vuforia Sensor Fusion provider may lead to degraded tracking quality in rare scenarios.
  • VISLAM may fail on environments with predominantly edgy structures with fine lines w/o other texture.
  • The Ground Plane sample app does not allow re-positioning of the annotations into a new area after pause and resume. Going back to the original area and recovering the original annotation is necessary before it can be moved. As an alternative you can reset the experience after resume to use the app again.
  • Under certain conditions when doing fast motions during Extended Tracking using Fusion-provider VISLAM an apparent shift in augmentation might be observed. Approaching the original target and/or resetting Device Pose Observer will resolve the issue.

Session Recorder

  • Playback of recordings from the Session Recorder do not support Ground Plane experiences.

Model Targets

  • Device Pose Observer reset during Extended Tracking with Model Target might in some cases lead to unexpected relocalization issues. Deactivating/activating the Model Target improves the situation - but user will have to start experience again with detecting the Model Target.
  • Model Targets with Low Feature Objects tracking optimization are more sensitive to wrongly specified physical size in the dataset. The same applies when in camera mode OPTIMIZE_SPEED.
  • Due to an issue in ARCore 1.38, already detected targets or placed anchors may not come back automatically after tracking is lost or when the app is paused and resumed; but instead require re-detection of the target or newly placing the anchor. To work around the issue, please upgrade Google Play Services for AR on their devices to version 1.39 or newer, or downgrade to version 1.37.
  • On some devices the ARCore pointers retrieved via vuPlatformControllerGetARCoreInfo may be invalidated internally leading to undefined behavior (most probably crash) in the client App. This problem has most commonly been observed on Samsung S20 series devices and the Redmi Note 8 along with some older Samsung devices using Snapdragon chipsets.
  • When running Vuforia Engine on a Samsung Galaxy S20+ (SM-G985F/DS) with ARCore you may experience limited device tracking, reduced camera frame rate and the device heating up when moving the device very close to an object.
  • On Android devices without a Fusion Provider enabled calls to vuCameraControllerGetFocusMode and vuCameraControllerGetExposureMode might fail during the first second after Engine starts (i.e. vuEngineIsRunning will return VU_TRUE).
  • On some older Surface tablets, the focus mode is not always restored to the previous set value when resuming the app from the suspended state.
  • Using very large Area Targets on ARCore devices may impact persistency of anchors.
  • Vuforia Engine does not trigger continuous autofocus by default on ARCore as it does on other platforms. Use VuforiaBehaviour.Instance.CameraDevice.SetFocusMode() to ensure that a focus mode is set consistently across all platforms.
  • When building the UVC camera library for Android we recommend using NDK 13b. Please see the UVC Driver documentation or the in the UVC sample for more details.
  • After the Device Pose Observer loses tracking with ARCore it may be necessary to direct the user to return to the target to recover extended tracking when using Advanced Model Targets.
  • The Session Recorder writes to the OS defined primary storage location. On devices with emulated storage such as Android devices typically provides the emulated storage as the primary location. This means that Vuforia will not usually record to a removable SD card.


  • Certain iOS devices sometimes encounter an unstable auto-focus behavior seemingly caused by ARKit. Moving the devices around and focusing at different distances resolves the issue most of the time. (so far seen on iPhone XR, iPhone X, iPhone 8 Plus, Apple iPad Pro 10.5 2017 when running iOS 16)
  • When using the Area Target Capture API, the Device Pose Observer may incorrectly relocalize after pause/resume. In this case, the preview mesh for the capture will appear in the wrong location. If the Device Pose Observer reports that it is tracking normally, but the capture remains stuck in relocalizing state for several seconds, then the following instructions to the user may help:
    • Go back to a previously captured area that is visually distinctive and pause/resume the application again. This forces the Device Pose Observer to make a new relocation attempt.


  • The native sample does not support ‘dark mode’ on UWP devices.
  • On Hololens, starting a Vuforia App when an existing Miracast session is active will terminate the Miracast session. It is possible to re-start the Miracast session and use it while Vuforia is tracking, however any camera start operation in Vuforia will again terminate the Miracast session.
  • Small or far away Image Targets may temporarily show increased jitter on HoloLens when only very limited head motion is performed.
  • Extended tracked targets may be reported with incorrect poses for one or two frames after pausing and resuming when using Vuforia Sensor Fusion provider.
  • UWP apps may exhibit symptoms such as a black screen or frozen camera image when another app is also using the camera. 

Lumin N/A


Model Targets

  • Apps may experience long dataset loading times and/or run out of memory if Advanced Model Target databases with more than 10 trained models are used. The exact number of supported targets is dependent on model size and complexity as well as the device that is being used.
  • Changing the Guide View mode of multiple Model Target behaviours simultaneously by having them all selected in the Unity Editor is currently not supported. Please change the guide view mode for each behaviour separately.



  • Simulator Mode in the Unity Editor currently only supports one VuMark per scene.


  • On some Android devices (e.g. PixelXL), objects occluded by Vuforia Engine's "Custom/DepthMask" shader (used e.g. for Area Target occlusion) are rendered black. To work around this issue, set the occluded objects' materials to Rendering Mode "Transparent".
  • When using the scriptable render pipeline, enabling the experimental SRP Batcher option will break Video Background Rendering on Android OpenGL ES 3.0.
  • In some occasions, the sample UVC driver implementation may fail to start after the USB camera permission has been accepted on Android.


  • Vuforia Engine requires "Render Over Native UI" to be set for iOS to resolve a performance issue seen on some ARKit-enabled devices. However, the same setting causes non-Vuforia specific issues on Android 8.0. Therefore, this setting is set/unset automatically when switching the platform between Android and iOS in Unity.
  • When upgrading the Vuforia extension package on MacOS, a restart of the Unity Editor may be required to complete the upgrade process.
  • Calling SceneManager.LoadScene successively and in quick manner may result in a black video background on iOS devices.
  • 2D Model Target Guide views are currently not supported on iOS when using the OpenGLES2 Graphics API. Please use 3D guide views in case you want to support the OpenGL ES 2.0 rendering backend.


  • The Virtual Scene Scale Factor in Unity is not supported on HoloLens.
  • In the Unity HoloLens sample, some renderings errors are seen in scene view in the Unity Editor.
  • On UWP, using the "Run in background" option in the Unity player settings may cause the video background to freeze on resume after the application was minimized (suspended). It is recommended to disable "Run in background" so that Vuforia can be properly paused if the app is not in the foreground.
  • Initialization fails to return INIT_NO_CAMERA_ACCESS error code when camera permissions are denied on UWP.


  • The SessionRecorder prefab requires custom UI when used on Magic Leap.
  • The Virtual Scene Scale Factor in Unity is not supported on Magic Leap.


  • In Unity 2023.1, the Vuforia AR package might be incorrectly marked as “deprecated”. This message can be safely ignored.
  • Selecting different CameraModes has no effect when using ARFoundation.
  • Setting the far clip plane to a large number can cause the video background image to flicker when using the URP in combination with GLES3.
  • When integrating with ARFoundation in Unity, Vuforia will automatically use the highest camera resolution that ARFoundation offers. Changing that camera resolution is currently not supported.
  • When building a Vuforia project using Unity in batch mode, the Render Over Native UI setting must be manually configured according to the desired target platform.
  • Accessing the camera background materials in Unity interferes with video texture updates. Please refer here for more information.
  • Incorrect build errors may appear when building an application for the first time on a specific platform. The current workaround is to build a second time and errors will be resolved.
  • Successively calling GetCameraImage() from multiple scenes returns incorrect images.

Vuforia Engine v10.16.5 Patch 1

Bugfixes / Features 







  • We have resolved tracking issue on iOS devices with A13 and older chips affecting Area Targets experiences.


Lumin N/A



Known Issues



  • Pausing and resuming an Area Target Capture may leave the capture in a persistent RELOCALIZING state. It is recommended to avoid pausing captures until this issue is fixed.
  • Using multiple targets simultaneously while Extended Tracking them when using the Vuforia Sensor Fusion provider may lead to degraded tracking quality in rare scenarios.
  • VISLAM may fail on environments with predominantly edgy structures with fine lines w/o other texture.
  • The Ground Plane sample app does not allow re-positioning of the annotations into a new area after pause and resume. Going back to the original area and recovering the original annotation is necessary before it can be moved. As an alternative you can reset the experience after resume to use the app again.
  • Under certain conditions when doing fast motions during Extended Tracking using Fusion-provider VISLAM an apparent shift in augmentation might be observed. Approaching the original target and/or resetting Device Pose Observer will resolve the issue.

Session Recorder

  • Playback of recordings from the Session Recorder do not support Ground Plane experiences.

Model Targets

  • Device Pose Observer reset during Extended Tracking with Model Target might in some cases lead to unexpected relocalization issues. Deactivating/activating the Model Target improves the situation - but user will have to start experience again with detecting the Model Target.
  • Model Targets with Low Feature Objects tracking optimization are more sensitive to wrongly specified physical size in the dataset. The same applies when in camera mode OPTIMIZE_SPEED.
  • On some devices the ARCore pointers retrieved via vuPlatformControllerGetARCoreInfo may be invalidated internally leading to undefined behavior (most probably crash) in the client App. This problem has most commonly been observed on Samsung S20 series devices and the Redmi Note 8 along with some older Samsung devices using Snapdragon chipsets.
  • When running Vuforia Engine on a Samsung Galaxy S20+ (SM-G985F/DS) with ARCore you may experience limited device tracking, reduced camera frame rate and the device heating up when moving the device very close to an object.
  • On Android devices without a Fusion Provider enabled calls to vuCameraControllerGetFocusMode and vuCameraControllerGetExposureMode might fail during the first second after Engine starts (i.e. vuEngineIsRunning will return VU_TRUE).
  • Using very large Area Targets on ARCore devices may impact persistency of anchors.
  • Vuforia Engine does not trigger continuous autofocus by default on ARCore as it does on other platforms. Use VuforiaBehaviour.Instance.CameraDevice.SetFocusMode() to ensure that a focus mode is set consistently across all platforms.
  • When building the UVC camera library for Android we recommend using NDK 13b. Please see the UVC Driver documentation or the in the UVC sample for more details.
  • After the Device Pose Observer loses tracking with ARCore it may be necessary to direct the user to return to the target to recover extended tracking when using Advanced Model Targets.
  • The Session Recorder writes to the OS defined primary storage location. On devices with emulated storage such as Android devices typically provides the emulated storage as the primary location. This means that Vuforia will not usually record to a removable SD card.


  • Certain iOS devices sometimes encounter an unstable auto-focus behavior seemingly caused by ARKit. Moving the devices around and focusing at different distances resolves the issue most of the time. (so far seen on iPhone XR, iPhone X, iPhone 8 Plus, Apple iPad Pro 10.5 2017 when running iOS 16)
  • When using the Area Target Capture API, the Device Pose Observer may incorrectly relocalize after pause/resume. In this case, the preview mesh for the capture will appear in the wrong location. If the Device Pose Observer reports that it is tracking normally, but the capture remains stuck in relocalizing state for several seconds, then the following instructions to the user may help:
    • Go back to a previously captured area that is visually distinctive and pause/resume the application again. This forces the Device Pose Observer to make a new relocation attempt.


  • On some older Surface tablets, the focus mode is not always restored to the previous set value when resuming the app from the suspended state.
  • On Hololens, starting a Vuforia App when an existing Miracast session is active will terminate the Miracast session. It is possible to re-start the Miracast session and use it while Vuforia is tracking, however any camera start operation in Vuforia will again terminate the Miracast session.
  • Small or far away Image Targets may temporarily show increased jitter on HoloLens when only very limited head motion is performed.
  • Extended tracked targets may be reported with incorrect poses for one or two frames after pausing and resuming when using Vuforia Sensor Fusion provider.
  • UWP apps may exhibit symptoms such as a black screen or frozen camera image when another app is also using the camera. 

Lumin N/A


Model Targets

  • Apps may experience long dataset loading times and/or run out of memory if Advanced Model Target databases with more than 10 trained models are used. The exact number of supported targets is dependent on model size and complexity as well as the device that is being used.
  • Changing the Guide View mode of multiple Model Target behaviours simultaneously by having them all selected in the Unity Editor is currently not supported. Please change the guide view mode for each behaviour separately.



  • Simulator Mode in the Unity Editor currently only supports one VuMark per scene.


  • On some Android devices (e.g. PixelXL), objects occluded by Vuforia Engine's "Custom/DepthMask" shader (used e.g. for Area Target occlusion) are rendered black. To work around this issue, set the occluded objects' materials to Rendering Mode "Transparent".
  • When using the scriptable render pipeline, enabling the experimental SRP Batcher option will break Video Background Rendering on Android OpenGL ES 3.0.
  • In some occasions, the sample UVC driver implementation may fail to start after the USB camera permission has been accepted on Android.


  • Vuforia Engine requires "Render Over Native UI" to be set for iOS to resolve a performance issue seen on some ARKit-enabled devices. However, the same setting causes non-Vuforia specific issues on Android 8.0. Therefore, this setting is set/unset automatically when switching the platform between Android and iOS in Unity.
  • When upgrading the Vuforia extension package on MacOS, a restart of the Unity Editor may be required to complete the upgrade process.
  • Calling SceneManager.LoadScene successively and in quick manner may result in a black video background on iOS devices.
  • 2D Model Target Guide views are currently not supported on iOS when using the OpenGLES2 Graphics API. Please use 3D guide views in case you want to support the OpenGL ES 2.0 rendering backend.


  • The Virtual Scene Scale Factor in Unity is not supported on HoloLens.
  • In the Unity HoloLens sample, some renderings errors are seen in scene view in the Unity Editor.
  • On UWP, using the "Run in background" option in the Unity player settings may cause the video background to freeze on resume after the application was minimized (suspended). It is recommended to disable "Run in background" so that Vuforia can be properly paused if the app is not in the foreground.
  • Initialization fails to return INIT_NO_CAMERA_ACCESS error code when camera permissions are denied on UWP.


  • The SessionRecorder prefab requires custom UI when used on Magic Leap.
  • The Virtual Scene Scale Factor in Unity is not supported on Magic Leap.


  • Selecting different CameraModes has no effect when using ARFoundation.
  • Setting the far clip plane to a large number can cause the video background image to flicker when using the URP in combination with GLES3.
  • When integrating with ARFoundation in Unity, Vuforia will automatically use the highest camera resolution that ARFoundation offers. Changing that camera resolution is currently not supported.
  • When building a Vuforia project using Unity in batch mode, the Render Over Native UI setting must be manually configured according to the desired target platform.
  • Accessing the camera background materials in Unity interferes with video texture updates. Please refer here for more information.
  • Incorrect build errors may appear when building an application for the first time on a specific platform. The current workaround is to build a second time and errors will be resolved.
  • Successively calling GetCameraImage() from multiple scenes returns incorrect images.

Vuforia Engine v10.16.3

Bugfixes / Features 



Area Targets

  • Area Target Captures can now be aligned to an existing Area Target during the target generation phase.
  • The documentation has been updated to include the support for Matterport Pro3 camera. Please see our best-practices to capture spaces in Area Targets from Matterport™ Scans.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause Area Target bounding box size to be hugely overestimated.

Cloud Targets Web API

  • We introduced new limits for the list targets operation of the Cloud Targets Web API: maximum 1 request per minute for databases with up to a maximum size of 1 million images.


  • Added additional information in the Driver Samples’ about prerequisites for building Vuforia Driver samples.


  • New APIs have been added in the Vuforia Unity Extension for enhanced camera control. It is now possible to explicitly change the exposure mode of the camera and to set a region of interest for focus and exposure control. Additional APIs have been added to query support for the enhanced camera controls at runtime as well as the existing focus mode control.

Native Sample

  • Fixed an issue in the Native Sample for UWP where rotating the device just after starting the AR page could result in an App crash. This was caused by missing de-registration of display events.






  • Fixed camera selection on Microsoft Surface devices when an external USB camera is connected.
Lumin N/A



Known Issues



  • Using multiple targets simultaneously while Extended Tracking them when using the Vuforia Sensor Fusion provider may lead to degraded tracking quality in rare scenarios.
  • VISLAM may fail on environments with predominantly edgy structures with fine lines w/o other texture.
  • The Ground Plane sample app does not allow re-positioning of the annotations into a new area after pause and resume. Going back to the original area and recovering the original annotation is necessary before it can be moved. As an alternative you can reset the experience after resume to use the app again.
  • Under certain conditions when doing fast motions during Extended Tracking using Fusion-provider VISLAM an apparent shift in augmentation might be observed. Approaching the original target and/or resetting Device Pose Observer will resolve the issue.

Session Recorder

  • Playback of recordings from the Session Recorder do not support Ground Plane experiences.

Model Targets

  • Device Pose Observer reset during Extended Tracking with Model Target might in some cases lead to unexpected relocalization issues. Deactivating/activating the Model Target improves the situation - but user will have to start experience again with detecting the Model Target.
  • Model Targets with Low Feature Objects tracking optimization are more sensitive to wrongly specified physical size in the dataset. The same applies when in camera mode OPTIMIZE_SPEED.
  • On some devices the ARCore pointers retrieved via vuPlatformControllerGetARCoreInfo may be invalidated internally leading to undefined behavior (most probably crash) in the client App. This problem has most commonly been observed on Samsung S20 series devices and the Redmi Note 8 along with some older Samsung devices using Snapdragon chipsets.
  • When running Vuforia Engine on a Samsung Galaxy S20+ (SM-G985F/DS) with ARCore you may experience limited device tracking, reduced camera frame rate and the device heating up when moving the device very close to an object.
  • On Android devices without a Fusion Provider enabled calls to vuCameraControllerGetFocusMode and vuCameraControllerGetExposureMode might fail during the first second after Engine starts (i.e. vuEngineIsRunning will return VU_TRUE).
  • Using very large Area Targets on ARCore devices may impact persistency of anchors.
  • Vuforia Engine does not trigger continuous autofocus by default on ARCore as it does on other platforms. Use VuforiaBehaviour.Instance.CameraDevice.SetFocusMode() to ensure that a focus mode is set consistently across all platforms.
  • When building the UVC camera library for Android we recommend using NDK 13b. Please see the UVC Driver documentation or the in the UVC sample for more details.
  • After the Device Pose Observer loses tracking with ARCore it may be necessary to direct the user to return to the target to recover extended tracking when using Advanced Model Targets.
  • The Session Recorder writes to the OS defined primary storage location. On devices with emulated storage such as Android devices typically provides the emulated storage as the primary location. This means that Vuforia will not usually record to a removable SD card.


  • iOS devices with A13 and older chips might fail to start tracking Area Targets from certain locations or take longer time to start tracking. While tracking, the tracked pose might be less accurate than other devices.
  • Certain iOS devices sometimes encounter an unstable auto-focus behavior seemingly caused by ARKit. Moving the devices around and focusing at different distances resolves the issue most of the time. (so far seen on iPhone XR, iPhone X, iPhone 8 Plus, Apple iPad Pro 10.5 2017 when running iOS 16)
  • When using the Area Target Capture API, the Device Pose Observer may incorrectly relocalize after pause/resume. In this case, the preview mesh for the capture will appear in the wrong location. If the Device Pose Observer reports that it is tracking normally, but the capture remains stuck in relocalizing state for several seconds, then the following instructions to the user may help:
    • Go back to a previously captured area that is visually distinctive and pause/resume the application again. This forces the Device Pose Observer to make a new relocation attempt.


  • On some older Surface tablets, the focus mode is not always restored to the previous set value when resuming the app from the suspended state.
  • On Hololens, starting a Vuforia App when an existing Miracast session is active will terminate the Miracast session. It is possible to re-start the Miracast session and use it while Vuforia is tracking, however any camera start operation in Vuforia will again terminate the Miracast session.
  • Small or far away Image Targets may temporarily show increased jitter on HoloLens when only very limited head motion is performed.
  • Extended tracked targets may be reported with incorrect poses for one or two frames after pausing and resuming when using Vuforia Sensor Fusion provider.
  • UWP apps may exhibit symptoms such as a black screen or frozen camera image when another app is also using the camera. 

Lumin N/A


Model Targets

  • Apps may experience long dataset loading times and/or run out of memory if Advanced Model Target databases with more than 10 trained models are used. The exact number of supported targets is dependent on model size and complexity as well as the device that is being used.
  • Changing the Guide View mode of multiple Model Target behaviours simultaneously by having them all selected in the Unity Editor is currently not supported. Please change the guide view mode for each behaviour separately.



  • Simulator Mode in the Unity Editor currently only supports one VuMark per scene.


  • On some Android devices (e.g. PixelXL), objects occluded by Vuforia Engine's "Custom/DepthMask" shader (used e.g. for Area Target occlusion) are rendered black. To work around this issue, set the occluded objects' materials to Rendering Mode "Transparent".
  • When using the scriptable render pipeline, enabling the experimental SRP Batcher option will break Video Background Rendering on Android OpenGL ES 3.0.
  • In some occasions, the sample UVC driver implementation may fail to start after the USB camera permission has been accepted on Android.


  • Vuforia Engine requires "Render Over Native UI" to be set for iOS to resolve a performance issue seen on some ARKit-enabled devices. However, the same setting causes non-Vuforia specific issues on Android 8.0. Therefore, this setting is set/unset automatically when switching the platform between Android and iOS in Unity.
  • When upgrading the Vuforia extension package on MacOS, a restart of the Unity Editor may be required to complete the upgrade process.
  • Calling SceneManager.LoadScene successively and in quick manner may result in a black video background on iOS devices.
  • 2D Model Target Guide views are currently not supported on iOS when using the OpenGLES2 Graphics API. Please use 3D guide views in case you want to support the OpenGL ES 2.0 rendering backend.


  • The Virtual Scene Scale Factor in Unity is not supported on HoloLens.
  • In the Unity HoloLens sample, some renderings errors are seen in scene view in the Unity Editor.
  • On UWP, using the "Run in background" option in the Unity player settings may cause the video background to freeze on resume after the application was minimized (suspended). It is recommended to disable "Run in background" so that Vuforia can be properly paused if the app is not in the foreground.
  • Initialization fails to return INIT_NO_CAMERA_ACCESS error code when camera permissions are denied on UWP.


  • The SessionRecorder prefab requires custom UI when used on Magic Leap.
  • The Virtual Scene Scale Factor in Unity is not supported on Magic Leap.


  • Selecting different CameraModes has no effect when using ARFoundation.
  • Setting the far clip plane to a large number can cause the video background image to flicker when using the URP in combination with GLES3.
  • When integrating with ARFoundation in Unity, Vuforia will automatically use the highest camera resolution that ARFoundation offers. Changing that camera resolution is currently not supported.
  • When building a Vuforia project using Unity in batch mode, the Render Over Native UI setting must be manually configured according to the desired target platform.
  • Accessing the camera background materials in Unity interferes with video texture updates. Please refer here for more information.
  • Incorrect build errors may appear when building an application for the first time on a specific platform. The current workaround is to build a second time and errors will be resolved.
  • Successively calling GetCameraImage() from multiple scenes returns incorrect images.

Vuforia Engine v10.15.4 Patch 1

Bugfixes / Features 









  • Fixed an issue on UWP & HoloLens where Vuforia Engine would not function correctly and could not load datasets if the logged in user's name contained non-ASCII characters.
Lumin N/A



Known Issues



  • Using multiple targets simultaneously while Extended Tracking them when using the Vuforia Sensor Fusion provider may lead to degraded tracking quality in rare scenarios.
  • VISLAM may fail on environments with predominantly edgy structures with fine lines w/o other texture.
  • The Ground Plane sample app does not allow re-positioning of the annotations into a new area after pause and resume. Going back to the original area and recovering the original annotation is necessary before it can be moved. As an alternative you can reset the experience after resume to use the app again.
  • Under certain conditions when doing fast motions during Extended Tracking using Fusion-provider VISLAM an apparent shift in augmentation might be observed. Approaching the original target and/or resetting Device Pose Observer will resolve the issue.

Session Recorder

  • Playback of recordings from the Session Recorder do not support Ground Plane experiences.

Model Targets

  • Device Pose Observer reset during Extended Tracking with Model Target might in some cases lead to unexpected relocalization issues. Deactivating/activating the Model Target improves the situation - but user will have to start experience again with detecting the Model Target.
  • Model Targets with Low Feature Objects tracking optimization are more sensitive to wrongly specified physical size in the dataset. The same applies when in camera mode OPTIMIZE_SPEED.
  • When running Vuforia Engine on a Samsung Galaxy S20+ (SM-G985F/DS) with ARCore you may experience limited device tracking, reduced camera frame rate and the device heating up when moving the device very close to an object.
  • On Android devices without a Fusion Provider enabled calls to vuCameraControllerGetFocusMode and vuCameraControllerGetExposureMode might fail during the first second after Engine starts (i.e. vuEngineIsRunning will return VU_TRUE).
  • Using very large Area Targets on ARCore devices may impact persistency of anchors.
  • Vuforia Engine does not trigger continuous autofocus by default on ARCore as it does on other platforms. Use VuforiaBehaviour.Instance.CameraDevice.SetFocusMode() to ensure that a focus mode is set consistently across all platforms.
  • When building the UVC camera library for Android we recommend using NDK 13b. Please see the UVC Driver documentation or the in the UVC sample for more details.
  • After the Device Pose Observer loses tracking with ARCore it may be necessary to direct the user to return to the target to recover extended tracking when using Advanced Model Targets.
  • The Session Recorder writes to the OS defined primary storage location. On devices with emulated storage such as Android devices typically provides the emulated storage as the primary location. This means that Vuforia will not usually record to a removable SD card.


  • Certain iOS devices sometimes encounter an unstable auto-focus behavior seemingly caused by ARKit. Moving the devices around and focusing at different distances resolves the issue most of the time. (so far seen on iPhone XR, iPhone X, iPhone 8 Plus, Apple iPad Pro 10.5 2017 when running iOS 16)
  • When using the Area Target Capture API, the Device Pose Observer may incorrectly relocalize after pause/resume. In this case, the preview mesh for the capture will appear in the wrong location. If the Device Pose Observer reports that it is tracking normally, but the capture remains stuck in relocalizing state for several seconds, then the following instructions to the user may help:
    • Go back to a previously captured area that is visually distinctive and pause/resume the application again. This forces the Device Pose Observer to make a new relocation attempt.
  • A crash is observed on the iPad Pro 4th generation on application start in cases where the device is connected to debugging. This behaviour is not observed in iPadOS 13.6 and later.
  • Running (Advanced) Model Targets with Device Pose Observer on dual-core iOS devices (e.g. iPhone 6/6s) may result in noticeable video background lag.


  • On some older Surface tablets, the focus mode is not always restored to the previous set value when resuming the app from the suspended state.
  • On Hololens, starting a Vuforia App when an existing Miracast session is active will terminate the Miracast session. It is possible to re-start the Miracast session and use it while Vuforia is tracking, however any camera start operation in Vuforia will again terminate the Miracast session.
  • Small or far away Image Targets may temporarily show increased jitter on HoloLens when only very limited head motion is performed.
  • On HoloLens, rapidly attempting to deactivate or activate a VuMark database within the Vuforia_onUpdate callback can lead to freezing.
  • Extended tracked targets may be reported with incorrect poses for one or two frames after pausing and resuming when using Vuforia Sensor Fusion provider.
  • UWP apps may exhibit symptoms such as a black screen or frozen camera image when another app is also using the camera. 

Lumin N/A


Model Targets

  • Apps may experience long dataset loading times and/or run out of memory if Advanced Model Target databases with more than 10 trained models are used. The exact number of supported targets is dependent on model size and complexity as well as the device that is being used.
  • Changing the Guide View mode of multiple Model Target behaviours simultaneously by having them all selected in the Unity Editor is currently not supported. Please change the guide view mode for each behaviour separately.


  • On some Android devices (e.g. PixelXL), objects occluded by Vuforia Engine's "Custom/DepthMask" shader (used e.g. for Area Target occlusion) are rendered black. To work around this issue, set the occluded objects' materials to Rendering Mode "Transparent".
  • When using the scriptable render pipeline, enabling the experimental SRP Batcher option will break Video Background Rendering on Android OpenGL ES 3.0.
  • In some occasions, the sample UVC driver implementation may fail to start after the USB camera permission has been accepted on Android.


  • Vuforia Engine requires "Render Over Native UI" to be set for iOS to resolve a performance issue seen on some ARKit-enabled devices. However, the same setting causes non-Vuforia specific issues on Android 8.0. Therefore, this setting is set/unset automatically when switching the platform between Android and iOS in Unity.
  • When upgrading the Vuforia extension package on MacOS, a restart of the Unity Editor may be required to complete the upgrade process.
  • Calling SceneManager.LoadScene successively and in quick manner may result in a black video background on iOS devices.
  • 2D Model Target Guide views are currently not supported on iOS when using the OpenGLES2 Graphics API. Please use 3D guide views in case you want to support the OpenGL ES 2.0 rendering backend.


  • The Virtual Scene Scale Factor in Unity is not supported on HoloLens.
  • In the Unity HoloLens sample, some renderings errors are seen in scene view in the Unity Editor.
  • On UWP, using the "Run in background" option in the Unity player settings may cause the video background to freeze on resume after the application was minimized (suspended). It is recommended to disable "Run in background" so that Vuforia can be properly paused if the app is not in the foreground.
  • Initialization fails to return INIT_NO_CAMERA_ACCESS error code when camera permissions are denied on UWP.


  • The SessionRecorder prefab requires custom UI when used on Magic Leap.
  • The Virtual Scene Scale Factor in Unity is not supported on Magic Leap.


  • When using Vuforia Engine with ARFoundation 5.0, Vuforia Engine will not start if the default XR Origin component is used in the scene. Please replace the new XR Origin with the deprecated AR Session Origin to use Vuforia Engine with ARFoundation.
  • Selecting different CameraModes has no effect when using ARFoundation.
  • Setting the far clip plane to a large number can cause the video background image to flicker when using the URP in combination with GLES3.
  • When integrating with ARFoundation in Unity, Vuforia will automatically use the highest camera resolution that ARFoundation offers. Changing that camera resolution is currently not supported.
  • When building a Vuforia project using Unity in batch mode, the Render Over Native UI setting must be manually configured according to the desired target platform.
  • Accessing the camera background materials in Unity interferes with video texture updates. Please refer here for more information.
  • Incorrect build errors may appear when building an application for the first time on a specific platform. The current workaround is to build a second time and errors will be resolved.
  • Successively calling GetCameraImage() from multiple scenes returns incorrect images.

Vuforia Engine v10.15.3

Bugfixes / Features 



Model Targets

  • Defining an Advanced View with Constrained User Positions and Target Extent has become simpler and more effective by setting a representative default position and defining the minimum distance to the model surface. During training, possible camera positions within the User Volume will be automatically sampled so that they do not intersect with model geometry.

Image-based Targets

  • Cylinder Targets, Image Targets and VuMarks can now be loaded from the DAT file of a database directly (loading from the XML is still supported).

    NOTE: This only applies to newly generated Image Target and VuMark databases. Older Image Target or VuMark databases can only be loaded from the XML file. Cylinder Target databases do not need to be regenerated.

Session Recorder

Barcode Scanner

  • Added support for inverted 2D barcodes. For QRCode, Micro QRCore, DataMatrix and Aztec it is now possible to detect instances where the foreground code color is brighter than the background color.


  • Exposure control and focus region is now supported on native non-ARcore Android.
  • Specifying a focus region is now supported on native UWP.
  • Removed deprecated focus mode AR_CAMERA_FOCUS_MODE_NORMAL.
    • When using a custom Vuforia Driver that does not support the focus mode API (returns FocusMode::UNKNOWN), calls to vuCameraControllerGetFocusMode() will now fail instead of reporting AR_CAMERA_FOCUSMODE_NORMAL.


  • We have revised the organization of the public C API documentation to make it easier to navigate.
  • Added missing Vuforia Driver documentation to the Vuforia C API Reference.




  • Removed retention of camera exposure mode across Vuforia Engine stop-start cycles. The exposure mode will revert to continuous auto each time Engine is started e.g. when an app is resumed.
  • Removed unnecessary sync calls in iOS native sample


  • Removed retention of camera exposure mode across Vuforia Engine stop-start cycles. The exposure mode will revert to continuous auto each time Engine is started e.g. when an app is resumed.
  • Fixed a bug where Model Targets did not detect with externally connected or front-facing cameras.
  • We have now removed support for UWP 32-bit/x86. We continue to support x64 and ARM64.
  • Fixed Magic Leap 2 focus mode settings. Note that the camera focus mode can be controlled by Vuforia Engine but is also impacted by using any other features that use the RGB camera. For example, if you use ML2 device stream or take screenshots the camera will be set of continuous auto-focus mode.


  • VuforiaConfiguration.PlayMode.SequencePath was deprecated and will be removed in a future version of Vuforia Engine. Please use VuforiaConfiguration.PlayMode.RecordingPath to configure the path to a Vuforia Session Recording.
  • Fixed an issue in the SessionRecorder that prevented deleting existing recordings.
  • We resolved an issue where underground structures would not be show in Unity Editor while authoring against an Area Target.

Known Issues



  • Using multiple targets simultaneously while Extended Tracking them when using the Vuforia Sensor Fusion provider may lead to degraded tracking quality in rare scenarios.
  • VISLAM may fail on environments with predominantly edgy structures with fine lines w/o other texture.
  • The Ground Plane sample app does not allow re-positioning of the annotations into a new area after pause and resume. Going back to the original area and recovering the original annotation is necessary before it can be moved. As an alternative you can reset the experience after resume to use the app again.
  • Under certain conditions when doing fast motions during Extended Tracking using Fusion-provider VISLAM an apparent shift in augmentation might be observed. Approaching the original target and/or resetting Device Pose Observer will resolve the issue.

Session Recorder

  • Playback of recordings from the Session Recorder do not support Ground Plane experiences.

Model Targets

  • Device Pose Observer reset during Extended Tracking with Model Target might in some cases lead to unexpected relocalization issues. Deactivating/activating the Model Target improves the situation - but user will have to start experience again with detecting the Model Target.
  • Model Targets with Low Feature Objects tracking optimization are more sensitive to wrongly specified physical size in the dataset. The same applies when in camera mode OPTIMIZE_SPEED.
  • On Android devices without a Fusion Provider enabled calls to vuCameraControllerGetFocusMode and vuCameraControllerGetExposureMode might fail during the first second after Engine starts (i.e. vuEngineIsRunning will return VU_TRUE).
  • Using very large Area Targets on ARCore devices may impact persistency of anchors.
  • Vuforia Engine does not trigger continuous autofocus by default on ARCore as it does on other platforms. Use VuforiaBehaviour.Instance.CameraDevice.SetFocusMode() to ensure that a focus mode is set consistently across all platforms.
  • When building the UVC camera library for Android we recommend using NDK 13b. Please see the UVC Driver documentation or the in the UVC sample for more details.
  • After the Device Pose Observer loses tracking with ARCore it may be necessary to direct the user to return to the target to recover extended tracking when using Advanced Model Targets.
  • The Session Recorder writes to the OS defined primary storage location. On devices with emulated storage such as Android devices typically provides the emulated storage as the primary location. This means that Vuforia will not usually record to a removable SD card.


  • Certain iOS devices sometimes encounter an unstable auto-focus behavior seemingly caused by ARKit. Moving the devices around and focusing at different distances resolves the issue most of the time. (so far seen on iPhone XR, iPhone X, iPhone 8 Plus, Apple iPad Pro 10.5 2017 when running iOS 16)
  • When using the Area Target Capture API, the Device Pose Observer may incorrectly relocalize after pause/resume. In this case, the preview mesh for the capture will appear in the wrong location. If the Device Pose Observer reports that it is tracking normally, but the capture remains stuck in relocalizing state for several seconds, then the following instructions to the user may help:
    • Go back to a previously captured area that is visually distinctive and pause/resume the application again. This forces the Device Pose Observer to make a new relocation attempt.
  • A crash is observed on the iPad Pro 4th generation on application start in cases where the device is connected to debugging. This behaviour is not observed in iPadOS 13.6 and later.
  • Running (Advanced) Model Targets with Device Pose Observer on dual-core iOS devices (e.g. iPhone 6/6s) may result in noticeable video background lag.


  • On some older Surface tablets, the focus mode is not always restored to the previous set value when resuming the app from the suspended state.
  • On Hololens, starting a Vuforia App when an existing Miracast session is active will terminate the Miracast session. It is possible to re-start the Miracast session and use it while Vuforia is tracking, however any camera start operation in Vuforia will again terminate the Miracast session.
  • Small or far away Image Targets may temporarily show increased jitter on HoloLens when only very limited head motion is performed.
  • On HoloLens, rapidly attempting to deactivate or activate a VuMark database within the Vuforia_onUpdate callback can lead to freezing.
  • Extended tracked targets may be reported with incorrect poses for one or two frames after pausing and resuming when using Vuforia Sensor Fusion provider.
  • UWP apps may exhibit symptoms such as a black screen or frozen camera image when another app is also using the camera. 

Lumin N/A


Model Targets

  • Apps may experience long dataset loading times and/or run out of memory if Advanced Model Target databases with more than 10 trained models are used. The exact number of supported targets is dependent on model size and complexity as well as the device that is being used.
  • Changing the Guide View mode of multiple Model Target behaviours simultaneously by having them all selected in the Unity Editor is currently not supported. Please change the guide view mode for each behaviour separately.


  • On some Android devices (e.g. PixelXL), objects occluded by Vuforia Engine's "Custom/DepthMask" shader (used e.g. for Area Target occlusion) are rendered black. To work around this issue, set the occluded objects' materials to Rendering Mode "Transparent".
  • When using the scriptable render pipeline, enabling the experimental SRP Batcher option will break Video Background Rendering on Android OpenGL ES 3.0.
  • In some occasions, the sample UVC driver implementation may fail to start after the USB camera permission has been accepted on Android.


  • Vuforia Engine requires "Render Over Native UI" to be set for iOS to resolve a performance issue seen on some ARKit-enabled devices. However, the same setting causes non-Vuforia specific issues on Android 8.0. Therefore, this setting is set/unset automatically when switching the platform between Android and iOS in Unity.
  • When upgrading the Vuforia extension package on MacOS, a restart of the Unity Editor may be required to complete the upgrade process.
  • Calling SceneManager.LoadScene successively and in quick manner may result in a black video background on iOS devices.
  • 2D Model Target Guide views are currently not supported on iOS when using the OpenGLES2 Graphics API. Please use 3D guide views in case you want to support the OpenGL ES 2.0 rendering backend.


  • The Virtual Scene Scale Factor in Unity is not supported on HoloLens.
  • In the Unity HoloLens sample, some renderings errors are seen in scene view in the Unity Editor.
  • On UWP, using the "Run in background" option in the Unity player settings may cause the video background to freeze on resume after the application was minimized (suspended). It is recommended to disable "Run in background" so that Vuforia can be properly paused if the app is not in the foreground.
  • Initialization fails to return INIT_NO_CAMERA_ACCESS error code when camera permissions are denied on UWP.


  • The SessionRecorder prefab requires custom UI when used on Magic Leap.
  • The Virtual Scene Scale Factor in Unity is not supported on Magic Leap.


  • When using Vuforia Engine with ARFoundation 5.0, Vuforia Engine will not start if the default XR Origin component is used in the scene. Please replace the new XR Origin with the deprecated AR Session Origin to use Vuforia Engine with ARFoundation.
  • Selecting different CameraModes has no effect when using ARFoundation.
  • Setting the far clip plane to a large number can cause the video background image to flicker when using the URP in combination with GLES3.
  • When integrating with ARFoundation in Unity, Vuforia will automatically use the highest camera resolution that ARFoundation offers. Changing that camera resolution is currently not supported.
  • When building a Vuforia project using Unity in batch mode, the Render Over Native UI setting must be manually configured according to the desired target platform.
  • Accessing the camera background materials in Unity interferes with video texture updates. Please refer here for more information.
  • Incorrect build errors may appear when building an application for the first time on a specific platform. The current workaround is to build a second time and errors will be resolved.
  • Successively calling GetCameraImage() from multiple scenes returns incorrect images.

Vuforia Engine v10.14.4

Bugfixes / Features 



Area Targets

  • Improvements to the efficiency of Area Target Observer creation, activation, and target detection have allowed us to increase the size of targets for which external positions are not required for initial detection. You can now detect targets that are up to four times larger than the previous limit.
  • We have improved loading times of Area Targets during run-time, causing a speedup of time-to-activation on all platforms supporting Area Targets.

Model Targets

  • Model Targets and Area Targets can now be loaded directly from the database.dat file without the presence of the dataset.xml.
    • The vuEngineGetDatabaseTargetInfo() now supports target info extraction from the database.dat file without the presence of the dataset.xml.


  • Fixed bug resulting in mesh chunks missing from the Area Target Capture meshes.

Session Recorder

  • Warning: The behaviour of the vuRecordingGetPath API has changed for the case that the recording has not been started yet. Instead of the previous behaviour of setting the 'path' parameter to NULL and returning VU_SUCCESS the function will return VU_FAILED and leave the 'path' parameter unmodified.


  • Improved performance of PDF417 and Aztec code detection and tracking.
  • Added support for Micro QR Codes.


  • New APIs have been added in the Vuforia native CameraController for enhanced camera control. It is now possible to explicitly change the exposure mode of the camera and to set a region of interest for focus and exposure control.
    • Exposure control as well as setting region interest for focus and exposure are currently only supported on iOS.
  • Additional APIs have been added to query support for the enhanced camera controls at runtime as well as the existing focus mode control.
  • The APIs for setting and getting camera fields specific for Android, have been deprecated and will be removed in an upcoming Vuforia release.
  • The FocusMode NORMAL has been deprecated and will be removed in an upcoming release.


  • A new API allows developers to register a callback function to handle Engine lifecycle-related errors happening at runtime, such as license errors occurring after Engine instance creation or "camera device lost" errors on selected platforms.


  • Fixed problem with AreaTargets failing to resume tracking on Android after an ARCore tracking failure.




  • Fixed the TRIGGERAUTO focus mode on UWP so that it correctly moves to the FIXED focus mode after re-focussing.
  • Vuforia Engine is now built against Magic Leap 2 SDK v1.1.0, please update app builds to use this minimum supported version.


  • Fixed an issue where the VuMarkBehaviour.InstanceId.DataType and VuVuMarkObservationInstanceInfo.dataType returned a wrong value.
  • We have fixed a Unity issue where a VuMark target's origin was not reported correctly as defined in the VuMark Template created in Adobe Illustrator.
  • Added API to asynchronously load targets at runtime to unblock the main thread and UI when loading many and/or large targets.
  • Some shaders used in the Unity Extension have been renamed. In case your Unity project was loading these shaders through code, it is recommended to use the new names.
  • Fixed an issue where a black screen was rendered if the Virtual Scene scale was set to a custom value and Device Tracking was disabled.
  • Fixed an issue with the Video Background plane not updating its position when changing the Far Clipping Plane distance on the Camera.

Known Issues



  • Using multiple targets simultaneously while Extended Tracking them when using the Vuforia Sensor Fusion provider may lead to degraded tracking quality in rare scenarios.
  • VISLAM may fail on environments with predominantly edgy structures with fine lines w/o other texture.
  • The Ground Plane sample app does not allow re-positioning of the annotations into a new area after pause and resume. Going back to the original area and recovering the original annotation is necessary before it can be moved. As an alternative you can reset the experience after resume to use the app again.
  • Under certain conditions when doing fast motions during Extended Tracking using Fusion-provider VISLAM an apparent shift in augmentation might be observed. Approaching the original target and/or resetting Device Pose Observer will resolve the issue.

Session Recorder

  • Playback of recordings from the Session Recorder do not support Ground Plane experiences.

Model Targets

  • Device Pose Observer reset during Extended Tracking with Model Target might in some cases lead to unexpected relocalization issues. Deactivating/activating the Model Target improves the situation - but user will have to start experience again with detecting the Model Target.
  • Model Targets with Low Feature Objects tracking optimization are more sensitive to wrongly specified physical size in the dataset. The same applies when in camera mode OPTIMIZE_SPEED.
  • Using very large Area Targets on ARCore devices may impact persistency of anchors.
  • Vuforia Engine does not trigger continuous autofocus by default on ARCore as it does on other platforms. Use VuforiaBehaviour.Instance.CameraDevice.SetFocusMode() to ensure that a focus mode is set consistently across all platforms.
  • When building the UVC camera library for Android we recommend using NDK 13b. Please see the UVC Driver documentation or the in the UVC sample for more details.
  • After the Device Pose Observer loses tracking with ARCore it may be necessary to direct the user to return to the target to recover extended tracking when using Advanced Model Targets.
  • The Session Recorder writes to the OS defined primary storage location. On devices with emulated storage such as Android devices typically provides the emulated storage as the primary location. This means that Vuforia will not usually record to a removable SD card.


  • Certain iOS devices sometimes encounter an unstable auto-focus behavior seemingly caused by ARKit. Moving the devices around and focusing at different distances resolves the issue most of the time. (so far seen on iPhone XR, iPhone X, iPhone 8 Plus, Apple iPad Pro 10.5 2017 when running iOS 16)
  • When using the Area Target Capture API, the Device Pose Observer may incorrectly relocalize after pause/resume. In this case, the preview mesh for the capture will appear in the wrong location. If the Device Pose Observer reports that it is tracking normally, but the capture remains stuck in relocalizing state for several seconds, then the following instructions to the user may help:
    • Go back to a previously captured area that is visually distinctive and pause/resume the application again. This forces the Device Pose Observer to make a new relocation attempt.
  • A crash is observed on the iPad Pro 4th generation on application start in cases where the device is connected to debugging. This behaviour is not observed in iPadOS 13.6 and later.
  • Running (Advanced) Model Targets with Device Pose Observer on dual-core iOS devices (e.g. iPhone 6/6s) may result in noticeable video background lag.


  • UWP devices using an external camera, such as a USB webcam or a front-facing laptop camera, may fail to detect Model Targets even when the Guide View's outline matches the object. This issue affects the 10.14.4 versions of the native Vuforia Engine SDK, the native UWP Sample, and Unity-based apps and samples. To work around this issue, please continue using SDK 10.13 or earlier.
  • On Hololens, starting a Vuforia App when an existing Miracast session is active will terminate the Miracast session. It is possible to re-start the Miracast session and use it while Vuforia is tracking, however any camera start operation in Vuforia will again terminate the Miracast session.
  • Small or far away Image Targets may temporarily show increased jitter on HoloLens when only very limited head motion is performed.
  • On HoloLens, rapidly attempting to deactivate or activate a VuMark database within the Vuforia_onUpdate callback can lead to freezing.
  • Extended tracked targets may be reported with incorrect poses for one or two frames after pausing and resuming when using Vuforia Sensor Fusion provider.
  • UWP apps may exhibit symptoms such as a black screen or frozen camera image when another app is also using the camera. 

Lumin N/A


Model Targets

  • Apps may experience long dataset loading times and/or run out of memory if Advanced Model Target databases with more than 10 trained models are used. The exact number of supported targets is dependent on model size and complexity as well as the device that is being used.
  • Changing the Guide View mode of multiple Model Target behaviours simultaneously by having them all selected in the Unity Editor is currently not supported. Please change the guide view mode for each behaviour separately.


  • On some Android devices (e.g. PixelXL), objects occluded by Vuforia Engine's "Custom/DepthMask" shader (used e.g. for Area Target occlusion) are rendered black. To work around this issue, set the occluded objects' materials to Rendering Mode "Transparent".
  • When using the scriptable render pipeline, enabling the experimental SRP Batcher option will break Video Background Rendering on Android OpenGL ES 3.0.
  • In some occasions, the sample UVC driver implementation may fail to start after the USB camera permission has been accepted on Android.


  • Vuforia Engine requires "Render Over Native UI" to be set for iOS to resolve a performance issue seen on some ARKit-enabled devices. However, the same setting causes non-Vuforia specific issues on Android 8.0. Therefore, this setting is set/unset automatically when switching the platform between Android and iOS in Unity.
  • When upgrading the Vuforia extension package on MacOS, a restart of the Unity Editor may be required to complete the upgrade process.
  • Calling SceneManager.LoadScene successively and in quick manner may result in a black video background on iOS devices.
  • 2D Model Target Guide views are currently not supported on iOS when using the OpenGLES2 Graphics API. Please use 3D guide views in case you want to support the OpenGL ES 2.0 rendering backend.


  • The Virtual Scene Scale Factor in Unity is not supported on HoloLens.
  • In the Unity HoloLens sample, some renderings errors are seen in scene view in the Unity Editor.
  • On UWP, using the "Run in background" option in the Unity player settings may cause the video background to freeze on resume after the application was minimized (suspended). It is recommended to disable "Run in background" so that Vuforia can be properly paused if the app is not in the foreground.
  • Initialization fails to return INIT_NO_CAMERA_ACCESS error code when camera permissions are denied on UWP.


  • The SessionRecorder prefab requires custom UI when used on Magic Leap.
  • The Virtual Scene Scale Factor in Unity is not supported on Magic Leap.


  • Selecting different CameraModes has no effect when using ARFoundation.
  • Setting the far clip plane to a large number can cause the video background image to flicker when using the URP in combination with GLES3.
  • When integrating with ARFoundation in Unity, Vuforia will automatically use the highest camera resolution that ARFoundation offers. Changing that camera resolution is currently not supported.
  • When building a Vuforia project using Unity in batch mode, the Render Over Native UI setting must be manually configured according to the desired target platform.
  • Accessing the camera background materials in Unity interferes with video texture updates. Please refer here for more information.
  • Incorrect build errors may appear when building an application for the first time on a specific platform. The current workaround is to build a second time and errors will be resolved.
  • Successively calling GetCameraImage() from multiple scenes returns incorrect images.

Vuforia Engine v10.13.3

Bugfixes / Features 



  • The deprecated MotionHint and TrackingMode have been removed from all target types. Use GetTrackingOptimization() and SetTrackingOptimization() instead.

Area Targets

  • Added VU_MESH_OBSERVATION_STATUS_INFO_WRONG_SCALE, which is reported if the source Model Target observer reports VU_MODEL_TARGET_OBSERVATION_STATUS_INFO_WRONG_SCALE.
  • Setting a correct external position on Area Target when the target is EXTENDED_TRACKED or LIMITED will no longer falsely interrupt target tracking.

Model Targets

  • We have disallowed the usage of the Guide View API for Advanced Model Targets. Calls to vuModelTargetObserverGetActiveGuideViewName()vuModelTargetObserverSetActiveGuideViewName() and vuModelTargetObserverGetGuideViews() will return VU_FAILED if the observer uses an Advanced Model Target. Likewise, ModelTargetBehaviour.GetNumGuideViews() will return 0 if the behaviour uses an Advanced Model Target.
  • Added a new Vuforia API vuModelTargetObserverIsAdvanced() to query if a Model Target is setup with Advanced Views for automatic detection.


  • Impoved the spatial consistency of the authoring mesh textures when using the Area Target Capture

Session Recorder

  • Warning: The behaviour of the vuRecordingGetPath API will change in an upcoming release for the case that the recording has not been started yet. Instead of the current behaviour of setting the 'path' parameter to NULL and returning VU_SUCCESS the function will return VU_FAILED and leave the 'path' parameter unmodified.


  • Improved the tracking stability of bounding boxes of 1D barcodes in certain situations.


  • The new release of the VuMark Designer Plugin is compatible with Adobe Illustrator 2023.
  • Previously missing logs have been added for key setup and lifecycle API calls and some changes/cleanup has been done to existing logs.
  • Warning: The behaviour of the vuStateGetRenderState and vuRenderControllerGetVideoBackgroundViewInfo APIs related to the VuRenderViewConfig will change in an upcoming release.
  • Fixed an issue where creating an observer with a wrong target type was wrongly reported as DATABASE_LOAD_ERROR (not existing or corrupted database file) instead of TARGET_NOT_FOUND (requested target (name + target type) cannot be found in the database).




  • Improved the performance of Advanced Model Target detection on iOS devices having a Neural Engine. Note that existing databases need to be re-trained to benefit from this improvement.


Lumin N/A


  • Unity applications using Vuforia will now automatically request all permissions required for Magic Leap 2

Known Issues



  • Using multiple targets simultaneously while Extended Tracking them when using the Vuforia Sensor Fusion provider may lead to degraded tracking quality in rare scenarios.
  • VISLAM may fail on environments with predominantly edgy structures with fine lines w/o other texture.
  • The Ground Plane sample app does not allow re-positioning of the annotations into a new area after pause and resume. Going back to the original area and recovering the original annotation is necessary before it can be moved. As an alternative you can reset the experience after resume to use the app again.
  • Under certain conditions when doing fast motions during Extended Tracking using Fusion-provider VISLAM an apparent shift in augmentation might be observed. Approaching the original target and/or resetting Device Pose Observer will resolve the issue.

Session Recorder

  • Playback of recordings from the Session Recorder do not support Ground Plane experiences.

Model Targets

  • Device Pose Observer reset during Extended Tracking with Model Target might in some cases lead to unexpected relocalization issues. Deactivating/activating the Model Target improves the situation - but user will have to start experience again with detecting the Model Target.
  • Model Targets with Low Feature Objects tracking optimization are more sensitive to wrongly specified physical size in the dataset. The same applies when in camera mode OPTIMIZE_SPEED.
  • Vuforia Engine does not trigger continuous autofocus by default on ARCore as it does on other platforms. Use VuforiaBehaviour.Instance.CameraDevice.SetFocusMode() to ensure that a focus mode is set consistently across all platforms.
  • When building the UVC camera library for Android we recommend using NDK 13b. Please see the UVC Driver documentation or the in the UVC sample for more details.
  • After the Device Pose Observer loses tracking with ARCore it may be necessary to direct the user to return to the target to recover extended tracking when using Advanced Model Targets.
  • The Session Recorder writes to the OS defined primary storage location. On devices with emulated storage such as Android devices typically provides the emulated storage as the primary location. This means that Vuforia will not usually record to a removable SD card.


  • When using the Area Target Capture API, the Device Pose Observer may incorrectly relocalize after pause/resume. In this case, the preview mesh for the capture will appear in the wrong location. If the Device Pose Observer reports that it is tracking normally, but the capture remains stuck in relocalizing state for several seconds, then the following instructions to the user may help:
    • Go back to a previously captured area that is visually distinctive and pause/resume the application again. This forces the Device Pose Observer to make a new relocation attempt.
  • When an invalid license is used in an app, it is not reported by vuEngineCreate() and results in a blank screen as no frames are delivered by Vuforia. This issue will only occur during app development.
  • A crash is observed on the iPad Pro 4th generation on application start in cases where the device is connected to debugging. This behaviour is not observed in iPadOS 13.6 and later.
  • Running (Advanced) Model Targets with Device Pose Observer on dual-core iOS devices (e.g. iPhone 6/6s) may result in noticeable video background lag.


  • When an invalid license is used in an app, it is not reported by vuEngineCreate() and results in a blank screen as no frames are delivered by Vuforia. This issue will only occur during app development.
  • On Hololens, starting a Vuforia App when an existing Miracast session is active will terminate the Miracast session. It is possible to re-start the Miracast session and use it while Vuforia is tracking, however any camera start operation in Vuforia will again terminate the Miracast session.
  • Small or far away Image Targets may temporarily show increased jitter on HoloLens when only very limited head motion is performed.
  • On HoloLens, rapidly attempting to deactivate or activate a VuMark database within the Vuforia_onUpdate callback can lead to freezing.
  • On UWP devices with outdated Intel AVStream camera drivers, the camera feed sometimes freezes.
  • Extended tracked targets may be reported with incorrect poses for one or two frames after pausing and resuming when using Vuforia Sensor Fusion provider.
Lumin N/A


Model Targets

  • Apps may experience long dataset loading times and/or run out of memory if Advanced Model Target databases with more than 10 trained models are used. The exact number of supported targets is dependent on model size and complexity as well as the device that is being used.
  • Changing the Guide View mode of multiple Model Target behaviours simultaneously by having them all selected in the Unity Editor is currently not supported. Please change the guide view mode for each behaviour separately.


  • The Unity Editor ignores the VuMark Target’s origin as defined in Adobe Illustrator. Augmentations placed at (0,0) in the VuMark GameObject’s local coordinate system will be displayed at the originally defined origin. A temporary workaround is to leave the origin centered in relation to the VuMark, or to introduce an Empty GameObject above the VuMark during authoring providing the visual offset for proper alignment.


  • On some Android devices (e.g. PixelXL), objects occluded by Vuforia Engine's "Custom/DepthMask" shader (used e.g. for Area Target occlusion) are rendered black. To work around this issue, set the occluded objects' materials to Rendering Mode "Transparent".
  • When using the scriptable render pipeline, enabling the experimental SRP Batcher option will break Video Background Rendering on Android OpenGL ES 3.0.
  • In some occasions, the sample UVC driver implementation may fail to start after the USB camera permission has been accepted on Android.


  • Vuforia Engine requires "Render Over Native UI" to be set for iOS to resolve a performance issue seen on some ARKit-enabled devices. However, the same setting causes non-Vuforia specific issues on Android 8.0. Therefore, this setting is set/unset automatically when switching the platform between Android and iOS in Unity.
  • When upgrading the Vuforia extension package on MacOS, a restart of the Unity Editor may be required to complete the upgrade process.
  • Calling SceneManager.LoadScene successively and in quick manner may result in a black video background on iOS devices.
  • 2D Model Target Guide views are currently not supported on iOS when using the OpenGLES2 Graphics API. Please use 3D guide views in case you want to support the OpenGL ES 2.0 rendering backend.


  • The Virtual Scene Scale Factor in Unity is not supported on HoloLens.
  • In the Unity HoloLens sample, some renderings errors are seen in scene view in the Unity Editor.
  • On UWP, using the "Run in background" option in the Unity player settings may cause the video background to freeze on resume after the application was minimized (suspended). It is recommended to disable "Run in background" so that Vuforia can be properly paused if the app is not in the foreground.
  • Initialization fails to return INIT_NO_CAMERA_ACCESS error code when camera permissions are denied on UWP.
  • UWP apps may exhibit symptoms such as a black screen or frozen camera image when another app is also using the camera.


  • The SessionRecorder prefab requires custom UI when used on Magic Leap.
  • The Virtual Scene Scale Factor in Unity is not supported on Magic Leap.


  • Selecting different CameraModes has no effect when using ARFoundation.
  • Setting the far clip plane to a large number can cause the video background image to flicker when using the URP in combination with GLES3.
  • When integrating with ARFoundation in Unity, Vuforia will automatically use the highest camera resolution that ARFoundation offers. Changing that camera resolution is currently not supported.
  • When building a Vuforia project using Unity in batch mode, the Render Over Native UI setting must be manually configured according to the desired target platform.
  • Accessing the camera background materials in Unity interferes with video texture updates. Please refer here for more information.
  • Incorrect build errors may appear when building an application for the first time on a specific platform. The current workaround is to build a second time and errors will be resolved.
  • Successively calling GetCameraImage() from multiple scenes returns incorrect images.

Vuforia Engine v10.12.3

Bugfixes / Features 



  • Vuforia Engine now allows developers to easily add barcode and QR-Code detection capabilities to their AR-enabled apps. Please see Barcode Scanner in the Vuforia Developer Library and look at the Unity Core Samples for more information.

Area Targes

  • Using the platform's fused GPS-signal as a location-prior in combination with Area Targets is a recommended practice when developing for large-spaces. To make your development easier, we have created an end-to-end guide how to do this at Geolocation as External Prior for Area Targets.
  • We reduced the tracking jitter when localizing with Area Targets far from the target origin.

Model Targets

  • Developers can now access the mesh contained in a Model Target dataset at runtime by using the RuntimeMeshBehavior (Unity) or MeshObserver (native) APIs.
  • In a future Vuforia release, we will disable calls to vuGuideViewGetImage and vuGuideViewGetIntrinsics for inactive Guide Views. Both functions will return VU_FAILED in that case.
  • When using the LOW_FEATURE_OBJECTS tracking mode optimization, Model Target tracking uses an AI powered tracking technology to tackle large objects with shiny and reflective surfaces. In previous releases this improvement was available only on higher end iOS, Android devices and the HoloLens-2. This AI powered tracking mode has now been significantly improved in accuracy and extended to all platforms which support a platform based device-tracker (like ARKit / ARCore)

Session Recorder

  • We modified the SessionRecorder video bitrate selection to increase image quality of recordings with high resolutions (greater than 720p) or high frame-rates (greater than 30 FPS). The file-size of such recordings will increase accordingly.




  • We removed support for iOS bitcode.


  • Fixed an issue where Advanced Model Target databases trained with the Model Target Generator v10.7 or later would fail to recognize on UWP tablets in portrait orientation. If you experience this issue, please re-train your databases.
  • Updated Vuforia Engine to build with Magic Leap SDK version 1.0.0. Please ensure you use the same SDK or newer and Magic Leap OS version B3E.220818.12-R.046-R.420 or newer.
  • Improved logic for updating anchors if they are changed by the device mapping system so that we find and update anchors further away from the current position.
  • Fixed the Magic Leap 2 permission checks on Engine creation to ensure all needed permissions are checked.
  • We aligned the focus mode mappings for Magic Leap 2 to make them consistent with other platforms.
  • We fixed an issue where the camera focus mode was reported incorrectly on Magic Leap 2 devices.
  • Added logging of errors from Magic Leap API calls to aid developers in diagnosing issues.


  • Unity users now have access to the Model Target and Area Target meshes at runtime via the new RuntimeMeshRenderingBehaviour.

Known Issues



  • Using multiple targets simultaneously while Extended Tracking them when using the Vuforia Sensor Fusion provider may lead to degraded tracking quality in rare scenarios.
  • VISLAM may fail on environments with predominantly edgy structures with fine lines w/o other texture.
  • The Ground Plane sample app does not allow re-positioning of the annotations into a new area after pause and resume. Going back to the original area and recovering the original annotation is necessary before it can be moved. As an alternative you can reset the experience after resume to use the app again.
  • Under certain conditions when doing fast motions during Extended Tracking using Fusion-provider VISLAM an apparent shift in augmentation might be observed. Approaching the original target and/or resetting Device Pose Observer will resolve the issue.

Session Recorder

  • Playback of recordings from the Session Recorder do not support Ground Plane experiences.

Model Targets

  • Device Pose Observer reset during Extended Tracking with Model Target might in some cases lead to unexpected relocalization issues. Deactivating/activating the Model Target improves the situation - but user will have to start experience again with detecting the Model Target.
  • Model Targets with Low Feature Objects tracking optimization are more sensitive to wrongly specified physical size in the dataset. The same applies when in camera mode OPTIMIZE_SPEED.


  • Issues were reported using the VuMark Designer Scripts with latest Adobe Illustrator 2021 versions. Please use the scripts with Adobe Illustrator 2020 until a compatibility update has been released.
  • Vuforia Engine does not trigger continuous autofocus by default on ARCore as it does on other platforms. Use VuforiaBehaviour.Instance.CameraDevice.SetFocusMode() to ensure that a focus mode is set consistently across all platforms.
  • When building the UVC camera library for Android we recommend using NDK 13b. Please see the UVC Driver documentation or the in the UVC sample for more details.
  • After the Device Pose Observer loses tracking with ARCore it may be necessary to direct the user to return to the target to recover extended tracking when using Advanced Model Targets.
  • The Session Recorder writes to the OS defined primary storage location. On devices with emulated storage such as Android devices typically provides the emulated storage as the primary location. This means that Vuforia will not usually record to a removable SD card.


  • When using the Area Target Capture API, the Device Pose Observer may incorrectly relocalize after pause/resume. In this case, the preview mesh for the capture will appear in the wrong location. If the Device Pose Observer reports that it is tracking normally, but the capture remains stuck in relocalizing state for several seconds, then the following instructions to the user may help:
    • Go back to a previously captured area that is visually distinctive and pause/resume the application again. This forces the Device Pose Observer to make a new relocation attempt.
  • When an invalid license is used in an app, it is not reported by vuEngineCreate() and results in a blank screen as no frames are delivered by Vuforia. This issue will only occur during app development.
  • A crash is observed on the iPad Pro 4th generation on application start in cases where the device is connected to debugging. This behaviour is not observed in iPadOS 13.6 and later.
  • Running (Advanced) Model Targets with Device Pose Observer on dual-core iOS devices (e.g. iPhone 6/6s) may result in noticeable video background lag.


  • When an invalid license is used in an app, it is not reported by vuEngineCreate() and results in a blank screen as no frames are delivered by Vuforia. This issue will only occur during app development.
  • On Hololens, starting a Vuforia App when an existing Miracast session is active will terminate the Miracast session. It is possible to re-start the Miracast session and use it while Vuforia is tracking, however any camera start operation in Vuforia will again terminate the Miracast session.
  • Small or far away Image Targets may temporarily show increased jitter on HoloLens when only very limited head motion is performed.
  • On HoloLens, rapidly attempting to deactivate or activate a VuMark database within the Vuforia_onUpdate callback can lead to freezing.
  • On UWP devices with outdated Intel AVStream camera drivers, the camera feed sometimes freezes.
  • Extended tracked targets may be reported with incorrect poses for one or two frames after pausing and resuming when using Vuforia Sensor Fusion provider.
  • Under certain conditions, the Magic Leap One will stop delivering camera frames. The workaround is to restart the App.


Model Targets

  • Apps may experience long dataset loading times and/or run out of memory if Advanced Model Target databases with more than 10 trained models are used. The exact number of supported targets is dependent on model size and complexity as well as the device that is being used.
  • Changing the Guide View mode of multiple Model Target behaviours simultaneously by having them all selected in the Unity Editor is currently not supported. Please change the guide view mode for each behaviour separately.


  • On some Android devices (e.g. PixelXL), objects occluded by Vuforia Engine's "Custom/DepthMask" shader (used e.g. for Area Target occlusion) are rendered black. To work around this issue, set the occluded objects' materials to Rendering Mode "Transparent".
  • When using the scriptable render pipeline, enabling the experimental SRP Batcher option will break Video Background Rendering on Android OpenGL ES 3.0.
  • In some occasions, the sample UVC driver implementation may fail to start after the USB camera permission has been accepted on Android.


  • Vuforia Engine requires "Render Over Native UI" to be set for iOS to resolve a performance issue seen on some ARKit-enabled devices. However, the same setting causes non-Vuforia specific issues on Android 8.0. Therefore, this setting is set/unset automatically when switching the platform between Android and iOS in Unity.
  • When upgrading the Vuforia extension package on MacOS, a restart of the Unity Editor may be required to complete the upgrade process.
  • Calling SceneManager.LoadScene successively and in quick manner may result in a black video background on iOS devices.
  • 2D Model Target Guide views are currently not supported on iOS when using the OpenGLES2 Graphics API. Please use 3D guide views in case you want to support the OpenGL ES 2.0 rendering backend.


  • The Virtual Scene Scale Factor in Unity is not supported on HoloLens.
  • In the Unity HoloLens sample, some renderings errors are seen in scene view in the Unity Editor.
  • On UWP, using the "Run in background" option in the Unity player settings may cause the video background to freeze on resume after the application was minimized (suspended). It is recommended to disable "Run in background" so that Vuforia can be properly paused if the app is not in the foreground.
  • Initialization fails to return INIT_NO_CAMERA_ACCESS error code when camera permissions are denied on UWP.
  • UWP apps may exhibit symptoms such as a black screen or frozen camera image when another app is also using the camera.


  • The Vuforia MagicLeap sample app does not fully terminate when pressing the "Exit" button. This issue affects any application built with the Lumin SDK v0.25.0 or above, including apps that don’t use the Vuforia Engine. The app can be force-closed either from the device or from The Lab.
  • The SessionRecorder prefab requires custom UI when used on Magic Leap One.
  • The Virtual Scene Scale Factor in Unity is not supported on Magic Leap One.


  • Selecting different CameraModes has no effect when using ARFoundation.
  • Setting the far clip plane to a large number can cause the video background image to flicker when using the URP in combination with GLES3.
  • When integrating with ARFoundation in Unity, Vuforia will automatically use the highest camera resolution that ARFoundation offers. Changing that camera resolution is currently not supported.
  • When building a Vuforia project using Unity in batch mode, the Render Over Native UI setting must be manually configured according to the desired target platform.
  • Accessing the camera background materials in Unity interferes with video texture updates. Please refer here for more information.
  • Incorrect build errors may appear when building an application for the first time on a specific platform. The current workaround is to build a second time and errors will be resolved.
  • Successively calling GetCameraImage() from multiple scenes returns incorrect images.

Vuforia Engine v10.11.3

Bugfixes / Features 



Area Targets

  • We improved the fidelity of the Area Target Capture preview mesh provided by Mesh Observer. The preview mesh is now a more accurate representation of the space that will be covered by the generated Area Target.
  • Area Target Capture now supports scanning up to 80% larger environments on iOS devices with LIDAR sensor. In addition, there should be fewer situations where the Capture can end up entering an unrecoverable LIMITED/RELOCALIZING status.
  • Fixed some cases of large rotational geometry misalignments in the authoring mesh generated by Area Target Capture.
  • We made Area Targets at runtime behave snappier while at the same time requiring less performance, leveraging platform specific improvements and some core improvements. To take full advantage, update your iOS devices to iOS 16 or later.

Model Targets

  • Starting with Vuforia 10.12, we will disable any Guide View related API calls for Observers of Advanced Model Targets. Specifically, GetActiveGuideViewIndex() and GetGuideView() for Unity and vuModelTargetObserverGetActiveGuideViewName() and vuModelTargetObserverGetGuideViews() for Native will have their behavior changed to return VU_FAILED if the Observer uses an Advanced Model Target. Subsequently, it will no longer be possible to access Guide View objects and perform function calls on it.


  • We significantly reduced the file size of the Android FileDriver library.


  • Area Targets on iOS are now more energy efficient and drain less battery.


  • Fixed an issue on UWP devices that caused the Vuforia Engine build version log to be missing from the ETW Event Logs.
  • Fixed an issue with Continuous Auto Focus mode in UWP devices and on the HoloLens 2, where smaller objects were not in focus and were difficult to detect and track.
  • Fixed a potential crash when switching camera modes while tracking Image Targets and VuMarks.
  • Fixed a problem with getting the camera focus mode on Magic Leap 2.
  • Added missing VuforiaEngine/Engine/Lumin/PlatformConfig_Lumin.h header file to Vuforia Engine SDK for Magic Leap 2.
  • The Vuforia VFX library is compatible with the Magic Leap 2 device.
    • When using VFX on Magic Leap 2 you should enable the *Multipass* rendering flag under Project Settings > XR Plug-in Management > Magic Leap Settings. If this is not done, you will observe an incompatibility causing the Axial-and Radial-Scan effects of the Vuforia VFX library to not work as expected.


  • New minimum supported version of Unity is 2021.3.
  • Fixed an issue where the Vuforia plugin would not be loaded in the Mac Unity Editor.
  • Updated the GuideView3DBehaviour to use a runtime-generated mesh of the Model Target instead of the packaged mesh. This allows to usage of 3D Guide Views for datasets that are loaded dynamically. Fixed surface normal on the VFX Phantom shader.

Known Issues



  • Using multiple targets simultaneously while Extended Tracking them when using the Vuforia Sensor Fusion provider may lead to degraded tracking quality in rare scenarios.
  • VISLAM may fail on environments with predominantly edgy structures with fine lines w/o other texture.
  • The Ground Plane sample app does not allow re-positioning of the annotations into a new area after pause and resume. Going back to the original area and recovering the original annotation is necessary before it can be moved. As an alternative you can reset the experience after resume to use the app again.
  • Under certain conditions when doing fast motions during Extended Tracking using Fusion-provider VISLAM an apparent shift in augmentation might be observed. Approaching the original target and/or resetting Device Pose Observer will resolve the issue.

Session Recorder

  • Playback of recordings from the Session Recorder do not support Ground Plane experiences.

Model Targets

  • Device Pose Observer reset during Extended Tracking with Model Target might in some cases lead to unexpected relocalization issues. Deactivating/activating the Model Target improves the situation - but user will have to start experience again with detecting the Model Target.
  • Model Targets with Low Feature Objects tracking optimization are more sensitive to wrongly specified physical size in the dataset. The same applies when in camera mode OPTIMIZE_SPEED.


  • Issues were reported using the VuMark Designer Scripts with latest Adobe Illustrator 2021 versions. Please use the scripts with Adobe Illustrator 2020 until a compatibility update has been released.
  • Vuforia Engine does not trigger continuous autofocus by default on ARCore as it does on other platforms. Use VuforiaBehaviour.Instance.CameraDevice.SetFocusMode() to ensure that a focus mode is set consistently across all platforms.
  • When building the UVC camera library for Android we recommend using NDK 13b. Please see the UVC Driver documentation or the in the UVC sample for more details.
  • After the Device Pose Observer loses tracking with ARCore it may be necessary to direct the user to return to the target to recover extended tracking when using Advanced Model Targets.
  • The Session Recorder writes to the OS defined primary storage location. On devices with emulated storage such as Android devices typically provides the emulated storage as the primary location. This means that Vuforia will not usually record to a removable SD card.


  • When using the Area Target Capture API, the Device Pose Observer may incorrectly relocalize after pause/resume. In this case, the preview mesh for the capture will appear in the wrong location. If the Device Pose Observer reports that it is tracking normally, but the capture remains stuck in relocalizing state for several seconds, then the following instructions to the user may help:
    • Go back to a previously captured area that is visually distinctive and pause/resume the application again. This forces the Device Pose Observer to make a new relocation attempt.
  • When an invalid license is used in an app, it is not reported by vuEngineCreate() and results in a blank screen as no frames are delivered by Vuforia. This issue will only occur during app development.
  • A crash is observed on the iPad Pro 4th generation on application start in cases where the device is connected to debugging. This behaviour is not observed in iPadOS 13.6 and later.
  • Running (Advanced) Model Targets with Device Pose Observer on dual-core iOS devices (e.g. iPhone 6/6s) may result in noticeable video background lag.


  • When an invalid license is used in an app, it is not reported by vuEngineCreate() and results in a blank screen as no frames are delivered by Vuforia. This issue will only occur during app development.
  • On Hololens, starting a Vuforia App when an existing Miracast session is active will terminate the Miracast session. It is possible to re-start the Miracast session and use it while Vuforia is tracking, however any camera start operation in Vuforia will again terminate the Miracast session.
  • Small or far away Image Targets may temporarily show increased jitter on HoloLens when only very limited head motion is performed.
  • On HoloLens, rapidly attempting to deactivate or activate a VuMark database within the Vuforia_onUpdate callback can lead to freezing.
  • On UWP devices with outdated Intel AVStream camera drivers, the camera feed sometimes freezes.
  • Extended tracked targets may be reported with incorrect poses for one or two frames after pausing and resuming when using Vuforia Sensor Fusion provider.
  • Under certain conditions, the Magic Leap One will stop delivering camera frames. The workaround is to restart the App.


Model Targets

  • Apps may experience long dataset loading times and/or run out of memory if Advanced Model Target databases with more than 10 trained models are used. The exact number of supported targets is dependent on model size and complexity as well as the device that is being used.
  • Changing the Guide View mode of multiple Model Target behaviours simultaneously by having them all selected in the Unity Editor is currently not supported. Please change the guide view mode for each behaviour separately.


  • On some Android devices (e.g. PixelXL), objects occluded by Vuforia Engine's "Custom/DepthMask" shader (used e.g. for Area Target occlusion) are rendered black. To work around this issue, set the occluded objects' materials to Rendering Mode "Transparent".
  • When using the scriptable render pipeline, enabling the experimental SRP Batcher option will break Video Background Rendering on Android OpenGL ES 3.0.
  • In some occasions, the sample UVC driver implementation may fail to start after the USB camera permission has been accepted on Android.


  • Vuforia Engine requires "Render Over Native UI" to be set for iOS to resolve a performance issue seen on some ARKit-enabled devices. However, the same setting causes non-Vuforia specific issues on Android 8.0. Therefore, this setting is set/unset automatically when switching the platform between Android and iOS in Unity.
  • When upgrading the Vuforia extension package on MacOS, a restart of the Unity Editor may be required to complete the upgrade process.
  • Calling SceneManager.LoadScene successively and in quick manner may result in a black video background on iOS devices.
  • 2D Model Target Guide views are currently not supported on iOS when using the OpenGLES2 Graphics API. Please use 3D guide views in case you want to support the OpenGL ES 2.0 rendering backend.


  • The Virtual Scene Scale Factor in Unity is not supported on HoloLens.
  • In the Unity HoloLens sample, some renderings errors are seen in scene view in the Unity Editor.
  • On UWP, using the "Run in background" option in the Unity player settings may cause the video background to freeze on resume after the application was minimized (suspended). It is recommended to disable "Run in background" so that Vuforia can be properly paused if the app is not in the foreground.
  • Initialization fails to return INIT_NO_CAMERA_ACCESS error code when camera permissions are denied on UWP.
  • UWP apps may exhibit symptoms such as a black screen or frozen camera image when another app is also using the camera.


  • The Vuforia MagicLeap sample app does not fully terminate when pressing the "Exit" button. This issue affects any application built with the Lumin SDK v0.25.0 or above, including apps that don’t use the Vuforia Engine. The app can be force-closed either from the device or from The Lab.
  • The SessionRecorder prefab requires custom UI when used on Magic Leap One.
  • The Virtual Scene Scale Factor in Unity is not supported on Magic Leap One.


  • Selecting different CameraModes has no effect when using ARFoundation.
  • Setting the far clip plane to a large number can cause the video background image to flicker when using the URP in combination with GLES3.
  • When integrating with ARFoundation in Unity, Vuforia will automatically use the highest camera resolution that ARFoundation offers. Changing that camera resolution is currently not supported.
  • When building a Vuforia project using Unity in batch mode, the Render Over Native UI setting must be manually configured according to the desired target platform.
  • Accessing the camera background materials in Unity interferes with video texture updates. Please refer here for more information.
  • Incorrect build errors may appear when building an application for the first time on a specific platform. The current workaround is to build a second time and errors will be resolved.
  • Successively calling GetCameraImage() from multiple scenes returns incorrect images.

Vuforia Engine v10.10.2

Bugfixes / Features 



Model Targets

  • Fixed a bug where Advanced Model Target databases with multiple targets got stuck in a non-TRACKING state.

Area Targets

  • Area Target Capture will now log messages using the standard log stream during the generation process giving developer richer diagnostics, comparable to the Area Target Generator.
  • Area Target Capture target generation now starts much sooner after calling vuAreaTargetCaptureGenerate() for large captures. There will now be less delay between starting generation and getting feedback about the generation progress.
  • After creating an Area Target Capture and associated Mesh Observer, the Mesh Observer will now publish mesh observations with VU_OBSERVATION_POSE_STATUS_NO_POSE status until the capture is started. Previously it was publishing observations with VU_OBSERVATION_POSE_STATUS_EXTENDED_TRACKED status and an empty mesh.


  • Audio permission management is now decoupled from Engine instance creation. If an app's manifest/property list includes the permission to record audio, then this permission no longer needs to be granted before creating the Engine instance, it can be done any time before using audio capabilities in the Session Recorder Controller. If the permission is not granted, no permission error will be reported by Engine, but the Session Recorder Controller will not support audio data recording.


  • Significantly reduced file size of Android FileDriver library.
  • Improved error handling during video recording on Android.
  • Substantially reduced the frequency of an internal ARCore warning message related to hit tests.
  • Fixed rare video encoding & decoding issues on Apple devices.


  • Improved performance of iOS LiDAR devices resulting in lower device load, providing a better battery life.
  • Apple have deprecated Bitcode as of Xcode 14, and no longer support app submissions containing Bitcode. A future release of the Vuforia Engine SDK will remove Bitcode from the iOS framework.


  • Model Target tracking for cars and other large, reflective objects is now significantly improved on the HoloLens 2 through an AI powered tracking technology when using the LOW_FEATURE_OBJECTS tracking optimization. This improvement was previously available on higher end iOS devices and Android devices and has now been extended to the HoloLens 2.
  • Added support for Magic Leap 2 devices (alpha).


  • Fixed an issue where an update notification for a new version of Vuforia Engine would not be shown in the Unity Editor.
  • Area Target Capture Device Pose is no longer stuck in LIMITED - INITIALIZING, when the Audio permissions have not been accepted by the user.

Known Issues



  • Using multiple targets simultaneously while Extended Tracking them when using the Vuforia Sensor Fusion provider may lead to degraded tracking quality in rare scenarios.
  • VISLAM may fail on environments with predominantly edgy structures with fine lines w/o other texture.
  • The Ground Plane sample app does not allow re-positioning of the annotations into a new area after pause and resume. Going back to the original area and recovering the original annotation is necessary before it can be moved. As an alternative you can reset the experience after resume to use the app again.
  • Under certain conditions when doing fast motions during Extended Tracking using Fusion-provider VISLAM an apparent shift in augmentation might be observed. Approaching the original target and/or resetting Device Pose Observer will resolve the issue.

Session Recorder

  • Playback of recordings from the Session Recorder do not support Ground Plane experiences.

Model Targets

  • Device Pose Observer reset during Extended Tracking with Model Target might in some cases lead to unexpected relocalization issues. Deactivating/activating the Model Target improves the situation - but user will have to start experience again with detecting the Model Target.
  • Model Targets with Low Feature Objects tracking optimization are more sensitive to wrongly specified physical size in the dataset. The same applies when in camera mode OPTIMIZE_SPEED.


  • Issues were reported using the VuMark Designer Scripts with latest Adobe Illustrator 2021 versions. Please use the scripts with Adobe Illustrator 2020 until a compatibility update has been released.
  • Vuforia Engine does not trigger continuous autofocus by default on ARCore as it does on other platforms. Use VuforiaBehaviour.Instance.CameraDevice.SetFocusMode() to ensure that a focus mode is set consistently across all platforms.
  • When building the UVC camera library for Android we recommend using NDK 13b. Please see the UVC Driver documentation or the in the UVC sample for more details.
  • After the Device Pose Observer loses tracking with ARCore it may be necessary to direct the user to return to the target to recover extended tracking when using Advanced Model Targets.
  • The Session Recorder writes to the OS defined primary storage location. On devices with emulated storage such as Android devices typically provides the emulated storage as the primary location. This means that Vuforia will not usually record to a removable SD card.


  • When using the Area Target Capture API, the Device Pose Observer may incorrectly relocalize after pause/resume. In this case, the preview mesh for the capture will appear in the wrong location. If the Device Pose Observer reports that it is tracking normally, but the capture remains stuck in relocalizing state for several seconds, then the following instructions to the user may help:
    • Go back to a previously captured area that is visually distinctive and pause/resume the application again. This forces the Device Pose Observer to make a new relocation attempt.
  • Pause/resume invoked too quickly may cause a wrong pose on iOS devices. If observed, it is recommended to provide an option to the user to reset the tracking, aka reset Device Pose Observer in the application.
  • A crash is observed on the iPad Pro 4th generation on application start in cases where the device is connected to debugging. This behaviour is not observed in iPadOS 13.6 and later.
  • Running (Advanced) Model Targets with Device Pose Observer on dual-core iOS devices (e.g. iPhone 6/6s) may result in noticeable video background lag.


  • On Hololens, starting a Vuforia App when an existing Miracast session is active will terminate the Miracast session. It is possible to re-start the Miracast session and use it while Vuforia is tracking, however any camera start operation in Vuforia will again terminate the Miracast session.
  • Small or far away Image Targets may temporarily show increased jitter on HoloLens when only very limited head motion is performed.
  • On HoloLens, rapidly attempting to deactivate or activate a VuMark database within the Vuforia_onUpdate callback can lead to freezing.
  • On UWP devices with outdated Intel AVStream camera drivers, the camera feed sometimes freezes.
  • Extended tracked targets may be reported with incorrect poses for one or two frames after pausing and resuming when using Vuforia Sensor Fusion provider.
  • Under certain conditions, the Magic Leap One will stop delivering camera frames. The workaround is to restart the App.


Model Targets

  • Apps may experience long dataset loading times and/or run out of memory if Advanced Model Target databases with more than 10 trained models are used. The exact number of supported targets is dependent on model size and complexity as well as the device that is being used.
  • Changing the Guide View mode of multiple Model Target behaviours simultaneously by having them all selected in the Unity Editor is currently not supported. Please change the guide view mode for each behaviour separately.


  • On some Android devices (e.g. PixelXL), objects occluded by Vuforia Engine's "Custom/DepthMask" shader (used e.g. for Area Target occlusion) are rendered black. To work around this issue, set the occluded objects' materials to Rendering Mode "Transparent".
  • When using the scriptable render pipeline, enabling the experimental SRP Batcher option will break Video Background Rendering on Android OpenGL ES 3.0.
  • In some occasions, the sample UVC driver implementation may fail to start after the USB camera permission has been accepted on Android.


  • Vuforia Engine requires "Render Over Native UI" to be set for iOS to resolve a performance issue seen on some ARKit-enabled devices. However, the same setting causes non-Vuforia specific issues on Android 8.0. Therefore, this setting is set/unset automatically when switching the platform between Android and iOS in Unity.
  • When upgrading the Vuforia extension package on MacOS, a restart of the Unity Editor may be required to complete the upgrade process.
  • Calling SceneManager.LoadScene successively and in quick manner may result in a black video background on iOS devices.
  • 2D Model Target Guide views are currently not supported on iOS when using the OpenGLES2 Graphics API. Please use 3D guide views in case you want to support the OpenGL ES 2.0 rendering backend.


  • The Virtual Scene Scale Factor in Unity is not supported on HoloLens.
  • In the Unity HoloLens sample, some renderings errors are seen in scene view in the Unity Editor.
  • On UWP, using the "Run in background" option in the Unity player settings may cause the video background to freeze on resume after the application was minimized (suspended). It is recommend to disable "Run in background" so that Vuforia can be properly paused if the app is not in the foreground.
  • Initialization fails to return INIT_NO_CAMERA_ACCESS error code when camera permissions are denied on UWP.
  • UWP apps may exhibit symptoms such as a black screen or frozen camera image when another app is also using the camera.


  • The Vuforia MagicLeap sample app does not fully terminate when pressing the "Exit" button. This issue affects any application built with the Lumin SDK v0.25.0 or above, including apps that don’t use the Vuforia Engine. The app can be force-closed either from the device or from The Lab.
  • The SessionRecorder prefab requires custom UI when used on Magic Leap One.
  • The Virtual Scene Scale Factor in Unity is not supported on Magic Leap One.


  • Selecting different CameraModes has no effect when using ARFoundation.
  • Setting the far clip plane to a large number can cause the video background image to flicker when using the URP in combination with GLES3.
  • When integrating with ARFoundation in Unity, Vuforia will automatically use the highest camera resolution that ARFoundation offers. Changing that camera resolution is currently not supported.
  • When building a Vuforia project using Unity in batch mode, the Render Over Native UI setting must be manually configured according to the desired target platform.
  • Accessing the camera background materials in Unity interferes with video texture updates. Please refer here for more information.
  • Incorrect build errors may appear when building an application for the first time on a specific platform. The current workaround is to build a second time and errors will be resolved
  • Successively calling GetCameraImage() from multiple scenes returns incorrect images.

Vuforia Engine v10.9.3

Bugfixes / Features 



Model Targets


  • We introduced new Tracking Optimization options for Model Targets that replace the previous Motion Hint and Tracking Mode. Select between Default and optimization for Low Feature Object tracking, which is useful for cars and other reflective objects with smooth surfaces and few features.
    • 3D scans are now automatically detected during Model Target generation and no longer need to be specified explicitly.
    • Power saving features are now activated by choosing the Engine-wide camera mode preset OPTIMIZED_SPEED.
  • We completely reworked how Advanced Views are specified in the Model Target Generator. Most importantly, we added a new workflow for defining User Volumes that specify where a user can be when initializing tracking of an Advanced Model Target. This is particularly useful in cases where the user can only operate close to a large object (for example, underneath a car servicing it, or inside a truck looking at the dashboard) and cannot get the full target into view to initialize tracking

Area Targets

  • Matterport™ is deprecating the Developer API Key based authentication to access data in the Matterport™ Cloud. The Area Target Generator will also remove this option in an upcoming release.
  • Improved progress and time estimate reported during Area Target Generation. Excess memory usage during this phase now correctly causes the cancellation of the target generation with an appropriate error.

Target Manager

  • We greatly improved database view speed in the Target Manager of the Vuforia Engine Developer Portal.

API changes

  • You can now query the current focus mode when a Vuforia Driver is in use.
  • The focus mode also have following changes:
    • Removed support for FOCUS_MODE_TRIGGERAUTO on devices using ARKit or ARCore.
    • Added support for FOCUS_MODE_FIXED on UWP devices.
    • On a device where it is not possible to determine the current focus mode, FOCUS_MODE_NORMAL will be reported.

Native API changes

  • The Vuforia Engine no longer requests required permissions upon calling vuEngineCreate() on platforms using runtime permission requests. It only checks whether they have been granted and fails with VU_ENGINE_CREATION_ERROR_PERMISSION_ERROR if denied. It's the caller code's responsibility to request all required permissions at the application level. See the Vuforia Engine Lifecycle in Native article on setting up permission requests.
  • The deprecated function vuAnchorObservationGetAnchorId() has been removed. Please use vuAnchorObservationGetInfo() instead.


  • Model Targets on Android devices require an OpenGL ES 3 capable device.
  • Fixed an issue with the focus mode to ensure that it fails properly on all platforms when setting an unsupported focus mode.
  • We improved the speed of starting the camera on certain ARCore devices..


  • Fixed vuCameraControllerSetFocusMode() to ensure that it fails properly on all platforms when setting an unsupported focus mode.


  • The Area Target Capture on Magic Leap devices requires an OpenGL ES 3 capable device.


  • Fixed an issue with the "Override Detection Position" flag on ModelTargetBehaviour not correctly overriding the detection position of the currently selected Guide View.
  • The DepthNormalContour shader in the VFX Library now exposes an optional blinking behavior.
  • The Phantom shader in the VFX Library now exposes an edge luminance parameter.
  • Fixed an issue where the Guide View previews did not show up when imported into the Unity Editor.

Known Issues



  • Using multiple targets simultaneously while Extended Tracking them when using the Vuforia Sensor Fusion provider may lead to degraded tracking quality in rare scenarios.
  • VISLAM may fail on environments with predominantly edgy structures with fine lines w/o other texture.
  • The Ground Plane sample app does not allow re-positioning of the annotations into a new area after pause and resume. Going back to the original area and recovering the original annotation is necessary before it can be moved. As an alternative you can reset the experience after resume to use the app again.
  • Under certain conditions when doing fast motions during Extended Tracking using Fusion-provider VISLAM an apparent shift in augmentation might be observed. Approaching the original target and/or resetting Device Pose Observer will resolve the issue.

Session Recorder

  • Playback of recordings from the Session Recorder do not support Ground Plane experiences.

Model Targets

  • Device Pose Observer reset during Extended Tracking with Model Target might in some cases lead to unexpected relocalization issues. Deactivating/activating the Model Target improves the situation - but user will have to start experience again with detecting the Model Target.
  • Model Targets with Low Feature Objects tracking optimization are more sensitive to wrongly specified physical size in the dataset. The same applies when in camera mode OPTIMIZE_SPEED.


  • Reported bounding-box size via vuObjectTargetObserverGetBoundingBox() API is in some cases not reflecting actual target size.
  • Issues were reported using the VuMark Designer Scripts with latest Adobe Illustrator 2021 versions. Please use the scripts with Adobe Illustrator 2020 until a compatibility update has been released.
  • Vuforia Engine does not trigger continuous autofocus by default on ARCore as it does on other platforms. Use VuforiaBehaviour.Instance.CameraDevice.SetFocusMode() to ensure that a focus mode is set consistently across all platforms.
  • When building the UVC camera library for Android we recommend using NDK 13b. Please see the UVC Driver documentation or the in the UVC sample for more details.
  • After the Device Pose Observer loses tracking with ARCore it may be necessary to direct the user to return to the target to recover extended tracking when using Advanced Model Targets.
  • The Session Recorder writes to the OS defined primary storage location. On devices with emulated storage such as Android devices typically provides the emulated storage as the primary location. This means that Vuforia will not usually record to a removable SD card.


  • An invalid license key used in an App is not reported by vuEngineCreate and will result in a blank screen as no frames are delivered by Vuforia. This issue will only occur during App development.
  • When using the Area Target Capture API, the Device Pose Observer may incorrectly relocalize after pause/resume. In this case, the preview mesh for the capture will appear in the wrong location. If the Device Pose Observer reports that it is tracking normally, but the capture remains stuck in relocalizing state for several seconds, then the following instructions to the user may help:
    • Go back to a previously captured area that is visually distinctive and pause/resume the application again. This forces the Device Pose Observer to make a new relocation attempt.
  • Pause/resume invoked too quickly may cause a wrong pose on iOS devices. If observed, it is recommended to provide an option to the user to reset the tracking, aka reset Device Pose Observer in the application.
  • A crash is observed on the iPad Pro 4th generation on application start in cases where the device is connected to debugging. This behaviour is not observed in iPadOS 13.6 and later.
  • Running (Advanced) Model Targets with Device Pose Observer on dual-core iOS devices (e.g. iPhone 6/6s) may result in noticeable video background lag.


  • An invalid license key used in an App is not reported by vuEngineCreate and will result in a blank screen as no frames are delivered by Vuforia. This issue will only occur during App development.
  • On Hololens, starting a Vuforia App when an existing Miracast session is active will terminate the Miracast session. It is possible to re-start the Miracast session and use it while Vuforia is tracking, however any camera start operation in Vuforia will again terminate the Miracast session.
  • Small or far away Image Targets may temporarily show increased jitter on HoloLens when only very limited head motion is performed.
  • On HoloLens, rapidly attempting to deactivate or activate a VuMark database within the Vuforia_onUpdate callback can lead to freezing.
  • On UWP devices with outdated Intel AVStream camera drivers, the camera feed sometimes freezes.
  • Extended tracked targets may be reported with incorrect poses for one or two frames after pausing and resuming when using Vuforia Sensor Fusion provider.
  • Under certain conditions, the Magic Leap One will stop delivering camera frames. The workaround is to restart the App.


Model Targets

  • Advanced Model Target databases with multiple targets can under rare circumstances (in particular after pause-resume cycles) get stuck in a non-TRACKING state. To recover, it is necessary to deactivate and reactivate all Model Target observers.
  • Apps may experience long dataset loading times and/or run out of memory if Advanced Model Target databases with more than 10 trained models are used. The exact number of supported targets is dependent on model size and complexity as well as the device that is being used.
  • Changing the Guide View mode of multiple Model Target behaviours simultaneously by having them all selected in the Unity Editor is currently not supported. Please change the guide view mode for each behaviour separately.


  • On some Android devices (e.g. PixelXL), objects occluded by Vuforia Engine's "Custom/DepthMask" shader (used e.g. for Area Target occlusion) are rendered black. To work around this issue, set the occluded objects' materials to Rendering Mode "Transparent".
  • When using the scriptable render pipeline, enabling the experimental SRP Batcher option will break Video Background Rendering on Android OpenGL ES 3.0.
  • In some occasions, the sample UVC driver implementation may fail to start after the USB camera permission has been accepted on Android.


  • Vuforia Engine requires "Render Over Native UI" to be set for iOS to resolve a performance issue seen on some ARKit-enabled devices. However, the same setting causes non-Vuforia specific issues on Android 8.0. Therefore, this setting is set/unset automatically when switching the platform between Android and iOS in Unity.
  • When upgrading the Vuforia extension package on MacOS, a restart of the Unity Editor may be required to complete the upgrade process.
  • Calling SceneManager.LoadScene successively and in quick manner may result in a black video background on iOS devices.
  • 2D Model Target Guide views are currently not supported on iOS when using the OpenGLES2 Graphics API. Please use 3D guide views in case you want to support the OpenGL ES 2.0 rendering backend.


  • The Vuforia HoloLens sample requires to restart Unity after the asset has been completely imported into a project made with Unity 2020.3.24f1 and later.
  • After pausing and resuming the HoloLens sample application, the hand tracking fails to restart and the hand augmentation and the cursor appear stuck, rendering any hand interaction impossible.
  • The Virtual Scene Scale Factor in Unity is not supported on HoloLens.
  • In the Unity HoloLens sample, some renderings errors are seen in scene view in the Unity Editor.
  • On UWP, using the "Run in background" option in the Unity player settings may cause the video background to freeze on resume after the application was minimized (suspended). It is recommend to disable "Run in background" so that Vuforia can be properly paused if the app is not in the foreground.
  • Initialization fails to return INIT_NO_CAMERA_ACCESS error code when camera permissions are denied on UWP.
  • UWP apps may exhibit symptoms such as a black screen or frozen camera image when another app is also using the camera.


  • The Vuforia MagicLeap sample app does not fully terminate when pressing the "Exit" button. This issue affects any application built with the Lumin SDK v0.25.0 or above, including apps that don’t use the Vuforia Engine. The app can be force-closed either from the device or from The Lab.
  • The SessionRecorder prefab requires custom UI when used on Magic Leap One.
  • The Virtual Scene Scale Factor in Unity is not supported on Magic Leap One.


  • Selecting different CameraModes has no effect when using ARFoundation.
  • Setting the far clip plane to a large number can cause the video background image to flicker when using the URP in combination with GLES3.
  • When integrating with ARFoundation in Unity, Vuforia will automatically use the highest camera resolution that ARFoundation offers. Changing that camera resolution is currently not supported.
  • When building a Vuforia project using Unity in batch mode, the Render Over Native UI setting must be manually configured according to the desired target platform.
  • Accessing the camera background materials in Unity interferes with video texture updates. Please refer here for more information.
  • Incorrect build errors may appear when building an application for the first time on a specific platform. The current workaround is to build a second time and errors will be resolved
  • Successively calling GetCameraImage() from multiple scenes returns incorrect images.

Vuforia Engine v10.8.4

Bugfixes / Features 




  • Version macros have been added to the VuforiaEngine.h header file to allow developers to make compile-time decisions based on the Vuforia Engine library version.
    • The function vuEngineGetLibraryVersion() was renamed to vuEngineGetLibraryVersionInfo(). The fields of the VuLibraryVersionInfo data structure have been renamed to major, minor, patch, build.
  • vuCameraControllerGetFlashMode and vuCameraControllerGetFocusMode now require that the Vuforia Engine is started.
  • In an upcoming version of Vuforia Engine we will change the Engine behavior so that it will only check for OS-required runtime permissions and operations will fail if they have not been requested and granted. This changes the current behavior where Engine triggers the OS-specific runtime permission request UI itself. Once this change is implemented it will be required that Apps using Vuforia Engine obtain the needed runtime permissions before using Engine. Apps should be modified to make runtime permission requests themselves before the above change is implemented in Vuforia Engine. Note that the Vuforia Engine Unity extension will make the needed runtime permission requests for Apps developed in Unity.


  • The Area Target Capture API now generates Authoring Models with textured meshes.
  • The Mesh Observer in combination with Area Targets will provide a continuously updated mesh representing the occlusion model for the scene in view, and based on the occlusion mesh provided with the target.
    • Usage of VuMeshObservationBlock without VuMeshObservationBlock::transform and its associated VuPoseInfo::pose is deprecated. See Mesh Observer for details.
    • vuEngineCreateMeshObserverFromAreaTargetCaptureConfig and related structures were moved to AreaTargetCaptureController.h. This might be a breaking change for users that are relying on transitive inclusion of AreaTargetCaptureController.h through MeshObserver.h. For users using the Vuforia Engine umbrella header or correctly including both AreaTargetCaptureController.h and MeshObserver.h headers this change is not breaking.
    • Due to this forward-looking change of the format, Occlusion Mesh 3DT-s generated with SDK 10.8 can only be used with the SDK 10.8 and above. Older Area Targets with all their assets including occlusion continue to be functional.
  • The Area Target Capture can now scan spaces without an Internet connection. The capture is then saved as a 3DT for post-processing in the Area Target Generator. This change in behavior of the API with respect to the occlusion artifact means that starting with Vuforia Engine 10.8 and forward, the Area Target Capture API will generate the occlusion artifact together with the Area Target database.
  • The Vuforia Datasets to track Area Targets for newly generated targets are significantly smaller. This saves storage space of your application, but also improves other runtime KPIs.
  • Fixed an issue where Area Target Capture could get stuck in relocalizing state after pausing and resuming the capture.
  • vuAnchorObservationGetAnchorId() has been deprecated and will be removed in an upcoming Vuforia release. Please use vuAnchorObservationGetInfo() instead.
  • Improved Area Target localization and tracking performance for the cases when the provided location priors from external source have high uncertainty.

Model Targets

  • We improved the training length for Advanced Model Targets. Training length will now be automatically adjusted based on parameters like number of advanced views and recognition ranges. Any Model Target Training done with the Model Target Generator 10.5 or later will benefit from this improvement. The same applies for trainings done through the Model Target Web API using target SDK version 10.5 or later.
  • We further improved the recognition performance of Advanced Model Targets, in particular, for targets with multiple close-up advanced views. Any target trained with the Model Target Generator 10.7 or the Model Target Web API using target SDK 10.7 or later will benefit from this improvement.
  • Fixed an issue where a Model Target would no longer detect after switching from STATIC/DEFAULT to STATIC/CAR.
  • Fixed Guide View image rendering to properly react to changes to the Guide View, camera intrinsics or device orientation.
    • vuGuideViewSetPose will no longer implicitly re-render the Guide View image and therefore no longer destroy the previous Guide View image.
    • vuModelTargetObserverSetActiveGuideViewName will destroy the image of the previous active Guide View.
    • Added a recommendation regarding long running operations to vuGuideViewGetImage.
    • Added a new endpoint vuGuideViewIsImageOutdated to notify when the Guide View pose, camera intrinsics or device orientation have changed. If the returned value is VU_TRUE, the next call to vuGuideViewGetImage will render a new image. The previous Guide View image will be destroyed (if not acquired explicitly).
    • If the Guide View is not active, or it is an advanced view, the empty image returned by vuGuideViewGetImage will not have the image format VU_IMAGE_PIXEL_FORMAT_UNKNOWN and the buffer will be nullptr.

Session Recorder

  • Added an option to specify output directory for recordings.
  • Clarified API documentation to better describe that when using the Session Recorder, changing the device orientation while a recording is in progiress, will cause the recording to stop.


  • The Vuforia native and Unity sample apps on Android are now using a new Android permission called android.permission.HIGH_SAMPLING_RATE_SENSORS in the AndroidManifest.xml to allow the Vuforia Engine to receive IMU sensor readings at a high rate, otherwise device tracking may not work correctly.
  • Addressed an issue where significant memory growth and eventual crash was observed when running Vuforia Engine in an App built with ARCore versions between 1.23 and 1.31 (inclusive).
    • These issues are resolved by upgrading to ARCore version 1.32 that contains significant stability improvements when used with Vuforia Engine.
  • Fixed a rare deadlock during video and audio recording on some Android devices.


  • Fixed an issue on iOS that prevented the Area Target Capture from running successfully if the active video mode was changed after starting Engine.
  • Fixed a rare deadlock when using the Session Recorder to make a recording that includes audio on iOS devices.
  • Fixed an issue when using File Driver on iOS to playback a recording. If Engine was previously created but not started, a subsequent run where Engine was created and started, led to playback in the wrong orientation.


  • Using Camera Mode QUALITY on HoloLens 2 will now improve the detection distance for Image Targets, VuMarks and other target types.
  • Area Target Capture mesh observations now behave correctly during the preparing phase when multiple captures are run in a single app session on HoloLens 2. Previously, it was possible for the preview mesh from the previous capture to show up before the new capture had finished preparing.
  • Fixed a problem where a capture with Status Info INTERRUPTED could not be correctly paused and resumed when using the Area Target Capture.
  • Area Target Capture mesh observations now behave correctly during the preparing phase when multiple captures are run in a single app session on the Magic Leap 1. Previously, it was possible for the preview mesh from the previous capture to show up before the new capture had finished preparing.


  • Area Targets in Unity Editor exposes height-clipping to conveniently remove the ceiling from the authoring model during authoring.
  • We unified the way how target previews are handled in the Unity Editor. They are now managed by a dedicated Target Preview script and support generating an occlusion object that can be used to mask out the target at runtime for correct occlusion rendering for all target types. Existing projects can be easily upgraded to the new preview system.
  • We added a log level filter for the log messages written into the Unity log by the Vuforia Engine Unity Extension. This can be controlled through a dropdown in the Vuforia Configuration.
  • The Vuforia Engine Unity sample for HoloLens has been updated to MRTK 2.8.0
  • Fixed a bug that caused Unity Editor on Windows to freeze after Recording Play Mode was restarted multiple times.
  • Fixed an issue where the visual representation of a Ground Plane Stage was not shown in the Unity Editor.
  • Fixed a scene setting in the Vuforia VFX library that prevented height clipping in the minimap sample.
  • Fixed an issue with the DepthNormalContour shader occluding behavior in the Vuforia VFX library.
  • Code duplication in the Vuforia VFX Library has been addressed.
  • Changed Engine behavior to work around issues with some Android devices when using ARCore that would result in a blank screen (no camera frames being received).

Known Issues



  • The progress and time estimate reported by vuAreaTargetCaptureGetGenerationProgress() and vuAreaTargetCaptureGetGenerationTimeEstimate() do not advance smoothly during the texturing phase of the target generation.
  • Using multiple targets simultaneously while Extended Tracking them when using the Vuforia Sensor Fusion provider may lead to degraded tracking quality in rare scenarios.
  • VISLAM may fail on environments with predominantly edgy structures with fine lines w/o other texture.
  • The Ground Plane sample app does not allow re-positioning of the annotations into a new area after pause and resume. Going back to the original area and recovering the original annotation is necessary before it can be moved. As an alternative you can reset the experience after resume to use the app again.
  • Under certain conditions when doing fast motions during Extended Tracking using Fusion-provider VISLAM an apparent shift in augmentation might be observed. Approaching the original target and/or resetting Device Pose Observer will resolve the issue.

Session Recorder

  • Playback of recordings from the Session Recorder do not support Ground Plane experiences.

Model Targets

  • Device Pose Observer reset during Extended Tracking with Model Target might in some cases lead to unexpected relocalization issues. Deactivating/activating the Model Target improves the situation - but user will have to start experience again with detecting the Model Target.
  • Targets with motion hint STATIC are more sensitive to wrongly specified physical size in the dataset.
  • Model targets may switch to EXTENDED_TRACKED more often during very fast user motion when the motion hint is set to STATIC. We recommend using ADAPTIVE if robust tracking during very fast motions is required.


  • vuCameraControllerGetFocusMode is currently not supported when a Vuforia Driver is used.
  • VuCameraFocusMode: The focus modes VU_CAMERA_FOCUS_MODE_NORMAL and VU_CAMERA_FOCUS_MODE_TRIGGERAUTO have inconsistent behavior across different platforms.
  • Reported bounding-box size via vuObjectTargetObserverGetBoundingBox() API is in some cases not reflecting actual target size.
  • Issues were reported using the VuMark Designer Scripts with latest Adobe Illustrator 2021 versions. Please use the scripts with Adobe Illustrator 2020 until a compatibility update has been released.
  • vuCameraControllerSetFocusMode: When setting an unsupported focus mode, the call succeeds and sets the focus mode VU_CAMERA_FOCUS_MODE_CONTINUOUSAUTO instead of failing.
  • Vuforia Engine does not trigger continuous autofocus by default on ARCore as it does on other platforms. Use VuforiaBehaviour.Instance.CameraDevice.SetFocusMode() to ensure that a focus mode is set consistently across all platforms.
  • When building the UVC camera library for Android we recommend using NDK 13b. Please see the UVC Driver documentation or the in the UVC sample for more details.
  • After the Device Pose Observer loses tracking with ARCore it may be necessary to direct the user to return to the target to recover extended tracking when using Advanced Model Targets.
  • The Session Recorder writes to the OS defined primary storage location. On devices with emulated storage such as Android devices typically provides the emulated storage as the primary location. This means that Vuforia will not usually record to a removable SD card.


  • vuCameraControllerSetFocusMode: When setting an unsupported focus mode, the call succeeds and sets the focus mode VU_CAMERA_FOCUS_MODE_CONTINUOUSAUTO instead of failing.
  • An invalid license key used in an App is not reported by vuEngineCreate and will result in a blank screen as no frames are delivered by Vuforia. This issue will only occur during App development.
  • When using the Area Target Capture API, the Device Pose Observer may incorrectly relocalize after pause/resume. In this case, the preview mesh for the capture will appear in the wrong location. If the Device Pose Observer reports that it is tracking normally, but the capture remains stuck in relocalizing state for several seconds, then the following instructions to the user may help:
    • Go back to a previously captured area that is visually distinctive and pause/resume the application again. This forces the Device Pose Observer to make a new relocation attempt.
  • Pause/resume invoked too quickly may cause a wrong pose on iOS devices. If observed, it is recommended to provide an option to the user to reset the tracking, aka reset Device Pose Observer in the application.
  • A crash is observed on the iPad Pro 4th generation on application start in cases where the device is connected to debugging. This behaviour is not observed in iPadOS 13.6 and later.
  • Running (Advanced) Model Targets with Device Pose Observer on dual-core iOS devices (e.g. iPhone 6/6s) may result in noticeable video background lag.


  • An invalid license key used in an App is not reported by vuEngineCreate and will result in a blank screen as no frames are delivered by Vuforia. This issue will only occur during App development.
  • On Hololens, starting a Vuforia App when an existing Miracast session is active will terminate the Miracast session. It is possible to re-start the Miracast session and use it while Vuforia is tracking, however any camera start operation in Vuforia will again terminate the Miracast session.
  • Small or far away Image Targets may temporarily show increased jitter on HoloLens when only very limited head motion is performed.
  • On HoloLens, rapidly attempting to deactivate or activate a VuMark database within the Vuforia_onUpdate callback can lead to freezing.
  • On UWP devices with outdated Intel AVStream camera drivers, the camera feed sometimes freezes.
  • Extended tracked targets may be reported with incorrect poses for one or two frames after pausing and resuming when using Vuforia Sensor Fusion provider.
Lumin N/A


Model Targets

  • Apps may experience long dataset loading times and/or run out of memory if Advanced Model Target databases with more than 10 trained models are used. The exact number of supported targets is dependent on model size and complexity as well as the device that is being used.
  • Changing the Guide View mode of multiple Model Target behaviours simultaneously by having them all selected in the Unity Editor is currently not supported. Please change the guide view mode for each behaviour separately.


  • On some Android devices (e.g. PixelXL), objects occluded by Vuforia Engine's "Custom/DepthMask" shader (used e.g. for Area Target occlusion) are rendered black. To work around this issue, set the occluded objects' materials to Rendering Mode "Transparent".
  • When using the scriptable render pipeline, enabling the experimental SRP Batcher option will break Video Background Rendering on Android OpenGL ES 3.0.
  • In some occasions, the sample UVC driver implementation may fail to start after the USB camera permission has been accepted on Android.


  • Vuforia Engine requires "Render Over Native UI" to be set for iOS to resolve a performance issue seen on some ARKit-enabled devices. However, the same setting causes non-Vuforia specific issues on Android 8.0. Therefore, this setting is set/unset automatically when switching the platform between Android and iOS in Unity.
  • When upgrading the Vuforia extension package on MacOS, a restart of the Unity Editor may be required to complete the upgrade process.
  • Calling SceneManager.LoadScene successively and in quick manner may result in a black video background on iOS devices.
  • 2D Model Target Guide views are currently not supported on iOS when using the OpenGLES2 Graphics API. Please use 3D guide views in case you want to support the OpenGL ES 2.0 rendering backend.


  • The Vuforia HoloLens sample requires to restart Unity after the asset has been completely imported into a project made with Unity 2020.3.24f1 and later.
  • After pausing and resuming the HoloLens sample application, the hand tracking fails to restart and the hand augmentation and the cursor appear stuck, rendering any hand interaction impossible.
  • The Virtual Scene Scale Factor in Unity is not supported on HoloLens.
  • In the Unity HoloLens sample, some renderings errors are seen in scene view in the Unity Editor.
  • On UWP, using the "Run in background" option in the Unity player settings may cause the video background to freeze on resume after the application was minimized (suspended). It is recommend to disable "Run in background" so that Vuforia can be properly paused if the app is not in the foreground.
  • Initialization fails to return INIT_NO_CAMERA_ACCESS error code when camera permissions are denied on UWP.
  • UWP apps may exhibit symptoms such as a black screen or frozen camera image when another app is also using the camera.


  • The Vuforia MagicLeap sample app does not fully terminate when pressing the "Exit" button. This issue affects any application built with the Lumin SDK v0.25.0 or above, including apps that don’t use the Vuforia Engine. The app can be force-closed either from the device or from The Lab.
  • The SessionRecorder prefab requires custom UI when used on Magic Leap One.
  • The Virtual Scene Scale Factor in Unity is not supported on Magic Leap One.


  • Selecting different CameraModes has no effect when using ARFoundation.
  • Setting the far clip plane to a large number can cause the video background image to flicker when using the URP in combination with GLES3.
  • When integrating with ARFoundation in Unity, Vuforia will automatically use the highest camera resolution that ARFoundation offers. Changing that camera resolution is currently not supported.
  • When building a Vuforia project using Unity in batch mode, the Render Over Native UI setting must be manually configured according to the desired target platform.
  • Ground Plane experience currently do not support changing Virtual Scene Scale in Unity at runtime.
  • Accessing the camera background materials in Unity interferes with video texture updates. Please refer here for more information.
  • Incorrect build errors may appear when building an application for the first time on a specific platform. The current workaround is to build a second time and errors will be resolved
  • Successively calling GetCameraImage() from multiple scenes returns incorrect images.

Vuforia Engine v10.7.2

Bugfixes / Features 




  • We removed the deprecated Object Target feature from Vuforia Engine. Please use scanned Model Targets instead.


  • Fixed an issue where the bounding box of an Area Target generated with the Area Target Capture API may have been miscalculated and made too large.


  • We significantly reduced the size of Advanced Model Target datasets with multiple models, in particular if multiple views per target are set up.
  • The new Model Target Web API enables streamlined Model Target generation in custom pipelines.
  • Fixed a crash that could be triggered by resetting the Model Target Observer.

Session Recorder

  • The SessionRecorder API was redesigned to be more consistent and easier to use. Please see the API reference library and the API Overview for details.
  • The SessionRecorder API now allows more control over the data captured in a Session Recording.
  • Changed the default set of sources for the SessionRecorder for devices where a platform Device Pose Observer is not present. The sources will now include sensors by default.


  • Fixed incorrect header documentation in VuImageInfo to document the buffer size in pixels instead of bytes.
  • The Sample Target PDF documents were renewed and are now consistent in multiple formats.
  • The Vuforia Engine lifecycle has now more detailed header documentation.


  • Fixed an issue with AI powered (static car) tracking mode for Model Targets on Android devices, where a previously tracked target was not re-detected after moving far away from the target.
  • Model Targets AI powered tracking for low feature objects (static car mode) is now supported on Google Pixel 6 devices.
  • Fixed an issue with SessionRecoder failing on the Samsung Galaxy S21.
  • You must now provide a JavaVM pointer to vuEngineCreate() in the VuPlatformAndroidConfig. This will ensure that Vuforia Engine is using the same JavaVM instance as the rest of the App. This was previously obtained from the JNI_OnLoad() method located in
    • VuPlatformAndroidConfig contains a handle to the Java VM. Get the Java VM by implementing the JNI_OnLoad() function at the app level.
    • The native VuPlatoformAndroidConfigError has a new value: VU_ENGINE_CREATION_ERROR_PLATFORM_ANDROID_CONFIG_INVALID_JAVA_VM. In Unity, it is mapped to VuforiaInitError.PLATFORM_ANDROID_CONFIG_INVALID_JAVA_VM.


  • The minimum version of Xcode that Vuforia Engine supports has been updated to Xcode 13.2.1.


  • Model Target tracking for low-feature objects (static car mode introduced with Vuforia Engine 10) is now also supported in the Unity Play mode when playing back recorded sessions.
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  • We fixed an issue in the Unity rendering sample where the video background was not distorted when tapped.
  • We fixed an issue in the Unity HoloLens sample related to controlling hand gaze in Unity Play Mode.
  • VFX Library now have harmonized camera settings across all the Model Target sample scenes.

Known Issues



  • Using multiple targets simultaneously while Extended Tracking them when using the Vuforia Sensor Fusion provider may lead to degraded tracking quality in rare scenarios.
  • VISLAM may fail on environments with predominantly edgy structures with fine lines w/o other texture.
  • The Ground Plane sample app does not allow re-positioning of the annotations into a new area after pause and resume. Going back to the original area and recovering the original annotation is necessary before it can be moved. As an alternative you can reset the experience after resume to use the app again.
  • Under certain conditions when doing fast motions during Extended Tracking using Fusion-provider VISLAM an apparent shift in augmentation might be observed. Approaching the original target and/or resetting Device Pose Observer will resolve the issue.

Session Recorder

  • Playback of recordings from the Session Recorder do not support Ground Plane experiences.

Model Targets

  • Device Pose Observer reset during Extended Tracking with Model Target might in some cases lead to unexpected relocalization issues. Deactivating/activating the Model Target improves the situation - but user will have to start experience again with detecting the Model Target.
  • Targets with motion hint STATIC are more sensitive to wrongly specified physical size in the dataset.
  • Model targets may switch to EXTENDED_TRACKED more often during very fast user motion when the motion hint is set to STATIC. We recommend using ADAPTIVE if robust tracking during very fast motions is required.


  • Reported bounding-box size via vuObjectTargetObserverGetBoundingBox() API is in some cases not reflecting actual target size.
  • Issues were reported using the VuMark Designer Scripts with latest Adobe Illustrator 2021 versions. Please use the scripts with Adobe Illustrator 2020 until a compatibility update has been released.
  • We are observing significant memory growth in the ARCore client when running Vuforia Engine in an app that was built with ARCore 1.23 and above that affects most Android devices. Memory growth is in the range of 10-100MB/min. We recommend that apps are not deployed to production with Vuforia Engine 10.3 that includes ARCore 1.23 and above. Instead, please use Vuforia Engine 10.4 or later in combination with ARCore 1.22 or lower. We expect that this issue will be fixed with ARCore 1.32.
  • Vuforia Engine does not trigger continuous autofocus by default on ARCore as it does on other platforms. Use VuforiaBehaviour.Instance.CameraDevice.SetFocusMode() to ensure that a focus mode is set consistently across all platforms.
  • When building the UVC camera library for Android we recommend using NDK 13b. Please see the UVC Driver documentation or the in the UVC sample for more details.
  • After the Device Pose Observer loses tracking with ARCore it may be necessary to direct the user to return to the target to recover extended tracking when using Advanced Model Targets.
  • The Session Recorder writes to the OS defined primary storage location. On devices with emulated storage such as Android devices typically provides the emulated storage as the primary location. This means that Vuforia will not usually record to a removable SD card.


  • An invalid license key used in an App is not reported by vuEngineCreate and will result in a blank screen as no frames are delivered by Vuforia. This issue will only occur during App development.
  • When using the Area Target Capture API, the Device Pose Observer may incorrectly relocalize after pause/resume. In this case, the preview mesh for the capture will appear in the wrong location. If the Device Pose Observer reports that it is tracking normally, but the capture remains stuck in relocalizing state for several seconds, then the following instructions to the user may help:
    • Go back to a previously captured area that is visually distinctive and pause/resume the application again. This forces the Device Pose Observer to make a new relocation attempt.
  • Pause/resume invoked too quickly may cause a wrong pose on iOS devices. If observed, it is recommended to provide an option to the user to reset the tracking, aka reset Device Pose Observer in the application.
  • A crash is observed on the iPad Pro 4th generation on application start in cases where the device is connected to debugging. This behaviour is not observed in iPadOS 13.6 and later.
  • Running (Advanced) Model Targets with Device Pose Observer on dual-core iOS devices (e.g. iPhone 6/6s) may result in noticeable video background lag.


  • An invalid license key used in an App is not reported by vuEngineCreate and will result in a blank screen as no frames are delivered by Vuforia. This issue will only occur during App development.
  • On Hololens, starting a Vuforia App when an existing Miracast session is active will terminate the Miracast session. It is possible to re-start the Miracast session and use it while Vuforia is tracking, however any camera start operation in Vuforia will again terminate the Miracast session.
  • Small or far away Image Targets may temporarily show increased jitter on HoloLens when only very limited head motion is performed.
  • On HoloLens, rapidly attempting to deactivate or activate a VuMark database within the Vuforia_onUpdate callback can lead to freezing.
  • On UWP devices with outdated Intel AVStream camera drivers, the camera feed sometimes freezes.
  • Extended tracked targets may be reported with incorrect poses for one or two frames after pausing and resuming when using Vuforia Sensor Fusion provider.
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Model Targets

  • Apps may experience long dataset loading times and/or run out of memory if Advanced Model Target databases with more than 10 trained models are used. The exact number of supported targets is dependent on model size and complexity as well as the device that is being used.
  • Changing the Guide View mode of multiple Model Target behaviours simultaneously by having them all selected in the Unity Editor is currently not supported. Please change the guide view mode for each behaviour separately.


  • On some Android devices (e.g. PixelXL), objects occluded by Vuforia Engine's "Custom/DepthMask" shader (used e.g. for Area Target occlusion) are rendered black. To work around this issue, set the occluded objects' materials to Rendering Mode "Transparent".
  • When using the scriptable render pipeline, enabling the experimental SRP Batcher option will break Video Background Rendering on Android OpenGL ES 3.0.
  • In some occasions, the sample UVC driver implementation may fail to start after the USB camera permission has been accepted on Android.


  • Vuforia Engine requires "Render Over Native UI" to be set for iOS to resolve a performance issue seen on some ARKit-enabled devices. However, the same setting causes non-Vuforia specific issues on Android 8.0. Therefore, this setting is set/unset automatically when switching the platform between Android and iOS in Unity.
  • When upgrading the Vuforia extension package on MacOS, a restart of the Unity Editor may be required to complete the upgrade process.
  • Calling SceneManager.LoadScene successively and in quick manner may result in a black video background on iOS devices.
  • 2D Model Target Guide views are currently not supported on iOS when using the OpenGLES2 Graphics API. Please use 3D guide views in case you want to support the OpenGL ES 2.0 rendering backend.


  • The Vuforia HoloLens sample requires to restart Unity after the asset has been completely imported into a project made with Unity 2020.3.24f1 and later.
  • After pausing and resuming the HoloLens sample application, the hand tracking fails to restart and the hand augmentation and the cursor appear stuck, rendering any hand interaction impossible.
  • The Virtual Scene Scale Factor in Unity is not supported on HoloLens.
  • In the Unity HoloLens sample, some renderings errors are seen in scene view in the Unity Editor.
  • On UWP, using the "Run in background" option in the Unity player settings may cause the video background to freeze on resume after the application was minimized (suspended). It is recommend to disable "Run in background" so that Vuforia can be properly paused if the app is not in the foreground.
  • Initialization fails to return INIT_NO_CAMERA_ACCESS error code when camera permissions are denied on UWP.
  • UWP apps may exhibit symptoms such as a black screen or frozen camera image when another app is also using the camera.


  • The Vuforia MagicLeap sample app does not fully terminate when pressing the "Exit" button. This issue affects any application built with the Lumin SDK v0.25.0 or above, including apps that don’t use the Vuforia Engine. The app can be force-closed either from the device or from The Lab.
  • The SessionRecorder prefab requires custom UI when used on Magic Leap One.
  • The Virtual Scene Scale Factor in Unity is not supported on Magic Leap One.


  • When integrating with ARFoundation in Unity, Vuforia will automatically use the highest camera resolution that ARFoundation offers. Changing that camera resolution is currently not supported.
  • When building a Vuforia project using Unity in batch mode, the Render Over Native UI setting must be manually configured according to the desired target platform.
  • Ground Plane experience currently do not support changing Virtual Scene Scale in Unity at runtime.
  • Accessing the camera background materials in Unity interferes with video texture updates. Please refer here for more information.
  • Incorrect build errors may appear when building an application for the first time on a specific platform. The current workaround is to build a second time and errors will be resolved
  • Successively calling GetCameraImage() from multiple scenes returns incorrect images.

Vuforia Engine v10.6.3

Bugfixes / Features 




  • The behavior of the Static Device Tracking has been updated, please refer to the documentation for details.
  • We have restored the ability to control the way the latest device calibration is fetched from the server during engine initialization. For details please see the API documentation for the VuDeviceCalibrationConfig struct.


  • The mesh from the Area Target Capture Mesh Observer has been updated to more accurately reflect the true extent of the captured space.
  • The memory consumption is reduced during Area Target Capture.
  • The tracking robustness of anchors created from interactive hit tests on devices using Vuforia VISLAM Fusion technology has been improved.


  • N/A

Session Recorder

  • The current SessionRecorderController API has been deprecated and will have breaking changes in a future release.


  • N/A


  • Vuforia Engine has increased the minimum supported API level for Android to 26 (Android 8.0 'Oreo').


  • Fixed an issue where scanned model targets with very large textures failed to load on iOS devices.
  • Fixed a crash on iOS at process termination. The crash only happened during process termination when camera permissions have been previously denied by the user.
  • iOS devices with iOS 13+ now have improved tracking performance for Model Targets when using the STATIC and CAR tracking combination.
  • Fixed a bug on iOS with the Metal render backend. When passing in a user provided texture through the vuRenderControllerUpdateVideoBackgroundTexture API the provided texture was actually ignored and instead an internally created texture was used.

    • Additionally fixed incorrect example code for the user provided texture in the native iOS Vuforia Sample app.


  • Fixed an error that was logged when starting the HoloLens Unity sample.
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  • Fixed an issue where enabling Model Extraction in the Vuforia Configuration in Unity did not work as expected.
  • Fixed an issue that caused augmentations to flicker in Unity under specific circumstances when Device Tracking was disabled.
  • Fixed an issue where an error was logged when exiting the Model Targets scenes in the Unity Core Samples.
  • Fixed an issue where changing the Virtual Scene Scale in Unity at runtime did not work as expected.
  • Fixed an issue where the Mars Lander augmentation in the Unity Core Samples Model Target scene was not textured correctly.
  • The Model Target for the Polaris RZR toy in the Unity Core Samples has been updated to be more accurate. It is now also used in the Standard Model Targets Scene.
  • Disabled unnecessary lighting in the Vignette shader in the VFX library.
  • Unnecessary shadows from the VFX Library sample scenes have been removed.
  • Deprecated Object Target API calls has been removed from the VFX Library.

Known Issues



  • Area Targets generated with the Area Target Capture API may have a larger than expected bounding box. This is especially likely to occur in situations where an ongoing capture was paused.
  • Using multiple targets simultaneously while Extended Tracking them when using the Vuforia Sensor Fusion provider may lead to degraded tracking quality in rare scenarios.
  • VISLAM may fail on environments with predominantly edgy structures with fine lines w/o other texture.
  • The Ground Plane sample app does not allow re-positioning of the annotations into a new area after pause and resume. Going back to the original area and recovering the original annotation is necessary before it can be moved. As an alternative you can reset the experience after resume to use the app again.
  • Under certain conditions when doing fast motions during Extended Tracking using Fusion-provider VISLAM an apparent shift in augmentation might be observed. Approaching the original target and/or resetting Device Pose Observer will resolve the issue.

Session Recorder

  • Playback of recordings from the Session Recorder do not support Ground Plane experiences.

Model Targets

  • Device Pose Observer reset during Extended Tracking with Model Target might in some cases lead to unexpected relocalization issues. Deactivating/activating the Model Target improves the situation - but user will have to start experience again with detecting the Model Target.
  • Targets with motion hint STATIC are more sensitive to wrongly specified physical size in the dataset.
  • Model targets may switch to EXTENDED_TRACKED more often during very fast user motion when the motion hint is set to STATIC. We recommend using ADAPTIVE if robust tracking during very fast motions is required.


  • Reported bounding-box size via vuObjectTargetObserverGetBoundingBox() API is in some cases not reflecting actual target size.
  • Issues were reported using the VuMark Designer Scripts with latest Adobe Illustrator 2021 versions. Please use the scripts with Adobe Illustrator 2020 until a compatibility update has been released.
  • We are observing significant memory growth in the ARCore client when running Vuforia Engine in an app that was built with ARCore 1.23 and above that affects most Android devices. Memory growth is in the range of 10-100MB/min. We recommend that apps are not deployed to production with Vuforia Engine 10.3 or 10.4 that includes ARCore 1.23 and above. Instead, please use Vuforia Engine 10.5 in combination with ARCore 1.22.
  • Vuforia Engine does not trigger continuous autofocus by default on ARCore as it does on other platforms. Use VuforiaBehaviour.Instance.CameraDevice.SetFocusMode() to ensure that a focus mode is set consistently across all platforms.
  • When building the UVC camera library for Android we recommend using NDK 13b. Please see the UVC Driver documentation or the in the UVC sample for more details.
  • After the Device Pose Observer loses tracking with ARCore it may be necessary to direct the user to return to the target to recover extended tracking when using Advanced Model Targets.
  • The Session Recorder writes to the OS defined primary storage location. On devices with emulated storage such as Android devices typically provides the emulated storage as the primary location. This means that Vuforia will not usually record to a removable SD card.


  • When using the Area Target Capture API, the Device Pose Observer may incorrectly relocalize after pause/resume. In this case, the preview mesh for the capture will appear in the wrong location. If the Device Pose Observer reports that it is tracking normally, but the capture remains stuck in relocalizing state for several seconds, then the following instructions to the user may help:
    • Go back to a previously captured area that is visually distinctive and pause/resume the application again. This forces the Device Pose Observer to make a new relocation attempt.
  • Pause/resume invoked too quickly may cause a wrong pose on iOS devices. If observed, it is recommended to provide an option to the user to reset the tracking, aka reset Device Pose Observer in the application.
  • A crash is observed on the iPad Pro 4th generation on application start in cases where the device is connected to debugging. This behaviour is not observed in iPadOS 13.6 and later.
  • Running (Advanced) Model Targets with Device Pose Observer on dual-core iOS devices (e.g. iPhone 6/6s) may result in noticeable video background lag.


  • On Hololens, starting a Vuforia App when an existing Miracast session is active will terminate the Miracast session. It is possible to re-start the Miracast session and use it while Vuforia is tracking, however any camera start operation in Vuforia will again terminate the Miracast session.
  • Small or far away Image Targets may temporarily show increased jitter on HoloLens when only very limited head motion is performed.
  • On HoloLens, rapidly attempting to deactivate or activate a VuMark database within the Vuforia_onUpdate callback can lead to freezing.
  • On UWP devices with outdated Intel AVStream camera drivers, the camera feed sometimes freezes.
  • Extended tracked targets may be reported with incorrect poses for one or two frames after pausing and resuming when using Vuforia Sensor Fusion provider.
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Model Targets

  • Apps may experience long dataset loading times and/or run out of memory if Advanced Model Target databases with more than 10 trained models are used. The exact number of supported targets is dependent on model size and complexity as well as the device that is being used.
  • Changing the Guide View mode of multiple Model Target behaviours simultaneously by having them all selected in the Unity Editor is currently not supported. Please change the guide view mode for each behaviour separately.

Area Targets

  • Area Targets created prior to 9.7 or created with the Area Target Generator of earlier versions will not work out of the box with the Occlusion Mesh and Mesh Collider settings in Unity. See the Migration Guide for details and workaround.


  • On some Android devices (e.g. PixelXL), objects occluded by Vuforia Engine's "Custom/DepthMask" shader (used e.g. for Area Target occlusion) are rendered black. To work around this issue, set the occluded objects' materials to Rendering Mode "Transparent".
  • When using the scriptable render pipeline, enabling the experimental SRP Batcher option will break Video Background Rendering on Android OpenGL ES 3.0.
  • In some occasions, the sample UVC driver implementation may fail to start after the USB camera permission has been accepted on Android.


  • Vuforia Engine requires "Render Over Native UI" to be set for iOS to resolve a performance issue seen on some ARKit-enabled devices. However, the same setting causes non-Vuforia specific issues on Android 8.0. Therefore, this setting is set/unset automatically when switching the platform between Android and iOS in Unity.
  • When upgrading the Vuforia extension package on MacOS, a restart of the Unity Editor may be required to complete the upgrade process.
  • Calling SceneManager.LoadScene successively and in quick manner may result in a black video background on iOS devices.
  • 2D Model Target Guide views are currently not supported on iOS when using the OpenGLES2 Graphics API. Please use 3D guide views in case you want to support the OpenGL ES 2.0 rendering backend.


  • The Vuforia HoloLens sample requires to restart Unity after the asset has been completely imported into a project made with Unity 2020.3.24f1 and later.
  • After pausing and resuming the HoloLens sample application, the hand tracking fails to restart and the hand augmentation and the cursor appear stuck, rendering any hand interaction impossible.
  • The Virtual Scene Scale Factor in Unity is not supported on HoloLens.
  • In the Unity HoloLens sample, some renderings errors are seen in scene view in the Unity Editor.
  • On UWP, using the "Run in background" option in the Unity player settings may cause the video background to freeze on resume after the application was minimized (suspended). It is recommend to disable "Run in background" so that Vuforia can be properly paused if the app is not in the foreground.
  • Initialization fails to return INIT_NO_CAMERA_ACCESS error code when camera permissions are denied on UWP.
  • UWP apps may exhibit symptoms such as a black screen or frozen camera image when another app is also using the camera.


  • The Vuforia MagicLeap sample app does not fully terminate when pressing the "Exit" button. This issue affects any application built with the Lumin SDK v0.25.0 or above, including apps that don’t use the Vuforia Engine. The app can be force-closed either from the device or from The Lab.
  • The SessionRecorder prefab requires custom UI when used on Magic Leap One.
  • The Virtual Scene Scale Factor in Unity is not supported on Magic Leap One.


  • When integrating with ARFoundation in Unity, Vuforia will automatically use the highest camera resolution that ARFoundation offers. Changing that camera resolution is currently not supported.
  • When building a Vuforia project using Unity in batch mode, the Render Over Native UI setting must be manually configured according to the desired target platform.
  • Ground Plane experience currently do not support changing Virtual Scene Scale in Unity at runtime.
  • Accessing the camera background materials in Unity interferes with video texture updates. Please refer here for more information.
  • Incorrect build errors may appear when building an application for the first time on a specific platform. The current workaround is to build a second time and errors will be resolved
  • Successively calling GetCameraImage() from multiple scenes returns incorrect images.

Vuforia Engine v10.5.5

Bugfixes / Features 




  • The Object Targets feature has been deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please use scanned Model Targets instead.


  • Mesh Observations for an Area Target Capture are now pushed every frame. The version and timestamp of the observation data can be inspected to determine whether the mesh has changed.

  • The Area Target Capture API has been revised to provide better status information during capture, better error reporting in general, and a more flexible mechanism to generate Area Targets.


  • Improved recognition performance for Advanced Model Targets while significantly reducing dataset size at the same time. This in particular applies to Advanced Model Targets that are configured with multiple up-close entry points (advanced views).
  • Fixed an issue where VuMark instances where unnecessarily cloned instead of reused.

File Driver

  • FileDriver now supports configuring the playback behavior (start timestamp, end timestamp, loop playback) at runtime for XML and MP4 recordings. Additionally, vuPlatformControllerGetDriverLibraryHandle() has been added to the Vuforia API to make the native handle to the currently loaded driver library accessible.
  • An issue has been fixed where the screen would stay black after stopping and restarting engine while playing back a sequence without device poses using FileDriver.


  • Fixed inconsistent library loading behavior for the Vuforia Driver. Driver libraries are now always loaded during Engine creation and retained until the Engine instance is destroyed.


  • Sensor data recording for the Session Recorder is now disabled by default when ARCore is in as it interferes with tracking on some devices.
  • Fixed an issue that was seen on some Android devices (e.g. Galaxy S20) where starting a session recording severely reduced device tracking quality when using ARCore.


  • Fixed an issue on iOS where denying the camera permission by the user didn’t cause Engine creation to fail with a VU_ENGINE_CREATION_ERROR_PERMISSION_ERROR error code. Instead, Engine creation succeeded but then delivered only black camera frames. The documentation of vuEngineCreate has been updated to emphasize that it should be called from a background thread and not the main UI thread


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  • The Vuforia VFX Library now adds brand-new effects for Area Targets (Axial, LightWave, and Minimap) and additional Model Target effects (with LightWave).

  • The camera focus mode can now be controlled globally in the Vuforia Configuration in the Unity Editor. By defaut, it is set to Continuous Autofocus on all platforms. Use the scripting API to change the focus mode dynamically at runtime.

  • The Session Recorder GameObject in Unity now allows simple sharing of recordings. Upload your recording to Dropbox or share it through Apple Airdrop to quickly access recordings from other devices.

  • Fixed an issue that was seen when enabling the Override Detection Position property on a Model Target Behaviour when the Guide View Mode is set to GuideView2D.

  • The Area Target Capture API StartCapture() and GenerateTarget() methods have been updated, as well as the enums delivered by AreaTargetCaptureStatus and AreaTargetCaptureStatusInfo. Please review their updated behaviour in the Unity API reference documentation.

  • The Vuforia VFX Library’s X-Ray shader now exposes more parameters for more fine-grained control of the appearance.

  • An issue has been fixed where the 3D Guide View in the Magic Leap Sample appeared to be rotated by 90 degrees on the device.

Known Issues



  • The device pose observer static mode needs to be configured before target observers are activated for extended tracking to work.
  • Using multiple targets simultaneously while Extended Tracking them when using the Vuforia Sensor Fusion provider may lead to degraded tracking quality in rare scenarios.
  • VISLAM may fail on environments with predominantly edgy structures with fine lines w/o other texture.
  • The Ground Plane sample app does not allow re-positioning of the annotations into a new area after pause and resume. Going back to the original area and recovering the original annotation is necessary before it can be moved. As an alternative you can reset the experience after resume to use the app again.
  • Under certain conditions when doing fast motions during Extended Tracking using Fusion-provider VISLAM an apparent shift in augmentation might be observed. Approaching the original target and/or resetting Device Pose Observer will resolve the issue.

Session Recorder

  • Playback of recordings from the Session Recorder do not support Ground Plane experiences.

Model Targets

  • Device Pose Observer reset during Extended Tracking with Model Target might in some cases lead to unexpected relocalization issues. Deactivating/activating the Model Target improves the situation - but user will have to start experience again with detecting the Model Target.
  • Targets with motion hint STATIC are more sensitive to wrongly specified physical size in the dataset.
  • Model targets may switch to EXTENDED_TRACKED more often during very fast user motion when the motion hint is set to STATIC. We recommend using ADAPTIVE if robust tracking during very fast motions is required.


  • Reported bounding-box size via vuObjectTargetObserverGetBoundingBox() API is in some cases not reflecting actual target size.
  • Issues were reported using the VuMark Designer Scripts with latest Adobe Illustrator 2021 versions. Please use the scripts with Adobe Illustrator 2020 until a compatibility update has been released.
  • We are observing significant memory growth in the ARCore client when running Vuforia Engine in an app that was built with ARCore 1.23 and above that affects most Android devices. Memory growth is in the range of 10-100MB/min. We recommend that apps are not deployed to production with Vuforia Engine 10.3 or 10.4 that includes ARCore 1.23 and above. Instead, please use Vuforia Engine 10.5 in combination with ARCore 1.22.
  • Vuforia Engine does not trigger continuous autofocus by default on ARCore as it does on other platforms. Use VuforiaBehaviour.Instance.CameraDevice.SetFocusMode() to ensure that a focus mode is set consistently across all platforms.
  • When building the UVC camera library for Android we recommend using NDK 13b. Please see the UVC Driver documentation or the in the UVC sample for more details.
  • After the Device Pose Observer loses tracking with ARCore it may be necessary to direct the user to return to the target to recover extended tracking when using Advanced Model Targets.
  • The Session Recorder writes to the OS defined primary storage location. On devices with emulated storage such as Android devices typically provides the emulated storage as the primary location. This means that Vuforia will not usually record to a removable SD card.


  • During consecutive runs of Area Target Capture in the same session the preview mesh may not be cleared or only cleaned up partially.
  • A crash is observed on the iPad Pro 4th generation on application start in cases where the device is connected to debugging. This behaviour is not observed in iPadOS 13.6 and later.
  • Running (Advanced) Model Targets with Device Pose Observer on dual-core iOS devices (e.g. iPhone 6/6s) may result in noticeable video background lag.


  • On Hololens, starting a Vuforia App when an existing Miracast session is active will terminate the Miracast session. It is possible to re-start the Miracast session and use it while Vuforia is tracking, however any camera start operation in Vuforia will again terminate the Miracast session.
  • Small or far away Image Targets may temporarily show increased jitter on HoloLens when only very limited head motion is performed.
  • On HoloLens, rapidly attempting to deactivate or activate a VuMark database within the Vuforia_onUpdate callback can lead to freezing.
  • On UWP devices with outdated Intel AVStream camera drivers, the camera feed sometimes freezes.
  • Extended tracked targets may be reported with incorrect poses for one or two frames after pausing and resuming when using Vuforia Sensor Fusion provider.
Lumin N/A


Model Targets

  • Apps may experience long dataset loading times and/or run out of memory if Advanced Model Target databases with more than 10 trained models are used. The exact number of supported targets is dependent on model size and complexity as well as the device that is being used.
  • Changing the Guide View mode of multiple Model Target behaviours simultaneously by having them all selected in the Unity Editor is currently not supported. Please change the guide view mode for each behaviour separately.

Area Targets

  • Area Targets created prior to 9.7 or created with the Area Target Generator of earlier versions will not work out of the box with the Occlusion Mesh and Mesh Collider settings in Unity. See the Migration Guide for details and workaround.


  • On some Android devices (e.g. PixelXL), objects occluded by Vuforia Engine's "Custom/DepthMask" shader (used e.g. for Area Target occlusion) are rendered black. To work around this issue, set the occluded objects' materials to Rendering Mode "Transparent".
  • When using the scriptable render pipeline, enabling the experimental SRP Batcher option will break Video Background Rendering on Android OpenGL ES 3.0.
  • In some occasions, the sample UVC driver implementation may fail to start after the USB camera permission has been accepted on Android.


  • Vuforia Engine requires "Render Over Native UI" to be set for iOS to resolve a performance issue seen on some ARKit-enabled devices. However, the same setting causes non-Vuforia specific issues on Android 8.0. Therefore, this setting is set/unset automatically when switching the platform between Android and iOS in Unity.
  • When upgrading the Vuforia extension package on MacOS, a restart of the Unity Editor may be required to complete the upgrade process.
  • Calling SceneManager.LoadScene successively and in quick manner may result in a black video background on iOS devices.
  • 2D Model Target Guide views are currently not supported on iOS when using the OpenGLES2 Graphics API. Please use 3D guide views in case you want to support the OpenGL ES 2.0 rendering backend.


  • Using the build and run option to build a Unity app for UWP may result in Vuforia Engine not starting correctly. Instead, build and run the generated .sln file in Visual Studio
  • The Vuforia HoloLens sample requires to restart Unity after the asset has been completely imported into a project made with Unity 2020.3.24f1 and later.
  • After pausing and resuming the HoloLens sample application, the hand tracking fails to restart and the hand augmentation and the cursor appear stuck, rendering any hand interaction impossible.
  • The Virtual Scene Scale Factor in Unity is not supported on HoloLens.
  • In the Unity HoloLens sample, some renderings errors are seen in scene view in the Unity Editor.
  • On UWP, using the "Run in background" option in the Unity player settings may cause the video background to freeze on resume after the application was minimized (suspended). It is recommend to disable "Run in background" so that Vuforia can be properly paused if the app is not in the foreground.
  • Initialization fails to return INIT_NO_CAMERA_ACCESS error code when camera permissions are denied on UWP.
  • UWP apps may exhibit symptoms such as a black screen or frozen camera image when another app is also using the camera.


  • The Vuforia MagicLeap sample app does not fully terminate when pressing the "Exit" button. This issue affects any application built with the Lumin SDK v0.25.0 or above, including apps that don’t use the Vuforia Engine. The app can be force-closed either from the device or from The Lab.
  • The SessionRecorder prefab requires custom UI when used on Magic Leap One.
  • The Virtual Scene Scale Factor in Unity is not supported on Magic Leap One.


  • When integrating with ARFoundation in Unity, Vuforia will automatically use the highest camera resolution that ARFoundation offers. Changing that camera resolution is currently not supported.
  • When upgrading the Vuforia extension package on MacOS, a restart of the Unity Editor may be required to complete the upgrade process.
  • When building a Vuforia project using Unity in batch mode, the Render Over Native UI setting must be manually configured according to the desired target platform.
  • Ground Plane experience currently do not support changing Virtual Scene Scale in Unity at runtime.
  • Accessing the camera background materials in Unity interferes with video texture updates. Please refer here for more information.
  • Incorrect build errors may appear when building an application for the first time on a specific platform. The current workaround is to build a second time and errors will be resolved
  • Successively calling GetCameraImage() from multiple scenes returns incorrect images.

Vuforia Engine v10.4.4

Bugfixes / Features 




  • The Vuforia Engine SDK has an updated behavior with respect to when the Vuforia Engine watermark is displayed. Please read the updated licensing terms.
  • The Vuforia Engine watermark design has been updated.


  • Area Targets now support environments under changing daylight or otherwise challenging conditions.
  • Area Target Capture API, Vuforia Area Target Creator app, and the Area Target Generator now produce the authoring artifact in 3DT format for all target sources.
  • Meshes delivered by the Mesh Observer now include vertex normals.
  • Improved generated authoring mesh quality on iOS devices.


  • Static Car Mode for Model Targets has been further improved to provide more accurate poses at detection time. This fixes various issues where the initial pose was incorrect, in particular for challenging, feature-poor and reflective objects.
  • Advanced Model Targets can now be trained with "Upside-Down" recognition orientation. This is useful if an object should be recognized when upside down, e.g. for maintenance use cases. See the Guide View article for details.
  • Model Target datasets created with Model Target Generator versions earlier than 7.5 are no longer supported.

Session Recorder

  • Recorded sessions can now be paused when playing them back in Unity Editor Play Mode.


  • The enums VuCameraVideoModePreset and VuCameraFocusMode have been moved from the Core.h header to the CameraController.h header in the Vuforia API.


  • Fixed an issue where session recording did not work correctly on the Google Pixel 3.


  • An issue where Vuforia Engine memory usage was too high on iOS causing apps to crash has been resolved. The problem was typically seen during app start or resume from a paused state and common on older devices with fewer RAM.
  • Shader compatibility issues observed on iOS when using the VFX Library has been resolved.


  • An issue where VuMarks were not working on UWP devices with the locale set to something different than English was resolved.
  • An issue with shader compatibility issues observed on Magic Leap when running the Vuforia VFX Library assets have been resolved.


  • Native support for Apple Silicon has been for Unity Play Mode.
  • A new scene demonstrating the Area Targets feature has been added to the Unity Core samples. A prerecorded session is included to allow testing the sample from Unity Editor Play Mode.
  • Vuforia Engine is now properly excluded from Unity platforms it is not supported on. Building to these platforms (e.g. WebGL) will no longer cause build issues.
  • Fixed an issue in Unity where an error was encountered if the FIRST_TARGET World Center Mode was selected and the scene was reloaded.
  • Fixed an issue where the Field of View (FoV) was reported incorrectly in Unity in some cases.
  • Vuforia Engine fully supports development with the OpenXR Plugin in Unity 2020.3 and later.
  • The Unity HoloLens sample has been upgraded to MRTK 2.7.3 and is now using OpenXR. The sample is now compatible with newer versions of Unity. Support for HoloLens 1 is dropped from this sample.
  • A new API has been introduced when integrating with OpenXR on HoloLens. Please see the API documentation for the method vuPlatformControllerSetHolographicAppCSFromIUnknown in the UWP PlatformController.
  • Support for Single-Pass Instanced Rendering mode for RadialFade, X-Ray, UnlitColorTexture and VolumeTexture shaders in the VFX Library has been added.
  • An issue where ARCore was included a second time by Vuforia Engine, thus causing an error when integrating with ARFoundation in Unity has been resolved.
  • Unused fonts have been removed from the Unity Extension.

Known Issues



  • The device pose observer static mode needs to be configured before target observers are activated for extended tracking to work.
  • Using multiple targets simultaneously while Extended Tracking them when using the Vuforia Sensor Fusion provider may lead to degraded tracking quality in rare scenarios.
  • VISLAM may fail on environments with predominantly edgy structures with fine lines w/o other texture.
  • The Ground Plane sample app does not allow re-positioning of the annotations into a new area after pause and resume. Going back to the original area and recovering the original annotation is necessary before it can be moved. As an alternative you can reset the experience after resume to use the app again.
  • Panorama location indicators may not show up properly above the floor when using Leica scans.
  • Under certain conditions when doing fast motions during Extended Tracking using Fusion-provider VISLAM an apparent shift in augmentation might be observed. Approaching the original target and/or resetting Device Pose Observer will resolve the issue.

Session Recorder

  • Playback of recordings from the Session Recorder do not support Ground Plane experiences.

Model Targets

  • Device Pose Observer reset during Extended Tracking with Model Target might in some cases lead to unexpected relocalization issues. Deactivating/activating the Model Target improves the situation - but user will have to start experience again with detecting the Model Target.
  • Targets with motion hint STATIC are more sensitive to wrongly specified physical size in the dataset.
  • Model targets may switch to EXTENDED_TRACKED more often during very fast user motion when the motion hint is set to STATIC. We recommend using ADAPTIVE if robust tracking during very fast motions is required.


  • Reported bounding-box size via vuObjectTargetObserverGetBoundingBox() API is in some cases not reflecting actual target size.
  • The improvement to detect Image Targets at a greater distance introduced in SDK 7.5.20 does not apply for Cloud Targets
  • Issues were reported using the VuMark Designer Scripts with latest Adobe Illustrator 2021 versions. Please use the scripts with Adobe Illustrator 2020 until a compatibility update has been released.
  • We are observing significant memory growth in the ARCore client when running Vuforia Engine in an app that was built with ARCore 1.23 and above that affects most Android devices. Memory growth is in the range of 10-100MB/min. We recommend that apps are not deployed to production with Vuforia Engine 10.3 or 10.4 that includes ARCore 1.23 and above. Instead, please use Vuforia Engine 10.4 in combination with ARCore 1.22 or lower.
  • Vuforia Engine does not trigger continuous autofocus by default on ARCore as it does on other platforms. Use VuforiaBehaviour.Instance.CameraDevice.SetFocusMode() to ensure that a focus mode is set consistently across all platforms.
  • When building the UVC camera library for Android we recommend using NDK 13b. Please see the UVC Driver documentation or the in the UVC sample for more details.
  • After the Device Pose Observer loses tracking with ARCore it may be necessary to direct the user to return to the target to recover extended tracking when using Advanced Model Targets.
  • The Session Recorder writes to the OS defined primary storage location. On devices with emulated storage such as Android devices typically provides the emulated storage as the primary location. This means that Vuforia will not usually record to a removable SD card.


  • During consecutive runs of Area Target Capture in the same session the preview mesh may not be cleared or only cleaned up partially.
  • A crash is observed on the iPad Pro 4th generation on application start in cases where the device is connected to debugging. This behaviour is not observed in iPadOS 13.6 and later.
  • Running (Advanced) Model Targets with Device Pose Observer on dual-core iOS devices (e.g. iPhone 6/6s) may result in noticeable video background lag.


  • On Hololens, starting a Vuforia App when an existing Miracast session is active will terminate the Miracast session. It is possible to re-start the Miracast session and use it while Vuforia is tracking, however any camera start operation in Vuforia will again terminate the Miracast session.
  • Small or far away Image Targets may temporarily show increased jitter on HoloLens when only very limited head motion is performed.
  • On HoloLens, rapidly attempting to deactivate or activate a VuMark database within the Vuforia_onUpdate callback can lead to freezing.
  • On UWP devices with outdated Intel AVStream camera drivers, the camera feed sometimes freezes.
  • Extended tracked targets may be reported with incorrect poses for one or two frames after pausing and resuming when using Vuforia Sensor Fusion provider.
Lumin N/A


Model Targets

  • Apps may experience long dataset loading times and/or run out of memory if Advanced Model Target databases with more than 10 trained models are used. The exact number of supported targets is dependent on model size and complexity as well as the device that is being used.
  • Changing the Guide View mode of multiple Model Target behaviours simultaneously by having them all selected in the Unity Editor is currently not supported. Please change the guide view mode for each behaviour separately.

Area Targets

  • Area Targets created prior to 9.7 or created with the Area Target Generator of earlier versions will not work out of the box with the Occlusion Mesh and Mesh Collider settings in Unity. See the Migration Guide for details and workaround.


  • On some Android devices (e.g. PixelXL), objects occluded by Vuforia Engine's "Custom/DepthMask" shader (used e.g. for Area Target occlusion) are rendered black. To work around this issue, set the occluded objects' materials to Rendering Mode "Transparent".
  • When using the scriptable render pipeline, enabling the experimental SRP Batcher option will break Video Background Rendering on Android OpenGL ES 3.0.
  • In some occasions, the sample UVC driver implementation may fail to start after the USB camera permission has been accepted on Android.


  • Vuforia Engine requires "Render Over Native UI" to be set for iOS to resolve a performance issue seen on some ARKit-enabled devices. However, the same setting causes non-Vuforia specific issues on Android 8.0. Therefore, this setting is set/unset automatically when switching the platform between Android and iOS in Unity.
  • When upgrading the Vuforia extension package on MacOS, a restart of the Unity Editor may be required to complete the upgrade process.
  • Calling SceneManager.LoadScene successively and in quick manner may result in a black video background on iOS devices.
  • 2D Model Target Guide views are currently not supported on iOS when using the OpenGLES2 Graphics API. Please use 3D guide views in case you want to support the OpenGL ES 2.0 rendering backend.


  • Using the VFX Library effects on the HoloLens may lead to incorrect rendering and other visual artefacts.
  • The Vuforia HoloLens sample requires to restart Unity after the asset has been completely imported into a project made with Unity 2020.3.24f1 and later.
  • After pausing and resuming the HoloLens sample application, the hand tracking fails to restart and the hand augmentation and the cursor appear stuck, rendering any hand interaction impossible.
  • The Virtual Scene Scale Factor in Unity is not supported on HoloLens.
  • In the Unity HoloLens sample, some renderings errors are seen in scene view in the Unity Editor.
  • On UWP, using the "Run in background" option in the Unity player settings may cause the video background to freeze on resume after the application was minimized (suspended). It is recommend to disable "Run in background" so that Vuforia can be properly paused if the app is not in the foreground.
  • Initialization fails to return INIT_NO_CAMERA_ACCESS error code when camera permissions are denied on UWP.
  • UWP apps may exhibit symptoms such as a black screen or frozen camera image when another app is also using the camera.


  • The 3D GuideView for Model Targets in the Magic Leap Sample appears rotated by 90 degrees on the device. However, this doesn’t affect the detection of the Model Target and will be fixed in a later release.
  • The Vuforia MagicLeap sample app does not fully terminate when pressing the "Exit" button. This issue affects any application built with the Lumin SDK v0.25.0 or above, including apps that don’t use the Vuforia Engine. The app can be force-closed either from the device or from The Lab.
  • The SessionRecorder prefab requires custom UI when used on Magic Leap One.
  • The Virtual Scene Scale Factor in Unity is not supported on Magic Leap One.


  • When integrating with ARFoundation in Unity, Vuforia will automatically use the highest camera resolution that ARFoundation offers. Changing that camera resolution is currently not supported.
  • When upgrading the Vuforia extension package on MacOS, a restart of the Unity Editor may be required to complete the upgrade process.
  • When building a Vuforia project using Unity in batch mode, the Render Over Native UI setting must be manually configured according to the desired target platform.
  • Ground Plane experience currently do not support changing Virtual Scene Scale in Unity at runtime.
  • Accessing the camera background materials in Unity interferes with video texture updates. Please refer here for more information.
  • Incorrect build errors may appear when building an application for the first time on a specific platform. The current workaround is to build a second time and errors will be resolved
  • Successively calling GetCameraImage() from multiple scenes returns incorrect images.

Vuforia Engine v10.3.2

Bugfixes / Features 



  • The Vuforia Engine SDK has an updated behavior on when to display the Vuforia Engine Watermark. Please view the updated licensing terms on the Vuforia Engine FAQ.
  • Legacy licenses can still be used with the updated behavior. Please check Vuforia Engine FAQ and the pricing page for details on the licensing changes.
  • The Vuforia VFX Library, available in the Unity Asset Store, contains best-practices scripts, shaders, and effects to build compelling AR applications in combination with Vuforia Engine's tracking capabilities. See the Vuforia VFX Library to get started.


  • BETA FEAUTRE: The Area Target Capture API enables runtime generation of Area Targets on supported iOS devices. Using this native and Unity API, you can embed Area Target capture into your application, store, retrieve, and share the target to augment your environment at runtime or later. A preview mesh is provided to aid feedback during the capture process, all Area Target assets are created on device and remain on the device. Cloud connectivity is required only to verify your developer credentials. For more information, please check out our documentation on the Area Target Capture API.
  • A 3D prior can be provided for Area Targets in multi-story building scans.
  • A change in the behavior of Vuforia Engine SDK allows for covering larger spaces with multiple smaller Area Targets. In such situations you will need to provide the AreaTargetBehaviour with an external position. Note: this change now requires developers to manually enable "Requires External Positions" for large Area Targets or else you will receive a VU_AREA_TARGET_CREATION_ERROR_REQUIRES_EXTERNAL_POSITIONS error. Earlier this was the default behavior for targets beyond a certain size threshold.


  • Multiple VuMark databases can be loaded and activated at the same time, independent from the license type.
  • Fixed an issue where wrongly scaled Image Targets or VuMarks showed unstable behavior during the first motion after detection when maximumSimultaneousTrackedImages() was set to 1 or left a the default value.

Session Recorder

  • Recordings made with the SessionRecorder now create a single mp4 file. This file contains the compressed video stream along with Vuforia Engine specific meta-data. If the mp4 file is modified with video editing tools it will no longer be valid for play back using the Vuforia Engine File Driver.


  • The minimum version of ARCore that Vuforia Engine can use has been increased from 1.18.0 to 1.24.0.




  • HoloLens 1 support has been deprecated.
  • An issue with device orientation handling on unsupported devices running Windows 11 has been resolved.
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  • When using Vuforia in combination with ARFoundation on Android, the ARCore XR Plugin and ARFoundation packages must be updated to the latest version on Unity 2020.3: the verified version of the packages contains an older version of ARCore not compatible with Vuforia.
  • An issue with SIMULATOR Playmode not rendering point-cloud based targets during testing on Windows desktops when using the Mesh Collider has been resolved.
  • Editing the C# script while in Playmode is now gracefully failing with an error “Vuforia cannot recover from Assembly reload.”.

Known Issues



  • The Device Pose Observer static mode needs to be configured before target Observers are activated for Extended Tracking to work.
  • Using multiple targets simultaneously while Extended Tracking them when using the Vuforia Sensor Fusion provider may lead to degraded tracking quality in rare scenarios.
  • VISLAM may fail on environments with predominantly edgy structures with fine lines w/o other texture.
  • The Ground Plane sample app does not allow re-positioning of the annotations into a new area after pause and resume. Going back to the original area and recovering the original annotation is necessary before it can be moved. As an alternative you can reset the experience after resume to use the app again.
  • Under certain conditions when doing fast motions during Extended Tracking using Fusion-provider VISLAM an apparent shift in augmentation might be observed. Approaching the original target and/or resetting Device Pose Observer will resolve the issue.

Session Recorder

  • Playback of recordings from the Session Recorder do not support Ground Plane experiences.

Model Targets

  • Device Pose Observer reset during Extended Tracking with Model Target might in some cases lead to unexpected relocalization issues. Deactivating/activating the Model Target improves the situation - but user will have to start experience again with detecting the Model Target.
  • Targets with motion hint STATIC are more sensitive to wrongly specified physical size in the dataset.
  • Model targets may switch to EXTENDED_TRACKED more often during very fast user motion when the motion hint is set to STATIC. We recommend using ADAPTIVE if robust tracking during very fast motions is required.


  • Reported bounding-box size via vuObjectTargetObserverGetBoundingBox() API is in some cases not reflecting actual target size.
  • The improvement to detect Image Targets at a greater distance introduced in SDK 7.5.20 does not apply for Cloud Targets
  • Issues were reported using the VuMark Designer Scripts with latest Adobe Illustrator 2021 versions. Please use the scripts with Adobe Illustrator 2020 until a compatibility update has been released.
  • Vuforia Engine may fail to detect ARCore on some devices, additional logging has been introduced in 9.8.11 and 10.0 which will help diagnose these failures. Note that when building with target API level 30 or above developers should be sure to build with ARCore version 1.22.0 or higher.
  • When building the UVC camera library for Android, we recommend using NDK 13b. Please see the UVC Driver documentation or the in the UVC sample for more details.
  • After Device Pose Observer loses tracking with ARCore it may be necessary to direct the user to return to the target to recover extended tracking when using Advanced Model Targets.
  • On Android, the Session Recorder writes to the OS defined primary storage location. On devices with emulated storage Android typically provides the emulated storage as the primary location. This means that Vuforia will not usually record to a removable SD card.


  • During consecutive runs of Area Target Capture in the same session the preview mesh may not be cleared or only cleaned up partially.
  • A crash is observed on the iPad Pro 4th generation on application start in cases where the device is connected to debugging. This behaviour is not observed in iPadOS 13.6 and later.
  • Running (Advanced) Model Targets with Device Pose Observer on dual-core iOS devices (e.g. iPhone 6/6s) may result in noticeable video background lag.


  • On Hololens, starting a Vuforia App when an existing Miracast session is active will terminate the Miracast session. It is possible to re-start the Miracast session and use it while Vuforia is tracking, however any camera start operation in Vuforia will again terminate the Miracast session.
  • Small or far away Image Targets may temporarily show increased jitter on HoloLens when only very limited head motion is performed.
  • On HoloLens, rapidly attempting to deactivate or activate a VuMark database within the Vuforia_onUpdate callback can lead to freezing.
  • On UWP devices with outdated Intel AVStream camera drivers, the camera feed sometimes freezes.
  • Extended tracked targets may be reported with incorrect poses for one or two frames after pausing and resuming when using Vuforia Sensor Fusion provider.
Lumin N/A


Model Targets

  • Apps may experience long dataset loading times and/or run out of memory if Advanced Model Target databases with more than 10 trained models are used. The exact number of supported targets is dependent on model size and complexity as well as the device that is being used.
  • Changing the Guide View mode of multiple Model Target behaviours simultaneously by having them all selected in the Unity Editor is currently not supported. Please change the guide view mode for each behaviour separately.

Area Targets

  • Area Target Capture may show on tracking loss "excessive motion" error followed by "movement needed" even though the user makes an optimal motion. A better UX recommendation is to show "The capture is relocalizing, the user should move around slowly and return towards a previously mapped area in order to resume normal capturing".
  • Area Targets created prior to 9.7 or created with the Area Target Generator of earlier versions will not work out of the box with the Occlusion Mesh and Mesh Collider settings in Unity. See the Migration Guide for details and workaround.


  • If your Unity project includes the ARCore XR Plugin you must uncheck the Vuforia Configuration option ‘Include ARCore library’ to avoid duplicate symbol errors building your app.
  • On some Android devices (e.g. PixelXL), objects occluded by Vuforia Engine's "Custom/DepthMask" shader (used e.g. for Area Target occlusion) are rendered black. To work around this issue, set the occluded objects' materials to Rendering Mode "Transparent".
  • When using the scriptable render pipeline, enabling the experimental SRP Batcher option will break Video Background Rendering on Android OpenGL ES 3.0.
  • In some occasions, the sample UVC driver implementation may fail to start after the USB camera permission has been accepted on Android.


  • Vuforia Engine requires "Render Over Native UI" to be set for iOS to resolve a performance issue seen on some ARKit-enabled devices. However, the same setting causes non-Vuforia specific issues on Android 8.0. Therefore, this setting is set/unset automatically when switching the platform between Android and iOS in Unity.When upgrading the Vuforia extension package on MacOS, a restart of the Unity Editor may be required to complete the upgrade process.
  • Calling SceneManager.LoadScene successively and in quick manner may result in a black video background on iOS devices.
  • 2D Model Target Guide views are currently not supported on iOS when using the OpenGLES2 Graphics API. Please use 3D guide views in case you want to support the OpenGL ES 2.0 rendering backend.


  • Vuforia Engine should not be used with the OpenXR Unity plugin on Hololens devices, this combination results in an offset of augmentations.
  • On the Hololens 1 device the Hololens sample exposes diverse issues after pause/resume, incl. targets not detected and menu stuck.
  • After pausing and resuming the HoloLens sample application, the hand tracking fails to restart and the hand augmentation and the cursor appear stuck, rendering any hand interaction impossible.
  • The Virtual Scene Scale Factor in Unity is not supported on HoloLens.
  • In the HoloLens sample app for Unity, voice commands may stop working after suspending and resuming the app.
  • In the Unity HoloLens sample, some renderings errors are seen in scene view in the Unity Editor.
  • VuMarks may not work on UWP devices with the locale set to something different than English.
  • on UWP, using the "Run in background" option in the Unity player settings may cause the video background to freeze on resume after the application was minimized (suspended). It is recommend to disable "Run in background" so that Vuforia can be properly paused if the app is not in the foreground.
  • Initialization fails to return INIT_NO_CAMERA_ACCESS error code when camera permissions are denied on UWP.
  • UWP apps may exhibit symptoms such as a black screen or frozen camera image when another app is also using the camera.


  • The SessionRecorder prefab requires custom UI when used on Magic Leap One.
  • The Virtual Scene Scale Factor in Unity is not supported on Magic Leap One.


  • When integrating with ARFoundation in Unity, Vuforia will automatically use the highest camera resolution that ARFoundation offers. Changing that camera resolution is currently not supported.
  • Unity Cloud Build is currently not supported in Unity 2018.4 if Vuforia Engine is upgraded through an update installer. This issue is resolved with Unity 2019.2, where Vuforia Engine is integrated with Unity's package manager.
  • When upgrading the Vuforia extension package on MacOS, a restart of the Unity Editor may be required to complete the upgrade process.
  • When building a Vuforia project using Unity in batch mode, the Render Over Native UI setting must be manually configured according to the desired target platform.
  • Ground Plane experience currently do not support changing Virtual Scene Scale in Unity at runtime.
  • Accessing the camera background materials in Unity interferes with video texture updates. Please refer here for more information.
  • Incorrect build errors may appear when building an application for the first time on a specific platform. The current workaround is to build a second time and errors will be resolved
  • Successively calling GetCameraImage() from multiple scenes returns incorrect images.

Vuforia Engine v10.2.5

Bugfixes / Features 



  • Tracking of moving targets, in particular Model Targets has been improved. Use motion hint ADAPTIVE to benefit from this improvement. When this motion hint is set for a target, the motion of a target will be predicted in case it is moving. If the target is not moving, its pose will be stabilized with Vuforia Fusion by leveraging device tracking capabilities.






  • Improved the default configuration returned by vuHitTestConfigDefault() to return a valid default deviceHeight.
  • Session Recording is now supported on Magic Leap, but no out-of-the-box user interface is provided to start and stop recordings.


  • An issue using a VirtualSceneScale other than 1.0 with Area Targets causing wrongly scaled target in Simulator mode has been resolved.

Known Issues



  • The Device Pose Observer static mode needs to be configured before target Observers are activated for Extended Tracking to work.
  • Using multiple targets simultaneously while Extended Tracking them when using the Vuforia Sensor Fusion provider may lead to degraded tracking quality in rare scenarios.
  • VISLAM may fail on environments with predominantly edgy structures with fine lines w/o other texture.
  • The Ground Plane sample app does not allow re-positioning of the annotations into a new area after pause and resume. Going back to the original area and recovering the original annotation is necessary before it can be moved. As an alternative you can reset the experience after resume to use the app again.
  • Under certain conditions when doing fast motions during Extended Tracking using Fusion-provider VISLAM an apparent shift in augmentation might be observed. Approaching the original target and/or resetting Device Pose Observer will resolve the issue.

Session Recorder

  • Playback of recordings from the Session Recorder do not support Ground Plane experiences.

Model Targets

  • Device Pose Observer reset during Extended Tracking with Model Target might in some cases lead to unexpected relocalization issues. Deactivating/activating the Model Target improves the situation - but user will have to start experience again with detecting the Model Target.
  • Targets with motion hint STATIC are more sensitive to wrongly specified physical size in the dataset.
  • Model targets may switch to EXTENDED_TRACKED more often during very fast user motion when the motion hint is set to STATIC. We recommend using ADAPTIVE if robust tracking during very fast motions is required.


  • Wrongly scaled Image Targets or VuMarks may show unstable behavior during the first motion after detection. To work around the issue, we recommend setting vuEngineSetMaximumSimultaneousTrackedImages to a value of 2 or higher, even if just a single target is used. See Tracking Multiple Targets Simultaneously for setting the value,
  • Reported bounding-box size via vuObjectTargetObserverGetBoundingBox() API is in some cases not reflecting actual target size.
  • The improvement to detect Image Targets at a greater distance introduced in SDK 7.5.20 does not apply for Cloud Targets
  • Issues were reported using the VuMark Designer Scripts with latest Adobe Illustrator 2021 versions. Please use the scripts with Adobe Illustrator 2020 until a compatibility update has been released.
  • Vuforia Engine may fail to detect ARCore on some devices, additional logging has been introduced in 9.8.11 and 10.0 which will help diagnose these failures. Note that when building with target API level 30 or above developers should be sure to build with ARCore version 1.22.0 or higher.
  • When building the UVC camera library for Android, we recommend using NDK 13b. Please see the UVC Driver documentation or the in the UVC sample for more details.
  • After Device Pose Observer loses tracking with ARCore it may be necessary to direct the user to return to the target to recover extended tracking when using Advanced Model Targets.
  • The Session Recorder writes to the OS defined primary storage location. On devices with emulated storage Android typically provides the emulated storage as the primary location. This means that Vuforia will not usually record to a removable SD card.


  • A crash is observed on the iPad Pro 4th generation on application start in cases where the device is connected to debugging. This behaviour is not observed in iPadOS 13.6 and later.
  • Running (Advanced) Model Targets with Device Pose Observer on dual-core iOS devices (e.g. iPhone 6/6s) may result in noticeable video background lag.


  • On Hololens, starting a Vuforia App when an existing Miracast session is active will terminate the Miracast session. It is possible to re-start the Miracast session and use it while Vuforia is tracking, however any camera start operation in Vuforia will again terminate the Miracast session.
  • On HoloLens, rapidly attempting to deactivate or activate a VuMark database within the Vuforia_onUpdate callback can lead to freezing.
  • Small or far away Image Targets may temporarily show increased jitter on HoloLens when only very limited head motion is performed.
  • On UWP devices with outdated Intel AVStream camera drivers, the camera feed sometimes freezes.
  • Extended tracked targets may be reported with incorrect poses for one or two frames after pausing and resuming when using Vuforia Sensor Fusion provider.
Lumin N/A


Model Targets

  • Apps may experience long dataset loading times and/or run out of memory if Advanced Model Target databases with more than 10 trained models are used. The exact number of supported targets is dependent on model size and complexity as well as the device that is being used.
  • 2D Model Target Guide views are currently not supported on iOS when using the OpenGLES2 Graphics API. Please use 3D guide views in case you want to support the OpenGL ES 2.0 rendering backend.
  • Changing the Guide View mode of multiple Model Target behaviours simultaneously by having them all selected in the Unity Editor is currently not supported. Please change the guide view mode for each behaviour separately.

Area Targets

  • On Windows, enabling Mesh Collider when using a point-cloud based target will cause the point-cloud not being rendered in SIMULATOR Playmode. For testing such scenarios in the Editor disable the collider or use a MacOS based desktop for testing.
  • Area Targets created prior to 9.7 or created with the Area Target Generator of earlier versions will not work out of the box with the Occlusion Mesh and Mesh Collider settings in Unity. See the Migration Guide for details and workaround.


  • If your Unity project includes the ARCore XR Plugin you must uncheck the Vuforia Configuration option ‘Include ARCore library’ to avoid duplicate symbol errors building your app.
  • On some Android devices (e.g. PixelXL), objects occluded by Vuforia Engine's "Custom/DepthMask" shader (used e.g. for Area Target occlusion) are rendered black. To work around this issue, set the occluded objects' materials to Rendering Mode "Transparent".
  • When using the scriptable render pipeline, enabling the experimental SRP Batcher option will break Video Background Rendering on Android OpenGL ES 3.0.
  • Vuforia Engine requires "Render Over Native UI" to be set for iOS to resolve a performance issue seen on some ARKit-enabled devices. However, the same setting causes non-Vuforia specific issues on Android 8.0. Therefore, this setting is set/unset automatically when switching the platform between Android and iOS in Unity.
  • In some occasions, the sample UVC driver implementation may fail to start after the USB camera permission has been accepted on Android.


  • When upgrading the Vuforia extension package on MacOS, a restart of the Unity Editor may be required to complete the upgrade process.
  • Calling SceneManager.LoadScene successively and in quick manner may result in a black video background on iOS devices.


  • Vuforia Engine should not be used with the OpenXR Unity plugin on Hololens devices, this combination results in an offset of augmentations.
  • On the Hololens 1 device the Hololens sample exposes diverse issues after pause/resume, incl. targets not detected and menu stuck.
  • After pausing and resuming the HoloLens sample application, the hand tracking fails to restart and the hand augmentation and the cursor appear stuck, rendering any hand interaction impossible.
  • In the HoloLens sample app for Unity, voice commands may stop working after suspending and resuming the app.
  • In the Unity HoloLens sample, some renderings errors are seen in scene view in the Unity Editor.
  • VuMarks may not work on UWP devices with the locale set to something different than English.
  • The Virtual Scene Scale Factor in Unity is not supported on HoloLens.
  • Using the "Run in background" option in the Unity player settings may cause the video background to freeze on resume after the application was minimized (suspended). It is recommend to disable "Run in background" so that Vuforia can be properly paused if the app is not in the foreground.
  • Initialization fails to return INIT_NO_CAMERA_ACCESS error code when camera permissions are denied on UWP.


  • The SessionRecorder prefab requires custom UI when used on Magic Leap One.
  • The Virtual Scene Scale Factor in Unity is not supported on Magic Leap One.


  • When integrating with ARFoundation in Unity, Vuforia will automatically use the highest camera resolution that ARFoundation offers. Changing that camera resolution is currently not supported.
  • Unity Cloud Build is currently not supported in Unity 2018.4 if Vuforia Engine is upgraded through an update installer. This issue is resolved with Unity 2019.2, where Vuforia Engine is integrated with Unity's package manager.
  • When building a Vuforia project using Unity in batch mode, the Render Over Native UI setting must be manually configured according to the desired target platform.
  • Ground Plane experience currently do not support changing Virtual Scene Scale in Unity at runtime.
  • Accessing the camera background materials in Unity interferes with video texture updates. Please refer here for more information.
  • Incorrect build errors may appear when building an application for the first time on a specific platform. The current workaround is to build a second time and errors will be resolved
  • Successively calling GetCameraImage() from multiple scenes returns incorrect images.

Vuforia Engine v10.1.4

Bugfixes / Features 



  • Detection and Tracking of VuMarks has been improved to work at significantly greater distances.


  • All vuIdentityVector methods have been renamed to vuOneVector (for VuVector2F, VuVector3F, VuVector4F, and VuVector8F).






  • Fixed a bug in the FileDriver sample for UWP, if the specified recording path didn’t exist on the device an exception was thrown by UWP but not caught by the Driver resulting in a crash.
  • Fixed a problem handling the video background with DirectX on UWP, for certain camera or recording resolutions, the video background appeared corrupted in previous releases.
  • An issue causing a crash in the Model Target core sample when switching models on UWP devices has been resolved.
Lumin N/A


  • Fixed an issue where the DevicePoseObserver would fail to be created after manually deinitializing and initializing Vuforia.
  • Fixed an issue which prevented Session Recorder working in Unity on a Hololens device.
  • Fixed an issue where the VideoBackground image would freeze when disabling the DevicePoseBehaviour in a GroundPlane scene.
  • Fixed issue where a ModelTarget’s GuideView would only have the correct orientation in combination with ARFoundation when the screen orientation was Landscape Left.
  • An issue with the Webcam stuck upon initialization in Unity Playmode has been fixed.

Known Issues



  • The Device Pose Observer static mode needs to be configured before target Observers are activated for Extended Tracking to work.
  • Using multiple targets simultaneously while Extended Tracking them when using the Vuforia Sensor Fusion provider may lead to degraded tracking quality in rare scenarios.
  • VISLAM may fail on environments with predominantly edgy structures with fine lines w/o other texture.
  • The Ground Plane sample app does not allow re-positioning of the annotations into a new area after pause and resume. Going back to the original area and recovering the original annotation is necessary before it can be moved. As an alternative you can reset the experience after resume to use the app again.

Session Recorder

  • Playback of recordings from the Session Recorder do not support Ground Plane experiences.

Model Targets

  • Device Pose Observer reset during Extended Tracking with Model Target might in some cases lead to unexpected relocalization issues. Deactivating/activating the Model Target improves the situation - but user will have to start experience again with detecting the Model Target.
  • Targets with motion hint STATIC are more sensitive to wrongly specified physical size in the dataset.
  • Model targets may switch to EXTENDED_TRACKED more often during very fast user motion when the motion hint is set to STATIC. We recommend using ADAPTIVE if robust tracking during very fast motions is required.


  • Reported bounding-box size via vuObjectTargetObserverGetBoundingBox() API is in some cases not reflecting actual target size.
  • The improvement to detect Image Targets at a greater distance introduced in SDK 7.5.20 does not apply for Cloud Targets
  • Issues were reported using the VuMark Designer Scripts with latest Adobe Illustrator 2021 versions. Please use the scripts with Adobe Illustrator 2020 until a compatibility update has been released.
  • Vuforia Engine may fail to detect ARCore on some devices, additional logging has been introduced in 9.8.11 and 10.0 which will help diagnose these failures. Note that when building with target API level 30 or above developers should be sure to build with ARCore version 1.22.0 or higher.
  • When building the UVC camera library for Android, we recommend using NDK 13b. Please see the UVC Driver documentation or the in the UVC sample for more details.
  • After Device Pose Observer loses tracking with ARCore it may be necessary to direct the user to return to the target to recover extended tracking when using Advanced Model Targets.
  • The Session Recorder writes to the OS defined primary storage location. On devices with emulated storage Android typically provides the emulated storage as the primary location. This means that Vuforia will not usually record to a removable SD card.


  • A crash is observed on the iPad Pro 4th generation on application start in cases where the device is connected to debugging. This behaviour is not observed in iPadOS 13.6 and later.
  • Running (Advanced) Model Targets with Device Pose Observer on dual-core iOS devices (e.g. iPhone 6/6s) may result in noticeable video background lag.
  • The Vuforia Sample on iOS builds up memory under Metal API validation.


  • On Hololens, starting a Vuforia App when an existing Miracast session is active will terminate the Miracast session. It is possible to re-start the Miracast session and use it while Vuforia is tracking, however any camera start operation in Vuforia will again terminate the Miracast session.
  • On HoloLens, rapidly attempting to deactivate or activate a VuMark database within the Vuforia_onUpdate callback can lead to freezing.
  • Small or far away Image Targets may temporarily show increased jitter on HoloLens when only very limited head motion is performed.
  • On UWP devices with outdated Intel AVStream camera drivers, the camera feed sometimes freezes.
  • Extended tracked targets may be reported with incorrect poses for one or two frames after pausing and resuming when using Vuforia Sensor Fusion provider.
  • Vuforia UWP apps may exhibit symptoms such as a black screen or frozen camera image when another app is also using the camera.
  • The Session Recorder prefab for Unity is not supported on Magic Leap. However, the Session Recorder can be used on Magic Leap by using the scripting API directly..


Model Targets

  • Apps may experience long dataset loading times and/or run out of memory if Advanced Model Target databases with more than 10 trained models are used. The exact number of supported targets is dependent on model size and complexity as well as the device that is being used.
  • 2D Model Target Guide views are currently not supported on iOS when using the OpenGLES2 Graphics API. Please use 3D guide views in case you want to support the OpenGL ES 2.0 rendering backend.
  • Changing the guide view mode of multiple Model Target behaviours simultaneously by having them all selected in the Unity Editor is currently not supported. Please change the guide view mode for each behaviour separately.

Area Targets

  • Using a VirtualSceneScaleFactor set to other than 1.0 with AreaTargets will result in a wrongly scaled target in Simulator mode. Authoring mode and the deployed run-time application will respect the scale correctly.
  • Area Targets created prior to 9.7 or created with the Area Target Generator of earlier versions will not work out of the box with the Occlusion Mesh and Mesh Collider settings in Unity. See the Migration Guide for details and workaround.


  • If your Unity project includes the ARCore XR Plugin you must uncheck the Vuforia Configuration option ‘Include ARCore library’ to avoid duplicate symbol errors building your app.
  • On some Android devices (e.g. PixelXL), objects occluded by Vuforia Engine's "Custom/DepthMask" shader (used e.g. for Area Target occlusion) are rendered black. To work around this issue, set the occluded objects' materials to Rendering Mode "Transparent".
  • When using the scriptable render pipeline, enabling the experimental SRP Batcher option will break Video Background Rendering on Android OpenGL ES 3.0.
  • Vuforia Engine requires "Render Over Native UI" to be set for iOS to resolve a performance issue seen on some ARKit-enabled devices. However, the same setting causes non-Vuforia specific issues on Android 8.0. Therefore, this setting is set/unset automatically when switching the platform between Android and iOS in Unity.
  • In some occasions, the sample UVC driver implementation may fail to start after the USB camera permission has been accepted on Android.


  • Vuforia Engine requires "Render Over Native UI" to be set for iOS to resolve a performance issue seen on some ARKit-enabled devices. However, the same setting causes non-Vuforia specific issues on Android 8.0. Therefore, this setting is set/unset automatically when switching the platform between Android and iOS in Unity.
  • Calling SceneManager.LoadScene successively and in quick manner may result in a black video background on iOS devices.
  • When upgrading the Vuforia extension package on MacOS, a restart of the Unity Editor may be required to complete the upgrade process.


  • Vuforia Engine should not be used with the OpenXR Unity plugin on Hololens devices, this combination results in an offset of augmentations.
  • On the Hololens 1 device the Hololens sample exposes diverse issues after pause/resume, incl. targets not detected and menu stuck.
  • After pausing and resuming the HoloLens sample application, the hand tracking fails to restart and the hand augmentation and the cursor appear stuck, rendering any hand interaction impossible.
  •  In the HoloLens sample app for Unity, voice commands may stop working after suspending and resuming the app.
  • In the Unity HoloLens sample, some renderings errors are seen in scene view in the Unity Editor.
  • VuMarks may not work on UWP devices with the locale set to something different than English.
  • The Virtual Scene Scale Factor in Unity is not supported on HoloLens.
  • Using the "Run in background" option in the Unity player settings may cause the video background to freeze on resume after the application was minimized (suspended). It is recommend to disable "Run in background" so that Vuforia can be properly paused if the app is not in the foreground.
  • Initialization fails to return INIT_NO_CAMERA_ACCESS error code when camera permissions are denied on UWP.


  • Session recording is currently not supported on Magic Leap One.
  • The Virtual Scene Scale Factor in Unity is not supported on Magic Leap.


  • When integrating with ARFoundation in Unity, Vuforia will automatically use the highest camera resolution that ARFoundation offers. Changing that camera resolution is currently not supported.
  • Unity Cloud Build is currently not supported in Unity 2018.4 if Vuforia Engine is upgraded through an update installer. This issue is resolved with Unity 2019.2, where Vuforia Engine is integrated with Unity's package manager.
  • When building a Vuforia project using Unity in batch mode, the Render Over Native UI setting must be manually configured according to the desired target platform.
  • Ground Plane experience currently do not support changing Virtual Scene Scale in Unity at runtime.
  • Accessing the camera background materials in Unity interferes with video texture updates. Please refer here for more information.
  • Incorrect build errors may appear when building an application for the first time on a specific platform. The current workaround is to build a second time and errors will be resolved
  • Successively calling GetCameraImage() from multiple scenes returns incorrect images.
  • Under certain conditions when doing fast motions during Extended Tracking using Fusion-provider VISLAM an apparent shift in augmentation might be observed. Approaching the original target and/or resetting Device Pose Observer will resolve the issue.

Vuforia Engine v10.0.12

Bugfixes / Features 




  • A new modernized API is introduced that significantly simplifies managing targets and tracker lifecycle. More information can be found at:
  • The Vuforia Engine package for Unity is no longer distributed through Git. Instead, it's now bundled as a tarball package (.tgz) that is included in the Asset Store samples and as a .unitypackage that can be downloaded from the Vuforia Developer Portal.

Model Targets

  • Model Target tracking for cars and other large, reflective objects is now significantly improved through an AI powered tracking technology when combining the STATIC motion hint with tracking mode CAR. This improvement is available on most iOS devices and selected Android phones. More information on Optimizing Model Target Tracking page.
  • Model Target datasets generated with the Vuforia MTG version 10.0 are significantly smaller than before. Advanced Model Target datasets are reduced to approx. 50% of their previous size, while standard, untrained Model Targets will be reduced to about 20% or their previous dataset size.
  • Model Target Simplification in the MTG is now available to all users, not just those with a paid Vuforia Engine license.
  • Legacy support for Model Targets with Advanced Recognition - the feature to automatically recognize a specific guide view - has been removed. Advanced Model Targets - recognizing a Model Target from different angles without requiring guide views - is of course still supported.
  • An issue where Model Targets in conjunction with AR Foundation was not snapping in cases when the screen orientation is set to something other than “Landscape Left” was resolved.

Area Targets

  • Area Target support for Leica BLK360 and Leica RTC360 has been fully enabled and is no longer beta-quality.

Other features

  • A new DYNAMIC motion hint has been introduced for all Object Target types, including Image-, Cylinder-, Multi- and Model Targets. This motion hint optimizes tracking for targets that are continuously moving. For more information see Motion Hints.
  • The native samples now support auto rotation.


  • Fixed a number of small memory leaks seen when Vuforia is deinitialized, these could become a problem if Vuforia Engine is initialized and de-initialized multiple times within the same App session.
  • Fixed Vuforia Engine to work with ARCore when the App is built with ARCore version 1.23 and above.
  • Added a workaround for ARCore camera failures seen on some devices (including LG G7) which result in a black screen typically seen on resuming the App from paused state.
  • Fixed an issue where ARCore failed to start when app has been compiled targeting Android API 30.


  • Fixed a crash on iOS during shutdown of Vuforia Engine.
  • Fixed an issue in the native iOS sample app where Initialization/de-initialization of Vuforia Engine did not release some memory.


  • A change has been made to address an issue that causes high CPU usage when detecting trained Model Targets on Windows UWP (including Hololens 2) after upgrading Windows 10 to 21H1.
  • Vuforia Engine now fully supports the Magic Leap eyewear device
  • Area Targets are now fully supported on Magic Leap.


  • The minimum supported Unity version is raised to 2020.3 LTS.
  • Changed the shaders used for video background rendering to give a more neutral image appearance.
  • 2D Model Target Guide View poses can now be overriden at runtime.
  • Fixed major lag issue observed with Model Target augmentation when integrating with Unity ARFoundation Unity project.
  • Setters for the following two methods have been exposed:
    • VuforiaConfiguration.Instance.WebCam.DeviceNameSetInEditor
    • VuforiaConfiguration.Instance.WebCam.TurnOffWebCam
  • Greatly improved rendering performance of AreaTarget point clouds in the Editor.
  • Fixed an issue where the point cloud was flickering during Unity authoring of large Area Targets.

Known Issues



  • The device pose observer static mode needs to be configured before target observers are activated for extended tracking to work.
  • Using multiple targets simultaneously while Extended Tracking them when using the Vuforia Sensor Fusion provider may lead to degraded tracking quality in rare scenarios.
  • VISLAM may fail on environments with predominantly edgy structures with fine lines w/o other texture.
  • Targets with motion hint STATIC are more sensitive to wrongly specified physical size in the dataset.
  • Under certain conditions when doing fast motions during Extended Tracking using Fusion-provider VISLAM an apparent shift in augmentation might be observed. Approaching the original target and/or resetting Device Pose Observer will resolve the issue.
  • The Ground Plane sample app does not allow re-positioning of the annotations into a new area after pause and resume. Going back to the original area and recovering the original annotation is necessary before it can be moved. As an alternative you can reset the experience after resume to use the app again.

Session Recorder

  • Playback of recordings from the Session Recorder do not support Ground Plane experiences.

Model Targets

  • Device Pose Observer reset during Extended Tracking with Model Target might in some cases lead to unexpected relocalization issues. Deactivating/activating the Model Target improves the situation - but user will have to start experience again with detecting the Model Target.
  • Model targets may switch to EXTENDED_TRACKED more often during very fast user motion when the motion hint is set to STATIC. We recommend using ADAPTIVE if robust tracking during very fast motions is required.


  • Issues were reported using the VuMark Designer Scripts with latest Adobe Illustrator 2021 versions. Please use the scripts with AI 2020 until a compatibility update has been released.
  • The improvement to detect Image Targets at a greater distance introduced in SDK 7.5.20 does not apply for Cloud Targets.
  • Vuforia Engine may fail to detect ARCore on some devices, additional logging has been introduced in 9.8.11 and 10.0 which will help diagnose these failures. Note that when building with target API level 30 or above developers should be sure to build with ARCore version 1.22.0 or higher.
  • The Session Recorder writes to the OS-defined primary storage location. On devices with emulated storage Android typically provides the emulated storage as the primary location. This means that Vuforia will not usually record to a removable SD card.
  • After Device Pose tracking loses tracking with ARCore it may be necessary to direct the user to return to the target to recover extended tracking when using Advanced Model Targets.


  • The Vuforia Sample on iOS builds up memory under Metal API validation.
  • Running (Advanced) Model Targets with Device Tracking on dual-core iOS devices (e.g. iPhone 6/6s) may result in noticeable video background lag.
  • A crash is observed on the iPad Pro 4th generation on application start in cases where the device is connected to debugging. This behaviour is not observed in iPadOS 13.6 and later.


  • Objects are not occluded by an AreaTarget in Unity Projects on HoloLens despite the option being selected.
  • On HoloLens, starting a Vuforia App when an existing Miracast session is active will terminate the Miracast session. It is possible to re-start the Miracast session and use it while Vuforia is tracking, however any camera start operation in Vuforia will again terminate the Miracast session.
  • Small or far away Image Targets may temporarily show increased jitter on HoloLens when only very limited head motion is performed.
  • On HoloLens, rapidly attempting to deactivate or activate a VuMark database within the Vuforia_onUpdate callback can lead to freezing.
  • Extended tracked targets may be reported with incorrect poses for one or two frames after pausing and resuming when using Vuforia Sensor Fusion provider.
  • On UWP devices with outdated Intel AVStream camera drivers, the camera feed sometimes freezes. Please update the driver.
  • Augmentations placed on Ground Planes may jitter more on UWP tablet devices than on other platforms.
  • The Session Recorder prefab for Unity is not supported on Magic Leap. The Session Recorder can, however, be used on Magic Leap by using the scripting API directly.


Model Targets

  • Unity Model Target datasets with filenames starting or ending with a space character will cause an infinite loop upon import.
  • Apps may experience long dataset loading times and/or run out of memory if Advanced Model Target databases with more than 10 trained models are used. The exact number of supported targets is dependent on model size and complexity as well as the device that is being used.
  • Changing the guide view mode of multiple Model Target behaviors simultaneously by having them all selected in the Unity Editor is currently not supported. Please change the guide view mode for each behavior separately.

Area Targets

  • Area Targets created prior to 9.7 or created with the Area Target Generator of earlier versions will not work out of the box with the Occlusion Mesh and Mesh Collider settings in Unity. See the Migration Guide for details and workaround.
  • Using a VirtualSceneScale other than 1.0 with AreaTargets will result in a wrongly scaled target in Simulator mode. Authoring mode and the deployed run-time application will respect the scale correctly.
  • Unity Area Target datasets with filenames starting or ending with a space character will cause an infinite loop upon import.
  • Objects are not occluded by an AreaTarget on HoloLens despite the option being selected.


  • On the Hololens 1 device, the Hololens sample exposes diverse issues after pause/resume, incl. targets not being detected and a menu that is stuck.
  • After pausing and resuming the HoloLens sample application, the hand tracking fails to restart and the hand augmentation and the cursor appear stuck, rendering any hand interaction impossible.
  • In the HoloLens sample app for Unity, voice commands may stop working after suspending and resuming the app.
  • In the Unity HoloLens sample, some renderings errors are seen in scene view in the Unity Editor.
  • The Virtual Scene Scale Factor in Unity is not supported on HoloLens.
  • VuMarks may not work on UWP devices with the locale set to something different than English.
  • On UWP devices, using the "Run in background" option in the Unity player settings may cause the video background to freeze on resume after the application was minimized (suspended). It is recommend to disable "Run in background" so that Vuforia can be properly paused if the app is not in the foreground.
  • Vuforia UWP apps may exhibit symptoms such as a black screen or frozen camera image when another app is also using the camera.
  • Initialization fails to return INIT_NO_CAMERA_ACCESS error code when camera permissions are denied on UWP.


  • The Session Recorder Prefab is currently not supported on Magic Leap One.
  • The Virtual Scene Scale Factor in Unity is not supported on Magic Leap.


  • If your Unity project includes the ARCore XR Plugin you must uncheck the Vuforia Configuration option ‘Include ARCore library’ to avoid duplicate symbol errors building your app.
  • The DepthContour shader will render with some black artifacts on some Snapdragon-based Android devices when the Vulkan graphics backend is used.
  • On some Android devices (e.g. PixelXL), objects occluded by Vuforia Engine's "Custom/DepthMask" shader (used e.g. for Area Target occlusion) are rendered black. To work around this issue, set the occluded objects' materials to Rendering Mode "Transparent".
  • When using the scriptable render pipeline, enabling the experimental SRP Batcher option will break Video Background Rendering on Android OpenGL ES 3.0.
  • In some occasions, the sample UVC driver implementation may fail to start after the USB camera permission has been accepted on Android.
  • Vuforia Engine requires "Render Over Native UI" to be set for iOS to resolve a performance issue seen on some ARKit-enabled devices. However, the same setting causes non-Vuforia specific issues on Android 8.0. Therefore, this setting is set/unset automatically when switching the platform between Android and iOS in Unity.


  • Calling SceneManager.LoadScene successively and in quick manner may result in a black video background on iOS devices.
  • 2D Model Target Guide views are currently not supported on iOS when using the OpenGLES2 Graphics API. Please use 3D guide views in case you want to support the OpenGL ES 2.0 rendering backend.
  • Vuforia Engine requires "Render Over Native UI" to be set for iOS to resolve a performance issue seen on some ARKit-enabled devices. However, the same setting causes non-Vuforia specific issues on Android 8.0. Therefore, this setting is set/unset automatically when switching the platform between Android and iOS in Unity.


  • When building a Vuforia project using Unity in batch mode, the Render Over Native UI setting must be manually configured according to the desired target platform.
  • When integrating with ARFoundation in Unity, Vuforia will automatically use the highest camera resolution that ARFoundation offers. Changing that camera resolution is currently not supported.
  • Ground Plane experience currently do not support changing Virtual Scene Scale in Unity at runtime.
  • Unity Cloud Build is currently not supported in Unity 2018.4 if Vuforia Engine is upgraded through an update installer. This issue is resolved with Unity 2019.2, where Vuforia Engine is integrated with Unity's package manager.
  • Accessing the camera background materials in Unity interferes with video texture updates. Please refer here for more information.
  • Incorrect build errors may appear when building an application for the first time on a specific platform. The current workaround is to build a second time and errors will be resolved.
  • Successively calling GetCameraImage from multiple scenes returns incorrect images.