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Model Target Generator

The Model Target Generator is a desktop application that generates Model Targets from existing 3D models. You can test Model Targets through the Vuforia Creator App or the Model Target Test App for Android.

Model Target CLI

The Model Target CLI is a command line tool for generating untrained Model Targets as part of a scripted toolchain. It supports signing Model Targets using OAuth credentials and Engine login credentials.
Note: Model Simplification and Advanced Model Target generation are not supported.

Area Target Generator

The Area Target Generator is a desktop application for generating Area Targets from a 3D scan of an environment. You can test Area Targets through the Vuforia Creator App or the Area Target Test App.

Vuforia Creator App

The Vuforia Creator App is an essential companion for anyone developing augmented reality apps using Vuforia Engine. The app can scan, generate, and test Area Targets, test Model Targets, and record sessions that can be played back during development and testing.
Note: Only LiDAR-enabled iOS devices support Area Target scanning.

VuMark Designer

The VuMark Designer plugin allows you to create your own VuMark in Adobe® Illustrator®.
Note: Adobe and Illustrator are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the United States and/or other countries.

Vuforia Camera Bridge

The Vuforia Camera Bridge for Vuforia Engine UWP applications is an adapter interface for accessing external camera feeds via the Windows Media Foundation API.

Session Recorder Conversion Tool

The Session Recorder Conversion Tools is available to convert session recordings created with Vuforia Engine 10.20 or newer into a format that can be used by earlier versions of Engine. See the documentation for instructions how to use it.