Area Targets Test App User Guide¶
A Unity Project Area Targets Test App is provided on the Vuforia download page for testing your scanned environment on HoloLens. The test app allows you to load your generated Area Target Device Databases and overlay outlines of the scanned space once localization occurs.
The test app is a distributable Unity project app solution for HoloLens. It supports adding multiple Area Targets, each in its own unique folder under the folder AreaTargetData. In the menu settings of the test app, you can switch between ̵̵̵̵̵̵ or activate multiple of your Area Target databases. The test app can also be a good starting template for your Area Target projects.
The Vuforia Creator App from the App Store for iOS devices and iOS devices with the LiDAR scanner lets you import Area Target Databases for testing and create and generate Area Targets. See the Vuforia Creator App for more information.
If you cannot access the environment to test your Area Target, you can instead use the Simulation Mode available in the Vuforia Engine SDK for Unity. See Unity Play Mode for more information.
Installing and Testing on HoloLens¶
Test your Area Targest on HoloLens devices using the available Unity Project from the Vuforia Download page.
Follow these steps to get started:
- Import the Unity package into an empty Unity Project and set it to the UWP platform in Build Settings. A message will ask you to install the latest Vuforia Engine SDK included in the package.
- Build the project to your HoloLens device.
- Start the app once so it creates the default data directory. Close the app.
Connect to the device again and use File Explorer to navigate to:
User Folders\LocalAppData\AreaTargetsTestHoloLens_<version>\LocalState\AreaTargetData\Dataset_X\
NOTE: Your generated database should be placed in one of the folders Dataset_[1_9].
Take your files and copy them to one of the folders. Each Dataset_[1_9] folder should only contain one database consisting of the files listed below:
– Vuforia Dataset binary container.YourAreaTarget\_occlusion.3dt
– converted 3D model of scanned space.YourAreaTarget.xml
- Vuforia Dataset configuration file.
When you start the app from the HoloLens menu, your available Area Target databases will automatically appear in a list.
- Dark grey indicates that a dataset is registered.
- Green indicates the active datasets.
- An empty circle indicates that no dataset was found in that registry.
Activate one or more of your datasets and look around the environment with your HoloLens to start tracking. Take a step or two in case tracking does not start immediately. If tracking has been established, you will see an outline rendered on top of the environment and a notification window stating which dataset was activated.
Voice Commands¶
You can use specific voice commands to control and activate your Area Targets on the HoloLens devices. Below is a list of available voice commands and their function.
Show List | Renders the list of datasets that you can choose to activate/deactivate |
Hide List | Hides the list of datasets. |
Activate Dataset [X] | Activates the dataset where X is a number between 1 and 9. A confirmation will appear in your view when the dataset is activated and tracked. |
Deactivate Dataset [X] | Deactivates the dataset where X is between 1 and 9. A confirmation listing the deactivated dataset will appear in your view. |
Reset | Resets all Trackers. |
Quit | Exits the application. |
When the Area Target is loaded, slowly pan around the space to start recognition and tracking. When the provided model of the scanned space is detected, it is rendered as a white outline over the physical environment.
Limited Tracking¶
In cases where the current view of the space does not provide enough visual features to establish an accurate location, the outline is rendered as orange to indicate that tracking is only available as a limited pose. You should slowly pan around the space to resume accurate tracking, which is indicated by the outline turning white again.
NOTE: It is often helpful to step away from the scene and focus on more visual features to achieve first recognition and/or resume accurate tracking faster.
If you lose tracking, e.g., after the app pauses and resumes, the test app will show a message and reset the experience after a given timeout so that you can recognize the target again. You can also reset the experience anytime using the voice command Reset.
Multiple Active Area Targets¶
The test app and your future applications can track multiple Area Targets simultaneously. This is useful for tracking very large areas or for managing rendered augmentations based on active Area Targets. The image below demonstrates two active Area Targets: one target is tracked, covering the closer part of the hallway, and the second Area Target near the end of the hallway is in a limited state because it is too far to be tracked accurately.