VuModelTargetConfig | vuModelTargetConfigDefault () |
| Default Model Target configuration.
VuResult | vuGuideViewListCreate (VuGuideViewList **list) |
| Create a guide view list.
VuResult | vuGuideViewListGetSize (const VuGuideViewList *list, int32_t *listSize) |
| Get the number of elements in the guide view list.
VuResult | vuGuideViewListGetElement (const VuGuideViewList *list, int32_t element, VuGuideView **guideView) |
| Get the element at the specified index from the guide view list.
VuResult | vuGuideViewListDestroy (VuGuideViewList *list) |
| Destroy the guide view list.
VuResult | vuModelTargetStateListCreate (VuModelTargetStateList **list) |
| Create a Model Target state list.
VuResult | vuModelTargetStateListDestroy (VuModelTargetStateList *list) |
| Destroys a Model Target state list.
VuResult | vuModelTargetStateListGetSize (const VuModelTargetStateList *list, int32_t *listSize) |
| Get the number of elements in the Model Target state list.
VuResult | vuModelTargetStateListGetElement (const VuModelTargetStateList *list, int32_t element, const VuModelTargetState **state) |
| Get the element at the specified index from the Model Target state list.
VuResult | vuModelTargetStateInfoListCreate (VuModelTargetStateInfoList **list) |
| Create a Model Target state info list.
VuResult | vuModelTargetStateInfoListDestroy (VuModelTargetStateInfoList *list) |
| Destroys a Model Target state info list.
VuResult | vuModelTargetStateInfoListGetSize (const VuModelTargetStateInfoList *list, int32_t *listSize) |
| Get the number of elements in the Model Target state info list.
VuResult | vuModelTargetStateInfoListGetElement (const VuModelTargetStateInfoList *list, int32_t element, VuModelTargetStateInfo *stateInfo) |
| Get the element at the specified index from the Model Target state info list.
VuResult | vuEngineCreateModelTargetObserver (VuEngine *engine, VuObserver **observer, const VuModelTargetConfig *config, VuModelTargetCreationError *errorCode) |
| Create a Model Target observer from database.
VuResult | vuEngineGetModelTargetObservers (const VuEngine *engine, VuObserverList *observerList) |
| Get all Model Target observers.
VuResult | vuEngineClearModelTargetObserverDetectionCache (VuEngine *engine) |
| Remove all detection data cached by Model Target observers.
VuResult | vuModelTargetObserverReset (VuObserver *observer) |
| Reset tracking of this Model Target observer.
VuResult | vuModelTargetObserverGetTargetUniqueId (const VuObserver *observer, const char **targetId) |
| Get the unique ID associated to the target from a Model Target observer.
VuResult | vuModelTargetObserverGetTargetName (const VuObserver *observer, const char **targetName) |
| Get the name associated to the target from a Model Target observer.
VuResult | vuModelTargetObserverGetTargetSize (const VuObserver *observer, VuVector3F *size) |
| Get the size in meters associated to the target from a Model Target observer.
VuResult | vuModelTargetObserverSetTargetScale (VuObserver *observer, float scale) |
| Re-scale the target size associated to a Model Target observer.
VuResult | vuModelTargetObserverGetTargetPoseOffset (const VuObserver *observer, VuMatrix44F *poseOffset) |
| Get the pose transformation offset associated to the target from a Model Target observer.
VuResult | vuModelTargetObserverSetTargetPoseOffset (VuObserver *observer, const VuMatrix44F *poseOffset) |
| Set the pose transformation offset associated to the target from a Model Target observer.
VuResult | vuModelTargetObserverSetTrackingOptimization (VuObserver *observer, VuTrackingOptimization optimization) |
| Set the tracking optimization of the target associated to the Model Target observer.
VuResult | vuModelTargetObserverGetTrackingOptimization (const VuObserver *observer, VuTrackingOptimization *optimization) |
| Get the tracking optimization of the target associated to the Model Target observer.
VuResult | vuModelTargetObserverGetAABB (const VuObserver *observer, VuAABB *bbox) |
| Get the axis-aligned bounding box associated to the target from a Model Target observer, relative to the target's frame of reference.
VuResult | vuModelTargetObserverGetGuideViews (const VuObserver *observer, VuGuideViewList *list) |
| Get a list of the guide views defined for a Model Target observer.
VuResult | vuModelTargetObserverGetActiveGuideViewName (const VuObserver *observer, const char **name) |
| Get the name of the currently active guide view.
VuResult | vuModelTargetObserverSetActiveGuideViewName (VuObserver *observer, const char *name) |
| Set the guide view you want to be active by name.
VuBool | vuModelTargetObserverIsAdvanced (const VuObserver *observer) |
| Get if the observed Model Target is advanced.
VuResult | vuGuideViewGetIntrinsics (const VuGuideView *guideView, VuCameraIntrinsics *cameraIntrinsics) |
| Get the intrinsic parameters of the camera used to render the Guide View image.
VuResult | vuGuideViewGetPose (const VuGuideView *guideView, VuMatrix44F *pose) |
| Get the Guide View pose with respect to the Model Target.
VuResult | vuGuideViewSetPose (VuGuideView *guideView, const VuMatrix44F *pose) |
| Set the Guide View pose with respect to the Model Target.
VuResult | vuGuideViewGetImage (const VuGuideView *guideView, VuImage **image) |
| Get the Guide View image.
VuResult | vuGuideViewIsImageOutdated (const VuGuideView *guideView, VuBool *outdated) |
| Flag that indicates if a previous Guide View image is outdated.
VuResult | vuGuideViewGetName (const VuGuideView *guideView, const char **name) |
| Get the name of a Guide View.
VuResult | vuEngineSetModelTargetRecoWhileExtendedTracked (VuEngine *engine, VuBool enable) |
| Turn on recognition engine for an Advanced (360) Model Target database while extended-tracking a model.
VuResult | vuEngineGetModelTargetRecoWhileExtendedTracked (VuEngine *engine, VuBool *enabled) |
| Get the current setting for recognizing Advanced (360) Model Target databases while extended-tracking a model.
VuResult | vuStateGetModelTargetObservations (const VuState *state, VuObservationList *list) |
| Get all Model Target observations.
VuResult | vuModelTargetObservationGetStatusInfo (const VuObservation *observation, VuModelTargetObservationStatusInfo *statusInfo) |
| Get status info associated to the pose status of a Model Target observation.
VuResult | vuModelTargetObservationGetTargetInfo (const VuObservation *observation, VuModelTargetObservationTargetInfo *targetInfo) |
| Get target info associated with a Model Target observation.
VuResult | vuModelTargetObservationGetStateInfo (const VuObservation *observation, VuModelTargetObservationStateInfo *stateInfo) |
| Get state info associated with a Model Target observation.
VuResult | vuModelTargetObserverSetActiveStateName (VuObserver *observer, const char *stateName) |
| Set the active Model Target state by name.
VuResult | vuModelTargetObserverGetActiveStateName (const VuObserver *observer, const char **stateName) |
| Get the name of the Model Target's active state.
VuResult | vuModelTargetObserverGetAvailableStates (const VuObserver *observer, VuModelTargetStateList *list) |
| Get a list of all possible states of the Model Target.
VuResult | vuModelTargetObserverGetAvailableStateInfos (const VuObserver *observer, VuModelTargetStateInfoList *list) |
| Get a list of all state infos of all possible states of the Model Target.
VuResult | vuModelTargetStateGetName (const VuModelTargetState *state, const char **name) |
| Get the name of the Model Target state.
VuResult | vuModelTargetObserverGetGuideViewForAdvanced (const VuObserver *observer, VuGuideView **guideView) |
| Get a Guide View for an Advanced Model Target.
VuMeshModelTargetConfig | vuMeshModelTargetConfigDefault () |
| Default Mesh observer configuration with a Model Target.
VuResult | vuEngineCreateMeshObserverFromModelTargetConfig (VuEngine *engine, VuObserver **observer, const VuMeshModelTargetConfig *config, VuMeshModelTargetCreationError *errorCode) |
| Create a Mesh observer with a Model Target as source.