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Model Target Feature


struct  VuModelTargetConfig
 Configuration for creating a Model Target observer. More...
struct  VuModelTargetObservationTargetInfo
 Target info for a Model Target from its respective observation. More...
struct  VuModelTargetStateInfo
 Info for a Model Target state. More...
struct  VuModelTargetObservationStateInfo
 Describes the Model Target state associated with a Model Target observation. More...


typedef struct VuGuideView_ VuGuideView
 Guide View.
typedef struct VuGuideViewList_ VuGuideViewList
 Guide View List.
typedef struct VuModelTargetState_ VuModelTargetState
 Model Target State.
typedef struct VuModelTargetStateList_ VuModelTargetStateList
 Model Target State List.
typedef struct VuModelTargetStateInfoList_ VuModelTargetStateInfoList
 Model Target State Info List.


enum  VuModelTargetCreationError : int32_t {
 Configuration error for Model Target creation. More...
enum  VuModelTargetObservationStatusInfo : int32_t {
 Status info for the pose of Model Target observations. More...


VuModelTargetConfig vuModelTargetConfigDefault ()
 Default Model Target configuration.
VuResult vuGuideViewListCreate (VuGuideViewList **list)
 Create a guide view list.
VuResult vuGuideViewListGetSize (const VuGuideViewList *list, int32_t *listSize)
 Get the number of elements in the guide view list.
VuResult vuGuideViewListGetElement (const VuGuideViewList *list, int32_t element, VuGuideView **guideView)
 Get the element at the specified index from the guide view list.
VuResult vuGuideViewListDestroy (VuGuideViewList *list)
 Destroy the guide view list.
VuResult vuModelTargetStateListCreate (VuModelTargetStateList **list)
 Create a Model Target state list.
VuResult vuModelTargetStateListDestroy (VuModelTargetStateList *list)
 Destroys a Model Target state list.
VuResult vuModelTargetStateListGetSize (const VuModelTargetStateList *list, int32_t *listSize)
 Get the number of elements in the Model Target state list.
VuResult vuModelTargetStateListGetElement (const VuModelTargetStateList *list, int32_t element, const VuModelTargetState **state)
 Get the element at the specified index from the Model Target state list.
VuResult vuModelTargetStateInfoListCreate (VuModelTargetStateInfoList **list)
 Create a Model Target state info list.
VuResult vuModelTargetStateInfoListDestroy (VuModelTargetStateInfoList *list)
 Destroys a Model Target state info list.
VuResult vuModelTargetStateInfoListGetSize (const VuModelTargetStateInfoList *list, int32_t *listSize)
 Get the number of elements in the Model Target state info list.
VuResult vuModelTargetStateInfoListGetElement (const VuModelTargetStateInfoList *list, int32_t element, VuModelTargetStateInfo *stateInfo)
 Get the element at the specified index from the Model Target state info list.
VuResult vuEngineCreateModelTargetObserver (VuEngine *engine, VuObserver **observer, const VuModelTargetConfig *config, VuModelTargetCreationError *errorCode)
 Create a Model Target observer from database.
VuResult vuEngineGetModelTargetObservers (const VuEngine *engine, VuObserverList *observerList)
 Get all Model Target observers.
VuResult vuEngineClearModelTargetObserverDetectionCache (VuEngine *engine)
 Remove all detection data cached by Model Target observers.
VuResult vuModelTargetObserverReset (VuObserver *observer)
 Reset tracking of this Model Target observer.
VuResult vuModelTargetObserverGetTargetUniqueId (const VuObserver *observer, const char **targetId)
 Get the unique ID associated to the target from a Model Target observer.
VuResult vuModelTargetObserverGetTargetName (const VuObserver *observer, const char **targetName)
 Get the name associated to the target from a Model Target observer.
VuResult vuModelTargetObserverGetTargetSize (const VuObserver *observer, VuVector3F *size)
 Get the size in meters associated to the target from a Model Target observer.
VuResult vuModelTargetObserverSetTargetScale (VuObserver *observer, float scale)
 Re-scale the target size associated to a Model Target observer.
VuResult vuModelTargetObserverGetTargetPoseOffset (const VuObserver *observer, VuMatrix44F *poseOffset)
 Get the pose transformation offset associated to the target from a Model Target observer.
VuResult vuModelTargetObserverSetTargetPoseOffset (VuObserver *observer, const VuMatrix44F *poseOffset)
 Set the pose transformation offset associated to the target from a Model Target observer.
VuResult vuModelTargetObserverSetTrackingOptimization (VuObserver *observer, VuTrackingOptimization optimization)
 Set the tracking optimization of the target associated to the Model Target observer.
VuResult vuModelTargetObserverGetTrackingOptimization (const VuObserver *observer, VuTrackingOptimization *optimization)
 Get the tracking optimization of the target associated to the Model Target observer.
VuResult vuModelTargetObserverGetAABB (const VuObserver *observer, VuAABB *bbox)
 Get the axis-aligned bounding box associated to the target from a Model Target observer, relative to the target's frame of reference.
VuResult vuModelTargetObserverGetGuideViews (const VuObserver *observer, VuGuideViewList *list)
 Get a list of the guide views defined for a Model Target observer.
VuResult vuModelTargetObserverGetActiveGuideViewName (const VuObserver *observer, const char **name)
 Get the name of the currently active guide view.
VuResult vuModelTargetObserverSetActiveGuideViewName (VuObserver *observer, const char *name)
 Set the guide view you want to be active by name.
VuBool vuModelTargetObserverIsAdvanced (const VuObserver *observer)
 Get if the observed Model Target is advanced.
VuResult vuGuideViewGetIntrinsics (const VuGuideView *guideView, VuCameraIntrinsics *cameraIntrinsics)
 Get the intrinsic parameters of the camera used to render the Guide View image.
VuResult vuGuideViewGetPose (const VuGuideView *guideView, VuMatrix44F *pose)
 Get the Guide View pose with respect to the Model Target.
VuResult vuGuideViewSetPose (VuGuideView *guideView, const VuMatrix44F *pose)
 Set the Guide View pose with respect to the Model Target.
VuResult vuGuideViewGetImage (const VuGuideView *guideView, VuImage **image)
 Get the Guide View image.
VuResult vuGuideViewIsImageOutdated (const VuGuideView *guideView, VuBool *outdated)
 Flag that indicates if a previous Guide View image is outdated.
VuResult vuGuideViewGetName (const VuGuideView *guideView, const char **name)
 Get the name of a Guide View.
VuResult vuEngineSetModelTargetRecoWhileExtendedTracked (VuEngine *engine, VuBool enable)
 Turn on recognition engine for an Advanced (360) Model Target database while extended-tracking a model.
VuResult vuEngineGetModelTargetRecoWhileExtendedTracked (VuEngine *engine, VuBool *enabled)
 Get the current setting for recognizing Advanced (360) Model Target databases while extended-tracking a model.
VuResult vuStateGetModelTargetObservations (const VuState *state, VuObservationList *list)
 Get all Model Target observations.
VuResult vuModelTargetObservationGetStatusInfo (const VuObservation *observation, VuModelTargetObservationStatusInfo *statusInfo)
 Get status info associated to the pose status of a Model Target observation.
VuResult vuModelTargetObservationGetTargetInfo (const VuObservation *observation, VuModelTargetObservationTargetInfo *targetInfo)
 Get target info associated with a Model Target observation.
VuResult vuModelTargetObservationGetStateInfo (const VuObservation *observation, VuModelTargetObservationStateInfo *stateInfo)
 Get state info associated with a Model Target observation.
VuResult vuModelTargetObserverSetActiveStateName (VuObserver *observer, const char *stateName)
 Set the active Model Target state by name.
VuResult vuModelTargetObserverGetActiveStateName (const VuObserver *observer, const char **stateName)
 Get the name of the Model Target's active state.
VuResult vuModelTargetObserverGetAvailableStates (const VuObserver *observer, VuModelTargetStateList *list)
 Get a list of all possible states of the Model Target.
VuResult vuModelTargetObserverGetAvailableStateInfos (const VuObserver *observer, VuModelTargetStateInfoList *list)
 Get a list of all state infos of all possible states of the Model Target.
VuResult vuModelTargetStateGetName (const VuModelTargetState *state, const char **name)
 Get the name of the Model Target state.
VuResult vuModelTargetObserverGetGuideViewForAdvanced (const VuObserver *observer, VuGuideView **guideView)
 Get a Guide View for an Advanced Model Target.

Detailed Description

Typedef Documentation

◆ VuModelTargetState

typedef struct VuModelTargetState_ VuModelTargetState

Model Target State.

This struct has been deprecated. It will be removed in an upcoming Vuforia release. Please use VuModelTargetStateInfo instead.

◆ VuModelTargetStateList

typedef struct VuModelTargetStateList_ VuModelTargetStateList

Model Target State List.

This struct has been deprecated. It will be removed in an upcoming Vuforia release. Please use VuModelTargetStateInfoList instead.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ VuModelTargetCreationError

Configuration error for Model Target creation.


No error.


An internal error occurred while creating the observer.


Observer auto-activation failed.


Database file not found or an error occurred when reading data from it (potentially unknown or corrupted file)


Invalid target name.


Target with the specified name AND matching target type for this observer not found in database.


Invalid value passed to the scale parameter.


Invalid value passed to the parameter indicating the default-active Guide View.

◆ VuModelTargetObservationStatusInfo

Status info for the pose of Model Target observations.

Provides further information on the pose status reported as part of VuPoseInfo. The status info is retrieved with vuModelTargetObservationGetStatusInfo.

All enum values defined by VuObservationPoseStatus may be reported as part of a Model Target observation.
See also



Target is not observed. Reported for VU_OBSERVATION_POSE_STATUS_NO_POSE.


The tracking system is currently initializing. Reported for VU_OBSERVATION_POSE_STATUS_NO_POSE.


The tracking system is currently relocalizing. Reported for VU_OBSERVATION_POSE_STATUS_LIMITED.


Could not snap to the target. Recommend to show a Guide View overlay. Reported for VU_OBSERVATION_POSE_STATUS_NO_POSE.



◆ anonymous enum

anonymous enum

Type identifier for Model Target observers.

◆ anonymous enum

anonymous enum

Type identifier for Model Target observations.

Function Documentation

◆ vuModelTargetConfigDefault()

VuModelTargetConfig vuModelTargetConfigDefault ( )

Default Model Target configuration.

Use this function to initialize the VuModelTargetConfig data structure with default values.

◆ vuModelTargetStateListCreate()

VuResult vuModelTargetStateListCreate ( VuModelTargetStateList ** list)

Create a Model Target state list.

This function has been deprecated. It will be removed in an upcoming Vuforia release. Please use vuModelTargetStateInfoListCreate instead.

◆ vuModelTargetStateListDestroy()

VuResult vuModelTargetStateListDestroy ( VuModelTargetStateList * list)

Destroys a Model Target state list.

This function has been deprecated. It will be removed in an upcoming Vuforia release. Please use vuModelTargetStateInfoListDestroy instead.

◆ vuModelTargetStateListGetSize()

VuResult vuModelTargetStateListGetSize ( const VuModelTargetStateList * list,
int32_t * listSize )

Get the number of elements in the Model Target state list.

This function has been deprecated. It will be removed in an upcoming Vuforia release. Please use vuModelTargetStateInfoListGetSize instead.

◆ vuModelTargetStateListGetElement()

VuResult vuModelTargetStateListGetElement ( const VuModelTargetStateList * list,
int32_t element,
const VuModelTargetState ** state )

Get the element at the specified index from the Model Target state list.

This function has been deprecated. It will be removed in an upcoming Vuforia release. Please use vuModelTargetStateInfoListGetElement instead.

◆ vuEngineCreateModelTargetObserver()

VuResult vuEngineCreateModelTargetObserver ( VuEngine * engine,
VuObserver ** observer,
const VuModelTargetConfig * config,
VuModelTargetCreationError * errorCode )

Create a Model Target observer from database.

Note that loading the database may take a significant amount of time, it is therefore recommended that this method is not called on the main/UI thread.

◆ vuEngineClearModelTargetObserverDetectionCache()

VuResult vuEngineClearModelTargetObserverDetectionCache ( VuEngine * engine)

Remove all detection data cached by Model Target observers.

Use this function to free up disk space usage by removing all detection data cached by Model Target observers.

If there is any Model Target observer in the given Vuforia Engine instance this function will fail.
Note that clearing the cache may take a significant amount of time, it is therefore recommended that this method is not called on the main/UI thread.

◆ vuModelTargetObserverReset()

VuResult vuModelTargetObserverReset ( VuObserver * observer)

Reset tracking of this Model Target observer.

This will stop any ongoing tracking of this Model Target including extended tracking. The tracking will automatically restart if the target is recognized again.
If enhanced runtime detection is enabled, calling this function will remove any existing cached data for the Model Target. The caching will automatically restart if the Model Target is detected again.

◆ vuModelTargetObserverGetTargetPoseOffset()

VuResult vuModelTargetObserverGetTargetPoseOffset ( const VuObserver * observer,
VuMatrix44F * poseOffset )

Get the pose transformation offset associated to the target from a Model Target observer.

The pose offset is represented as a pose matrix using the OpenGL convention.

◆ vuModelTargetObserverSetTargetPoseOffset()

VuResult vuModelTargetObserverSetTargetPoseOffset ( VuObserver * observer,
const VuMatrix44F * poseOffset )

Set the pose transformation offset associated to the target from a Model Target observer.

The pose offset is represented as a pose matrix using the OpenGL convention.

◆ vuModelTargetObserverSetTrackingOptimization()

VuResult vuModelTargetObserverSetTrackingOptimization ( VuObserver * observer,
VuTrackingOptimization optimization )

Set the tracking optimization of the target associated to the Model Target observer.

This setting modifies the internal target tracking parameters to optimize the tracking quality and robustness.

This operation will reset any tracking operation for the Model Target observer. It is recommended to use this function before starting the Vuforia Engine.
Enhanced runtime detection is incompatible with VU_TRACKING_OPTIMIZATION_LOW_FEATURE_OBJECTS and will be disabled until a different tracking optimization is set.

◆ vuModelTargetObserverGetGuideViews()

VuResult vuModelTargetObserverGetGuideViews ( const VuObserver * observer,
VuGuideViewList * list )

Get a list of the guide views defined for a Model Target observer.

Returns all guide views associated with the Model Target observer

The user has to make sure that observer and list are valid during the duration of the call, otherwise the behavior is undefined.
Any previous content of the given list will be removed if the operation is successful. On failure the list will not be modified.
The content of the list is bound to the lifetime of the observer. Accessing the list elements after the observer has been destroyed results in undefined behavior.
Getting the list of Guide Views of an Advanced Model Target is not possible and the function will return VU_FAILED.
observerThe Model Target observer
listThe list to fill with the guide views.

◆ vuModelTargetObserverGetActiveGuideViewName()

VuResult vuModelTargetObserverGetActiveGuideViewName ( const VuObserver * observer,
const char ** name )

Get the name of the currently active guide view.

Getting the active Guide View of an Advanced Model Target is not possible and the function will return VU_FAILED.

◆ vuModelTargetObserverSetActiveGuideViewName()

VuResult vuModelTargetObserverSetActiveGuideViewName ( VuObserver * observer,
const char * name )

Set the guide view you want to be active by name.

Setting an active Guide View of an Advanced Model Target is not possible and the function will return VU_FAILED.

◆ vuModelTargetObserverIsAdvanced()

VuBool vuModelTargetObserverIsAdvanced ( const VuObserver * observer)

Get if the observed Model Target is advanced.

Advanced Model Targets can be detected from more than one position without the need for Guide Views. Therefore, Guide-View related API functions return VU_FAILED for Advanced Model Targets. This includes vuModelTargetObserverGetActiveGuideViewName() vuModelTargetObserverSetActiveGuideViewName() and vuModelTargetObserverGetGuideViews(). The guide view of an Advanced Model Target can be retrieved via vuModelTargetObserverGetGuideViewForAdvanced().

◆ vuGuideViewGetIntrinsics()

VuResult vuGuideViewGetIntrinsics ( const VuGuideView * guideView,
VuCameraIntrinsics * cameraIntrinsics )

Get the intrinsic parameters of the camera used to render the Guide View image.

This function will return VU_FAILED if the Guide View is not active.

◆ vuGuideViewGetPose()

VuResult vuGuideViewGetPose ( const VuGuideView * guideView,
VuMatrix44F * pose )

Get the Guide View pose with respect to the Model Target.

Return the pose of the Guide View camera with respect to the Model Target's coordinate system. The pose is represented as a pose matrix using the OpenGL convention. The Guide View pose determines the position and orientation of the device where tracking can be initiated.

◆ vuGuideViewSetPose()

VuResult vuGuideViewSetPose ( VuGuideView * guideView,
const VuMatrix44F * pose )

Set the Guide View pose with respect to the Model Target.

Set the pose of the Guide View camera with respect to the Model Target's coordinate system. The pose is represented as a pose matrix using the OpenGL convention. The Guide View pose determines the position and orientation of the device where tracking can be initiated.

Calling this function causes the Guide View's image to be outdated and a subsequent call to vuGuideViewGetImage() will return a new image with the updated pose.

◆ vuGuideViewGetImage()

VuResult vuGuideViewGetImage ( const VuGuideView * guideView,
VuImage ** image )

Get the Guide View image.

The image returned is a simplified representation of the Model Target object at the pose returned by getPose().

The image is rendered with the latest available camera intrinsics or default intrinsics if no camera is available. During the lifetime of a Guide View, rendering parameters of the Guide View image such as camera intrinsics, device orientation or the Guide View pose can change. Thus, the representation of the Model Target object is not up-to-date anymore and the Guide View image is marked as 'outdated'. In this case, a subsequent call to vuGuideViewGetImage() will return a new image containing the latest representation of the Model Target object.

Whether a previously obtained Guide View image is still up-to-date can be checked by calling the vuGuideViewIsImageOutdated() function.
The image is destroyed if the Guide View is deactivated, or if it has been marked 'outdated' and a subsequent call to this function returns a new VuImage.
This is a potentially long running operation. Therefore, it is recommended to not call this function from the main/UI thread.
This function will return VU_FAILED if the Guide View is not active.

◆ vuGuideViewIsImageOutdated()

VuResult vuGuideViewIsImageOutdated ( const VuGuideView * guideView,
VuBool * outdated )

Flag that indicates if a previous Guide View image is outdated.

If the camera intrinsics, device orientation or Guide View pose change, any previously obtained Guide View images will not depict the latest representation of the Model Target object anymore and therefore are marked 'outdated'.

If the returned value is VU_TRUE, it is recommended to call vuGuideViewGetImage() again to obtain the latest representation of the Model Target object rendered with the latest camera intrinsics, device orientation and Guide View pose.

This function fails if the guide view is trained or not active.

◆ vuGuideViewGetName()

VuResult vuGuideViewGetName ( const VuGuideView * guideView,
const char ** name )

Get the name of a Guide View.

The lifetime of the returned string is bound to the lifetime of the guide view.

◆ vuEngineSetModelTargetRecoWhileExtendedTracked()

VuResult vuEngineSetModelTargetRecoWhileExtendedTracked ( VuEngine * engine,
VuBool enable )

Turn on recognition engine for an Advanced (360) Model Target database while extended-tracking a model.

This setting enables the recognition engine when extended-tracking an existing target. When set to VU_FALSE, the recognition engine is stopped for Advanced (360) databases after a Model Target has been found and is never turned on again automatically. The Model Target observer needs to be deactivated and re-activated in order to turn on recognition again. When set to VU_TRUE, recognition is turned on as soon as an existing target is only extended-tracked. If the recognition engine finds a new target in the image frame, tracking will be switched to the newly identified target, resulting in tracking loss of the prior Model Target. The default value is VU_TRUE.

This can only be set when Vuforia is not running.

◆ vuModelTargetObservationGetStatusInfo()

VuResult vuModelTargetObservationGetStatusInfo ( const VuObservation * observation,
VuModelTargetObservationStatusInfo * statusInfo )

Get status info associated to the pose status of a Model Target observation.

The status info is intended to be used in combination with VuObservationPoseStatus retrieved via vuObservationGetPoseInfo.

◆ vuModelTargetObserverSetActiveStateName()

VuResult vuModelTargetObserverSetActiveStateName ( VuObserver * observer,
const char * stateName )

Set the active Model Target state by name.

observerThe Model Target observer to set the state of
stateNameThe name of the state to activate
Calling this function causes the Guide View's image to be outdated and a subsequent call to vuGuideViewGetImage() will return a new image with the updated Model Target state.

◆ vuModelTargetObserverGetAvailableStates()

VuResult vuModelTargetObserverGetAvailableStates ( const VuObserver * observer,
VuModelTargetStateList * list )

Get a list of all possible states of the Model Target.

This function has been deprecated. It will be removed in an upcoming Vuforia release. Please use vuModelTargetObserverGetAvailableStateInfos instead.

◆ vuModelTargetObserverGetAvailableStateInfos()

VuResult vuModelTargetObserverGetAvailableStateInfos ( const VuObserver * observer,
VuModelTargetStateInfoList * list )

Get a list of all state infos of all possible states of the Model Target.

The order of the available states is consistent with the order during authoring of the Model Target.

◆ vuModelTargetStateGetName()

VuResult vuModelTargetStateGetName ( const VuModelTargetState * state,
const char ** name )

Get the name of the Model Target state.

This function has been deprecated. It will be removed in an upcoming Vuforia release. Please use VuModelTargetStateInfo instead.
stateThe Model Target state to get the name from
nameOutput parameter for the name of the Model Target state

◆ vuModelTargetObserverGetGuideViewForAdvanced()

VuResult vuModelTargetObserverGetGuideViewForAdvanced ( const VuObserver * observer,
VuGuideView ** guideView )

Get a Guide View for an Advanced Model Target.

This function returns a VuGuideView that can be used to display a Guide View image to motivate users to point the camera at the object.

This Guide View has no name and cannot be activated. It's lifetime is bound to the lifetime of the observer.
Changing the pose of the Guide View only has an effect on the rendered image but will not influence the detection of the Model Target - this is exclusively determined by the views that are defined for training.
This function only succeeds for Advanced Model Targets and will fail for untrained Model Targets.
This function requires the Model Target observer to be active. Otherwise it will fail.
This is a potentially long running operation. Therefore, it is recommended to not call this function from the main/UI thread.