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Driver.h File Reference

Header file for the Vuforia Driver. More...


struct  PlatformData
 Empty struct as a placeholder for platforms that don't have platform-specific initialization data. More...
struct  CameraMode
 Data structure describing the size, frame rate and format of a camera frame. More...
struct  CameraIntrinsics
 Properties required to support the intrinsics for a camera. More...
struct  CameraFrame
 Data structure describing a camera frame. More...
struct  Pose
 Data structure describing a pose. More...
struct  AnchorPose
 Data structure for storing translation and rotation matrix associated with an anchor. More...
struct  Anchor
 Data structure for storing information about an anchor. More...
class  CameraCallback
 Interface to deliver camera frames to Vuforia. More...
class  PoseCallback
 Interface to deliver poses to Vuforia. More...
class  AnchorCallback
 Interface to deliver anchor updates to Vuforia. More...
class  ExternalCamera
 Interface used by Vuforia to interact with the external camera implementation. More...
class  ExternalPositionalDeviceTracker
 Interface used by Vuforia to interact with the external positional device tracker implementation. More...
class  Driver
 Interface used by Vuforia to interact with the Vuforia Driver implementation. More...


enum class  PixelFormat : int32_t {
  YUYV ,
  NV12 ,
  NV21 ,
  RGB888 ,
  RGBA8888 ,
  YUV420P ,
 List of supported pixel formats for camera frames. More...
enum class  FocusMode : int32_t {
  AUTO ,
 Camera focus modes. More...
enum class  ExposureMode : int32_t {
  AUTO ,
 Camera exposure modes. More...
enum  Capability : uint32_t {
 Driver capabilities. More...
enum class  PoseReason : int32_t {
 Enum values to describe the state of a camera pose. More...
enum class  PoseCoordSystem : int32_t { CAMERA }
 Pose is expected to be in the camera coordinate system. More...
enum class  PoseValidity : int32_t {
 Enum values to indicate validity (quality) of a pose. More...
enum class  AnchorStatus : int32_t {
 Enum values to describe anchor update reason. More...
enum  PoseFusionParameter : int32_t { POSE_FUSION_PARAMETER_RESERVED = 0 }
 The names of Pose Fusion parameters that may be queried. More...


 Query the Vuforia Driver API version number.
VUFORIA_DRIVER_API_EXPORT uint32_t VUFORIA_DRIVER_CALLING_CONVENTION vuforiaDriver_getLibraryVersion (char *versionString, const uint32_t maxLen)
 Return the library version number.
VUFORIA_DRIVER_API_EXPORT VuforiaDriver::Driver *VUFORIA_DRIVER_CALLING_CONVENTION vuforiaDriver_init (VuforiaDriver::PlatformData *platformData, void *userData)
 Construct a new instance of a VuforiaDriver.
VUFORIA_DRIVER_API_EXPORT void VUFORIA_DRIVER_CALLING_CONVENTION vuforiaDriver_deinit (VuforiaDriver::Driver *instance)
 Destruct an instance of a VuforiaDriver object.


 External provider API-version number that this header defines.

Detailed Description

Header file for the Vuforia Driver.