▼ OEM | |
▼ Driver | |
▼ include | |
▼ VuforiaEngine | |
▼ Driver | |
Driver.h | Header file for the Vuforia Driver |
▼ output | |
▼ arm64-v8a | |
▼ public | |
▼ Release | |
▼ SDK | |
▼ VuforiaEngine | |
▼ docs | |
▼ doxy_mods | |
mainpage.h | Header file to hold documentation for the main Doxygen documentation page |
▼ include | |
▼ VuforiaEngine | |
VuforiaEngine.h | Umbrella header for the Vuforia Engine |
▼ VuforiaEngine | |
▼ Controller | |
▼ Android | |
PlatformController_Android.h | Android-specific functionality for the Vuforia Engine |
▼ iOS | |
PlatformController_iOS.h | IOS-specific functionality for the Vuforia Engine |
▼ UWP | |
PlatformController_UWP.h | UWP-specific functionality for the Vuforia Engine |
AreaTargetCaptureController.h | Controller to access the Area Target Capture functionality in the Vuforia Engine |
CameraController.h | Controller to access camera-specific functionality in the Vuforia Engine |
PlatformController.h | Controller to access platform-specific functionality in the Vuforia Engine |
RenderController.h | Controller to access rendering-specific functionality in the Vuforia Engine |
SessionRecorderController.h | Controller to access the session recording functionality in the Vuforia Engine |
▼ Core | |
Database.h | Functionality supporting the discovery of target information in databases |
MathUtils.h | Linear algebra-related utility functions |
System.h | Platform-specific macros and data types |
▼ Engine | |
▼ Android | |
PlatformConfig_Android.h | Android-specific configuration for the Vuforia Engine |
▼ iOS | |
PlatformConfig_iOS.h | IOS-specific configuration for the Vuforia Engine |
▼ Lumin | |
PlatformConfig_Lumin.h | Lumin-specific configuration for the Vuforia Engine |
▼ UWP | |
PlatformConfig_UWP.h | UWP-specific configuration for the Vuforia Engine |
DeviceCalibrationConfig.h | Device calibration-specific configuration data for the Vuforia Engine |
DriverConfig.h | Vuforia Driver-specific configuration data for the Vuforia Engine |
Engine.h | Data structures, data types, constants and functions related to the configuration and lifecycle management of core Engine objects |
ErrorHandlerConfig.h | Configuration for handling errors that impact the Engine lifecycle and occur asynchronously after the Engine instance has been created |
FusionProviderConfig.h | Vuforia Fusion Provider-specific configuration data for the Vuforia Engine |
LicenseConfig.h | License configuration data for the Vuforia Engine |
LogHandlerConfig.h | Configuration to enable Apps to receive log events from Vuforia Engine |
PluginConfig.h | Plugin-specific configuration data for the Vuforia Engine |
RenderConfig.h | Rendering-specific configuration data for the Vuforia Engine |
▼ Observer | |
AnchorObserver.h | Observer to create and manage anchors |
AreaTargetObserver.h | Observer for the AreaTarget feature |
BarcodeObserver.h | Observer for the barcode feature |
CloudImageTargetObserver.h | Observer for the Cloud Image Target feature |
CylinderTargetObserver.h | Observer for the Cylinder Target feature |
DevicePoseObserver.h | Observer for tracking the device pose |
IlluminationObserver.h | Observer for illumination information |
ImageTargetObserver.h | Observer for the Image Target feature |
MeshObserver.h | Observer for the Mesh feature |
ModelTargetObserver.h | Observer for the Model Target feature |
MultiTargetObserver.h | Observer for the Multi-Target feature |
ValidationAreaObserver.h | Validation Area observer for the StepCheck feature |
VuMarkObserver.h | Observer for the VuMark feature |