Header file for the Vuforia Driver. More...
Classes | |
struct | PlatformData |
Empty struct as a placeholder for platforms that don't have platform-specific initialization data. More... | |
struct | CameraMode |
Data structure describing the size, frame rate and format of a camera frame. More... | |
struct | CameraIntrinsics |
Properties required to support the intrinsics for a camera. More... | |
struct | CameraFrame |
Data structure describing a camera frame. More... | |
struct | Pose |
Data structure describing a pose. More... | |
struct | AnchorPose |
Data structure for storing translation and rotation matrix associated with an anchor. More... | |
struct | Anchor |
Data structure for storing information about an anchor. More... | |
class | CameraCallback |
Interface to deliver camera frames to Vuforia. More... | |
class | PoseCallback |
Interface to deliver poses to Vuforia. More... | |
class | AnchorCallback |
Interface to deliver anchor updates to Vuforia. More... | |
class | ExternalCamera |
Interface used by Vuforia to interact with the external camera implementation. More... | |
class | ExternalPositionalDeviceTracker |
Interface used by Vuforia to interact with the external positional device tracker implementation. More... | |
class | Driver |
Interface used by Vuforia to interact with the Vuforia Driver implementation. More... | |
Enumerations | |
enum class | PixelFormat : int32_t { UNKNOWN , YUYV , NV12 , NV21 , RGB888 , RGBA8888 , YUV420P , YV12 } |
List of supported pixel formats for camera frames. More... | |
enum class | FocusMode : int32_t { UNKNOWN , AUTO , CONTINUOUS_AUTO , MACRO , INFINITY_FOCUS , FIXED } |
Camera focus modes. More... | |
enum class | ExposureMode : int32_t { UNKNOWN , AUTO , CONTINUOUS_AUTO , MANUAL , SHUTTER_PRIORITY } |
Camera exposure modes. More... | |
enum | Capability : uint32_t { CAMERA_IMAGE = 0 , CAMERA_POSE = 1 } |
Driver capabilities. More... | |
Enum values to describe the state of a camera pose. More... | |
enum class | PoseCoordSystem : int32_t { CAMERA } |
Pose is expected to be in the camera coordinate system. More... | |
enum class | PoseValidity : int32_t { VALID , UNRELIABLE } |
Enum values to indicate validity (quality) of a pose. More... | |
enum class | AnchorStatus : int32_t { ADDED , UPDATED , REMOVED , PAUSED } |
Enum values to describe anchor update reason. More... | |
enum | PoseFusionParameter : int32_t { POSE_FUSION_PARAMETER_RESERVED = 0 } |
The names of Pose Fusion parameters that may be queried. More... | |
Functions | |
Query the Vuforia Driver API version number. | |
VUFORIA_DRIVER_API_EXPORT uint32_t VUFORIA_DRIVER_CALLING_CONVENTION | vuforiaDriver_getLibraryVersion (char *versionString, const uint32_t maxLen) |
Return the library version number. | |
VUFORIA_DRIVER_API_EXPORT VuforiaDriver::Driver *VUFORIA_DRIVER_CALLING_CONVENTION | vuforiaDriver_init (VuforiaDriver::PlatformData *platformData, void *userData) |
Construct a new instance of a VuforiaDriver. | |
VUFORIA_DRIVER_API_EXPORT void VUFORIA_DRIVER_CALLING_CONVENTION | vuforiaDriver_deinit (VuforiaDriver::Driver *instance) |
Destruct an instance of a VuforiaDriver object. | |
Variables | |
const uint32_t | VUFORIA_DRIVER_API_VERSION = 7 |
External provider API-version number that this header defines. | |
Header file for the Vuforia Driver.